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Oregon and Oregon St Will Require Vaccine or Negative Test to be in Stadium

Cuervohola said:
I wonder why no stadiums or other locations are allowing proof of antibodies? If someone has antibodies from being infected, they can't get the virus, ergo can't pass it along. I think I'm correct about that, unless someone can still get the Delta variant or the next variant that happens on a yearly basis.

If only there was an expert Epidemiologist that worked for the government... That would be nice to have an official person that knew what the hell they were talking about.

Can't get it twice huh....https://www.wbaltv.com/article/lamar-jackson-returns-to-practice-following-second-positive-covid-19-prognosis/37260887#
HelenaHandBasket said:
Cuervohola said:
I wonder why no stadiums or other locations are allowing proof of antibodies? If someone has antibodies from being infected, they can't get the virus, ergo can't pass it along. I think I'm correct about that, unless someone can still get the Delta variant or the next variant that happens on a yearly basis.

If only there was an expert Epidemiologist that worked for the government... That would be nice to have an official person that knew what the hell they were talking about.

Can't get it twice huh....https://www.wbaltv.com/article/lamar-jackson-returns-to-practice-following-second-positive-covid-19-prognosis/37260887#

If I had a crisp BUCK for every time you invented something or twisted it to fit your narrative, I wouldn't need the stock market.

(You picked the right party, time to run for office when Tester loses BIGLY)

Key point of the day... IF SOMEONE HAS ANTIBODIES.

Please proceed like normal when I correct you, which is to say absolutely nothing.
Cuervohola said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
Can't get it twice huh....https://www.wbaltv.com/article/lamar-jackson-returns-to-practice-following-second-positive-covid-19-prognosis/37260887#

If I had a crisp BUCK for every time you invented something or twisted it to fit your narrative, I wouldn't need the stock market.

(You picked the right party, time to run for office when Tester loses BIGLY)

Key point of the day... IF SOMEONE HAS ANTIBODIES.

Please proceed like normal when I correct you, which is to say absolutely nothing.

Antibody tests do not provide any info on level of protection. A person can have antibodies and still be susceptible to reinfection and there is evidence that they can still transmit the disease. Your statement is factually incorrect.
HelenaHandBasket said:
Cuervohola said:
If I had a crisp BUCK for every time you invented something or twisted it to fit your narrative, I wouldn't need the stock market.

(You picked the right party, time to run for office when Tester loses BIGLY)

Key point of the day... IF SOMEONE HAS ANTIBODIES.

Please proceed like normal when I correct you, which is to say absolutely nothing.

Antibody tests do not provide any info on level of protection. A person can have antibodies and still be susceptible to reinfection and there is evidence that they can still transmit the disease. Your statement is factually incorrect.

My statement is they can't be reinfected with the same variant. If someone had Covid, maybe they could get Delta. Studies done say that it's very unlikely someone can get reinfected if they have antibodies. This was before Delta I think because it doesn't mention that. This is a Fauci site though, so it's probably wrong.

Now, as far as your statement, if that were blanket true, then we would have Chicken Pox every few years, right?

SaskGriz said:
We have a messed up political system here in Canada. A party can win 35-40% of the popular vote and win a majority in our parliament. So when I say this, I'm not trying to be preachy just observational.

The binary system of politics in America seems to pin some rational people into a corner because they don't support the other person so they end up supporting something that would be morally untenable to them normally. I know lots of economic conservatives who would never normally support building a wall or even having a drink with some birther/tea party/ anti-science supporter. And I know lots of democrats who think political correct/ re-write history/ legalize all drugs/ defund the police supporters are wack jobs.

Seems like in both countries, this all or nothing idea, might not be the answer.

My two cents or one cent .6 Canadian.

Interesting post, Sask. My initial thought was that the US political system was much more like the Canadian political system 25 years ago. The bell curve of the beliefs of the political parties tended to bulge in the mainstream middle with nut jobs on the tailing ends.

That changed in the US with the rise of the political star class that cared more about scoring points being interviewed by cable news networks than about good governance. Newt Gingrich was a pioneer of this scorched earth politics.

The next change was the proliferation of both right wing and left wing news. This furthered the split of the US political parties. Canada doesn’t have a homegrown Fox News.

This is an interesting article on how Canada has surpassed the US in vaccination. It describes how the Canadian right criticized the Canadian left during the pandemic because they were taking too long to get the country fully vaccinated. Canadian’s bitch about their government but have far more faith in it than their neighbors to the South.


My advice, build a wall.
SaskGriz said:
We have a messed up political system here in Canada. A party can win 35-40% of the popular vote and win a majority in our parliament. So when I say this, I'm not trying to be preachy just observational.

