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Rachac tweets Jordan Johnson is expelled

I would like to personally thank Bobby Hauck and Jim ODay for fostering and nurturing the current culture at UM so it could grow and flourish into what it has become today.

Further proof that if you look the other way long enough sooner or later somebody with morality and balls will step in and do the right thing to clean up a mess that ran rampant for a decade.

Way to be a leader and clean up this program Royce Engstrom, nobody does it better than you.


Still pathetic as ever, I believe you made a promise, gave your word that if Pfluffy does not win a national championship within 3 years you would leave Egriz. How I am not suprised that you are not a man of your word. Then again you are not even a man, so there you have it.
I am inclined to believe that the panel was made of sober rational people that were well aware of the gravity of their decision. Most people here are not privy to the facts that are known about the case, but rather just want to believe what they want to believe.

Of course I would like it if Jordan were a completely flawless person who does nothing but works hard and doesn't make stupid decisions. I would hope he was a scholar and just a fine exemplar of the seven virtues. But I realize that may not be true.

Do I know what is true? Absolutely not, but I know there will be egriz blowhards that come out and say that he is definitely innocent. But I will say that unless said blowhard produces some tangible reasons for their statement (not just some vague allusion to "my source said there was a text message") then I trust the committee to make the right decision.
MooUBaby said:
Cats2506 said:
MooUBaby said:
JBS said:
I hate innuendo. The huge majority of folks on this board don't even pretend to know the facts, so we give opinions. This doesn't bother me, even though a lot of the opinions are ridiculous. What does bother me is those of you who come off as being in the know and are privy to all the facts, but don't give the facts. If you know something but aren't going to tell us what it is, why even come on here? Either be a full blown whistle blower and tell all, or keep your mouth shut, in my opinion. If you are an insider who is bound not to reveal anything, then what the hell are you doing here? This is actually directed at 2 posters in this thread, you and Indian-Outlaw.
Here we go, it's only a matter of time before this thread gets way off track. Looks like I'm gonna be eating my popcorn a little earlier than expected today! :lol: :lol:

I'm just waiting to see what PR has to say on this one :lol: :lol:

---- Oh damn, there goes 5 wins :shock:

gonna be a fun weekend :shock:
Hey 2506 is that a picture of PlayerRape on the college thread over on BobcatNation?

Sportin' Life said:
I am inclined to believe that the panel was made of sober rational people that were well aware of the gravity of their decision. Most people here are not privy to the facts that are known about the case, but rather just want to believe what they want to believe.

Of course I would like it if Jordan were a completely flawless person who does nothing but works hard and doesn't make stupid decisions. I would hope he was a scholar and just a fine exemplar of the seven virtues. But I realize that may not be true.

Do I know what is true? Absolutely not, but I know there will be egriz blowhards that come out and say that he is definitely innocent. But I will say that unless said blowhard produces some tangible reasons for their statement (not just some vague allusion to "my source said there was a text message") then I trust the committee to make the right decision.

I like this guy.
PTGrizzly said:
Sportin' Life said:
I am inclined to believe that the panel was made of sober rational people that were well aware of the gravity of their decision. Most people here are not privy to the facts that are known about the case, but rather just want to believe what they want to believe.

Of course I would like it if Jordan were a completely flawless person who does nothing but works hard and doesn't make stupid decisions. I would hope he was a scholar and just a fine exemplar of the seven virtues. But I realize that may not be true.

Do I know what is true? Absolutely not, but I know there will be egriz blowhards that come out and say that he is definitely innocent. But I will say that unless said blowhard produces some tangible reasons for their statement (not just some vague allusion to "my source said there was a text message") then I trust the committee to make the right decision.

I like this guy.
I concur.
O'Day? Gone!; Phlu? Gone!; JJ? Gone! If this doesn't send a loud and clear message nothing will.

And to those of you thinking this will hurt recruiting, I say Fine! Any recruit that has to question whether his personal behavior will result in his expulsion from the University, I don't want on my FB team in the first place.

As many have said--this was a long time coming.
Well the feminist movement in Missoula wins this one. They have forever been crying foul and now have the attention of an entire nation. They were smart enough to use the very success of the football program to strengthen they're agenda. Lets all be fair and say rapes occur and the violater should be punished but a lot of this is to further a cause. The Missoulian has been very unfair in they're reporting to the point that it created a story(UM Football Players are the only culprtits) in regards to sexual allegations on campus. The Board of Regents is concerned about funding and Engtrom seems to be in way over his head. Something that occurs on every campus in America comes to the headline in Missoula. I am concerned for UofM because this fight between a college and a community has shaken out to be very nasty and very hurtful. My daughter informed me a fews days back she will not be attending Montana and is going "elsewhere." She is fully scholarshipped and has a bright future and it sickens me to learn this. My suggestion is the so called leadership of this institution and the BOR better get this figured out pdq or we'll see enrollment figures drop like a box of rocks. Its not going to be is campus safe but is campus fair. What a shame!! :(
i heard this was going to happen several months ago from someone who would know this sort of thing (no details were provided). it was well before the rape allegation, so i suspect there is a lot more to the story.
bigkid said:
Well the feminist movement in Missoula wins this one. They have forever been crying foul and now have the attention of an entire nation. They were smart enough to use the very success of the football program to strengthen they're agenda. Lets all be fair and say rapes occur and the violater should be punished but a lot of this is to further a cause. The Missoulian has been very unfair in they're reporting to the point that it created a story(UM Football Players are the only culprtits) in regards to sexual allegations on campus. The Board of Regents is concerned about funding and Engtrom seems to be in way over his head. Something that occurs on every campus in America comes to the headline in Missoula. I am concerned for UofM because this fight between a college and a community has shaken out to be very nasty and very hurtful. My daughter informed me a fews days back she will not be attending Montana and is going "elsewhere." She is fully scholarshipped and has a bright future and it sickens me to learn this. My suggestion is the so called leadership of this institution and the BOR better get this figured out pdq or we'll see enrollment figures drop like a box of rocks. Its not going to be is campus safe but is campus fair. What a shame!! :(

