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Ready…to Brawl!

IdaGriz01 said:
GrizGuy said:
I'm ready. Not sure the Griz are, based on today's game. But I hope they get ready!
Go Griz!
BIG difference: Griz are at home. :thumb:

Been awhile since I've seen a team that played so different (Bad!) on the road compared to being at home. And, bad as they looked for a long time, they ended up winning handily. (But it sure is stressful for us fans. ;) )

Wouldn't it be great if they could start out with about a 21-0 lead so we fans wouldn't have to stress out? :lol:
Griz will start Shay Smithwick- Hann and I predict he will play most of the first half. He begins the second half into the mid third quarter. Our Jordy J comes in and hands off to Jordy C and Griz score a TD. Why? The scats new we were going to pass with Jordy J in and they got completely fooled as the Griz go on to win another barn burning (Ash?) brawl. Coach Delaney is carried out on the Griz players shoulders for thinking up such a neat offensive strategy and all hell breaks loose in Montana.

I'm Ready! Go Griz brawl em!

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