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Predictions for St. Francis at home

With apologies to Father Bede Hines, they need to lose that track around their field if they want to have an awesome home field advantage!
I just learned that their conference has a limit of 45 scholarships for football. We should roll them with relative ease. I hope we do anyway, show the 20 something recruits on their visits what a ass whoopin looks like.
28-17. Their defense forces us for the next week about how we need to fire Stitt and how bad he is that he only put 28 on St. Francis
CV Griz Fan said:
28-10 Griz win. The O starts slow. We'll see......

glad to see someone sort of on the same page. I get weary of the 5 td blowout predictions on here
If the new Griz defense gells then this shouldn't be close ... even though St francis only had a 6-5 season last year and lost to every good team they played, they are not out of it if the new "D" isn't as good as the old "D" ... imo

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