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Renderings of the new facility

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LongTimeCatFan said:
AZGrizFan said:
grizindabox said:
I am still wondering what Alpha showed him? cough//penis//cough
:lol: :lol: :clap: :clap:

The latent homosexuality emanating out of Missoula is astounding. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)

Especially seeing that the cats have been our bitches for the past generation...
Ursa Major said:
LongTimeCatFan said:
AZGrizFan said:
grizindabox said:
I am still wondering what Alpha showed him? cough//penis//cough
:lol: :lol: :clap: :clap:

The latent homosexuality emanating out of Missoula is astounding. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)

Especially seeing that the cats have been our bitches for the past generation...


FTG Ursa




That is all
* Sigh *. The stuff over at MB isn't the actual files of the renderings. Merely pics (probably cell-phone) of said pages. He's charging someone to see his photos, not charging for what the images are photos of. If he wants to charge a fee for seeing photos (that he took), he can certainly do that...capitalism, baby. :twocents:
Big G said:
Yesterday longtimecatfan was alpha and now I am? Would you fells make up your mind, you will still be wrong but at least make it one person unless you are so insecure you let a person on a screen name mess with your day. I have no agenda I just have opinions like others on here but I get attacked from day one and run off.

Whether you or LTCF are Alpha or not...the fact still remains...both are douche bags.
BadlandsGrizFan said:
Big G said:
Yesterday longtimecatfan was alpha and now I am? Would you fells make up your mind, you will still be wrong but at least make it one person unless you are so insecure you let a person on a screen name mess with your day. I have no agenda I just have opinions like others on here but I get attacked from day one and run off.

Whether you or LTCF are Alpha or not...the fact still remains...both are douche bags.

Oh the IRONY :clap: :clap:
I see that goriz.com put up pictures of the new facilities so everyone can now see them and they are not charging a thing like that other pos. They must have got the message when I sent my email that the word was already out so they hurried up to post the pictures.
Big G said:
I see that goriz.com put up pictures of the new facilities so everyone can now see them and they are not charging a thing like that other pos. They must have got the message when I sent my email that the word was already out so they hurried up to post the pictures.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh yeah, I'm sure that's it. You are SUCH a power broker... :roll:
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