I would start supporting your daughter and being happy about where she's going to college. I'm sure she has scholarships elsewhere, her not going to UM isn't the end of the world.
You all should read the code of conduct and the level of proof required. The "court" is nothing of the sort. It is all stacked in favor of the accuser and not the accussed. There is no due process for any student alleged to have committed an off campus sexual offense. The standard of proof is the lowest legal standard allowed. Rules of evidence do not apply. So this means nothing in terms of the merits against any student as to whether that student actually legally committed the alleged offense. People ought to be talking about the injustice of being expelled over an alleged offense you will never be charged with because there is not proof beyond a reasonable doubt, much less proof by clear and convincing evidence. Nope, all the "court" as some may call it, considers in an off campus sexual offense is proof by a preponderance of the evidence. This in an injustice for all students and I am ashamed that in our system of justice, administrative rules tied to financing are allowed to ruin students lives who are viewed under the Constitution as innocent. This goes beyond football and while you all are on e-Griz day and night you are slowly losing all of your rights. That is the real story here. I hope the news is not true, but if it is it means nothing in terms of truth.
grizindabox said:
Tokyo, you do realize that the student code of conduct, that every student must follow, has many things that a student can be punished for, and many of them have nothing to do with being convicted of a crime. Cheating is a prime example. No kid will go to jail for cheating in a class, but they could be kicked out of school.

But, I cannot just say "Jimmy was cheating" and have him expelled...I am sure I would need proof first!
rgrizfan said:
grizindabox said:
Tokyo, you do realize that the student code of conduct, that every student must follow, has many things that a student can be punished for, and many of them have nothing to do with being convicted of a crime. Cheating is a prime example. No kid will go to jail for cheating in a class, but they could be kicked out of school.

But, I cannot just say "Jimmy was cheating" and have him expelled...I am sure I would need proof first!

I am sure they had information, but the student code of conduct is more of an ethical right and wrong as opposed to the legal system guilty and not guilty. If you start digging through the student code of conduct, you will quickly realize that the level of proof necessary, and the actions that one can be punished, are very different from the court of law.
rgrizfan said:
grizindabox said:
Tokyo, you do realize that the student code of conduct, that every student must follow, has many things that a student can be punished for, and many of them have nothing to do with being convicted of a crime. Cheating is a prime example. No kid will go to jail for cheating in a class, but they could be kicked out of school.

But, I cannot just say "Jimmy was cheating" and have him expelled...I am sure I would need proof first!
it's not "jimmy was cheating" it's "marty was cheating" :lol: sorry, for us "older" fans
Cleaning up corruption is not pretty, and Engstrom is cleaning up the corruption in the Griz football program. I can't list all "evidence" of corruption in the program over the last decade, or even before that. But, there are many eGrizzers who have alluded to this, and I believe anyone who has attended UM or has been close to the program has suspected it, if not known it.

The era is over at UM for football players and/or coaches to get preferential treatment for indiscretions and infractions, let alone misdemeanors and felonies. Colleges are cracking down on this stuff. Witness Gregorak's summary firing at UNLV, even before a court found him innocent of the charges against him.

Now, UM football pays the price, but I believe it is a price worth paying. It's been said that there is no such thing as bad PR. Well, that's not true in UM's case. A college football program, whether justifiably or not, has a great impact on a school's image, for better or for worse. In UM's case, it's been for the worse, overshadowing Griz football success in the FCS.

Even though I think Bobby Hauck is a good football coach, if he were still at UM, Engstrom would have fired him. And, I'd still be saying the same thing. It's notable that Hauck is in his 3rd year at UNLV, and there has never been a whiff of scandal, other than the Gregorak episode. I don't think that's accidental; I think Bobby has gotten the message, and I think all football programs around the country have gotten the message, or should, because "it's a different ball game."

Whine, cry, accuse Engstrom all you want, but that's what happens when corruption gets cleaned up, and Engstrom knows that. I don't think he's trying to save his job. Hell, he might be happier going back to teaching chemistry. He's blown the whistle on a corrupt UM football program, and the price has been losing a talented football coach and AD, and perhaps a talented QB and other football players in the process.

Maybe this coming season will be traumatic for the Griz; I doubt it. I believe the Griz will not lose a step next season. They will have a clean coaching staff and clean players, and that's the way it should be, and should have been. Plus, they will still have their fans, eGrizzers among them.
Ok, besides tweets, which I trust about as far as I can throw a cow, is there any confirmation this is true? I have been scouring the news outlets and have found nothing. You would think the Missoulian (no agenda, I promise!) would be all over this one like white on rice. Heck, they are the lead source of reporting on any UM scandal.

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