The binary system of politics in America seems to pin some rational people into a corner because they don't support the other person so they end up supporting something that would be morally untenable to them normally. I know lots of economic conservatives who would never normally support building a wall or even having a drink with some birther/tea party/ anti-science supporter. And I know lots of democrats who think political correct/ re-write history/ legalize all drugs/ defund the police supporters are wack jobs.

Seems like in both countries, this all or nothing idea, might not be the answer.

My two cents or one cent .6 Canadian.
Wow, that's insane. Good thing that never happens in the US...

The FDA (Fast Drug Approval Agency) doesn't regulate a thing. It's up to the Pharma company to publish results and other info on 8K forms with the Securities and Exchange Commission for their share holders and the public to digest. They can lie all they want, as the FDA doesn't do anything. At the very maximum, the CEO's will get a wrist slap monetary fine of a few Million from the SEC while the drug in question made a few Billion.

Ever seen a publicly traded company at about $100 drop to $5 when it was discovered that the CEO blatantly lied? I have... The CEO? Still there, with yearly bonuses of course...

It's no secret that the heads of the FDA are / were heads at Pharma companies and vice versa. The last FDA commish, Scott Gottlieb, is currently on the Board of Directors at....


Oh, and as far as vaccines, if you or a loved one is maimed or killed by a Covid vaccine, you have no recourse to sue, courtesy of your member of congress. Thank them today, won't you? Even if they weren't in office when that was passed, they didn't do anything to repeal it.

You might be able to get compensation, not if you're a Veteran and the jab was in service though... Nothing for you. (Second Link)

Roll your sleeve up, they "tested it"... You can trust them, they are honest every day and twice on Sunday.... When you rub your arm after the shot, make sure you rub the correct one, unlike Fauci.


Cuervohola said:
I wonder why no stadiums or other locations are allowing proof of antibodies? If someone has antibodies from being infected, they can't get the virus, ergo can't pass it along. I think I'm correct about that, unless someone can still get the Delta variant or the next variant that happens on a yearly basis.

If only there was an expert Epidemiologist that worked for the government... That would be nice to have an official person that knew what the hell they were talking about.
Based on your previous posts, I'm not sure any scientist could walk you through this. I also feel like you didn't post with an open mind in terms of what you believe. I feel like it's unlikely you would change your position or post based on something you read on here. Perhaps the internet is not the best place for you.
SaskGriz said:
Cuervohola said:
I wonder why no stadiums or other locations are allowing proof of antibodies? If someone has antibodies from being infected, they can't get the virus, ergo can't pass it along. I think I'm correct about that, unless someone can still get the Delta variant or the next variant that happens on a yearly basis.

If only there was an expert Epidemiologist that worked for the government... That would be nice to have an official person that knew what the hell they were talking about.
Based on your previous posts, I'm not sure any scientist could walk you through this. I also feel like you didn't post with an open mind in terms of what you believe. I feel like it's unlikely you would change your position or post based on something you read on here. Perhaps the internet is not the best place for you.

How could you be walked through this when the lead government scientist that's been at the top of the chain for almost 4 decades has NO BLOODY CLUE what he's talking about? Where do you see any indication I'm here to change my mind?

If you think people are here to figure out their "feelings", maybe it's you that needs to lay on a couch and talk to someone.
Just like clockwork... My last post about a publicly traded company losing value after lying to shareholders, posted last night, and today it happened (allegedly)... Cassava Sciences is accused of lying about Alzheimer's data for one of it's products... The share value lost 31 percent of it's value today, and 4000 Ambulance chaser law firms are lining up to sue them.

Regardless of what happens, that's a perfect example. Lets say they are guilty for the argument. If they had gotten away with it, nobody would know, at least not us that are relying on said drug to help our older parents or grandparents... Lets say it was a BLOCKBUSTER drug that Flied through clinical trials and showed incredible results in mitigating "sundowning" that happens with Alzheimer's patients...

It would be on every news broadcast and radio broadcast, you would know the company by name, the valuation of the company would be a few Billion overnight if not more, etc...

Now, just my real example last night, and it happening out of the Blue today... Drug companies do that shit ALL THE TIME... It's almost like they aren't respected if they don't play dirty.

Now, you can probably figure out my whole point leads to why do people trust Pfizer, J&J and Moderna like they were family and have never done anything wrong? Halos for those three, they are Saints... ???

Cuervohola said:
Just like clockwork... My last post about a publicly traded company losing value after lying to shareholders, posted last night, and today it happened (allegedly)... Cassava Sciences is accused of lying about Alzheimer's data for one of it's products... The share value lost 31 percent of it's value today, and 4000 Ambulance chaser law firms are lining up to sue them.

Regardless of what happens, that's a perfect example. Lets say they are guilty for the argument. If they had gotten away with it, nobody would know, at least not us that are relying on said drug to help our older parents or grandparents... Lets say it was a BLOCKBUSTER drug that Flied through clinical trials and showed incredible results in mitigating "sundowning" that happens with Alzheimer's patients...

It would be on every news broadcast and radio broadcast, you would know the company by name, the valuation of the company would be a few Billion overnight if not more, etc...

Now, just my real example last night, and it happening out of the Blue today... Drug companies do that shit ALL THE TIME... It's almost like they aren't respected if they don't play dirty.

Now, you can probably figure out my whole point leads to why do people trust Pfizer, J&J and Moderna like they were family and have never done anything wrong? Halos for those three, they are Saints... ???

One of your quotes on here is from Donald Trump. If you want to be taken seriously you can't quote a guy who was too dumb to make money on casinos. Ever been to Vegas? Or Red Lake Minnesota, or Biloxi or Butte. You can't lose money, that's like selling heroin and not breaking even.
Oh, you got me good, Sask! Whoa boy, I have met my match, and from someone in Canada no less. That is just, I don't have wor... kind of losing my speech here, that was impressive.

How do I translate that to Canadian... See boo play de woo cooch la vee de la pepe le peu!
SaskGriz said:
Cuervohola said:
Just like clockwork... My last post about a publicly traded company losing value after lying to shareholders, posted last night, and today it happened (allegedly)... Cassava Sciences is accused of lying about Alzheimer's data for one of it's products... The share value lost 31 percent of it's value today, and 4000 Ambulance chaser law firms are lining up to sue them.

Regardless of what happens, that's a perfect example. Lets say they are guilty for the argument. If they had gotten away with it, nobody would know, at least not us that are relying on said drug to help our older parents or grandparents... Lets say it was a BLOCKBUSTER drug that Flied through clinical trials and showed incredible results in mitigating "sundowning" that happens with Alzheimer's patients...

It would be on every news broadcast and radio broadcast, you would know the company by name, the valuation of the company would be a few Billion overnight if not more, etc...

Now, just my real example last night, and it happening out of the Blue today... Drug companies do that shit ALL THE TIME... It's almost like they aren't respected if they don't play dirty.

Now, you can probably figure out my whole point leads to why do people trust Pfizer, J&J and Moderna like they were family and have never done anything wrong? Halos for those three, they are Saints... ???

One of your quotes on here is from Donald Trump. If you want to be taken seriously you can't quote a guy who was too dumb to make money on casinos. Ever been to Vegas? Or Red Lake Minnesota, or Biloxi or Butte. You can't lose money, that's like selling heroin and not breaking even.

Nice try, but no cigar. There have been several Atlantic City casinos who have gone tits-up, not just Trump's. Also, several in Las Vegas. And, I'll bet you would trade your teaching salary for Trump's net worth in a New York Minute. Stay in your woke utopia. We don't need or desire your socialist system down here. My orthopedic surgeon buddy in Phoenix salivates every winter, as the Canucks flee to Arizona to get their hip and knee surgeries done, paying out of their own pockets, because your pathetic medical system prevents them from getting by placing them on 2-4 year waiting lists.
hunt-ducks said:
SaskGriz said:
One of your quotes on here is from Donald Trump. If you want to be taken seriously you can't quote a guy who was too dumb to make money on casinos. Ever been to Vegas? Or Red Lake Minnesota, or Biloxi or Butte. You can't lose money, that's like selling heroin and not breaking even.

Nice try, but no cigar. There have been several Atlantic City casinos who have gone tits-up, not just Trump's. Also, several in Las Vegas. And, I'll bet you would trade your teaching salary for Trump's net worth in a New York Minute. Stay in your woke utopia. We don't need or desire your socialist system down here. My orthopedic surgeon buddy in Phoenix salivates every winter, as the Canucks flee to Arizona to get their hip and knee surgeries done, paying out of their own pockets, because your pathetic medical system prevents them from getting by placing them on 2-4 year waiting lists.
Course I'd take Trumps money over a teaching salary, who wouldn't?

Don't know what medical systems have to do with terrible businessmen but I'll bite. Both my Mom and my GF's dad have had a knee replacement in the last two years and a buddy of mine just got his hip done this weekend. All three waited less than 4 months from diagnosis and that's during a pandemic. If our medical system is so pathetic why is our life expectancy so much higher?

Is your orthopedic surgeon buddy that same guy who told you the GRIZ were close to Iowa and Tennessee at halftime? How'd that nugget of football wisdom turn out for you?

You are four ply, pal.
I have no idea what that means, so it must be a made up term by the Leftists like "conspiracy".

But... Do feel free to get the vaccine.

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