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Ok, hoops, what's your lame excuse for BH now?


Well-known member
Pathetic, disgusting, embarrassing, pitiful. Are there any more adjectives to describe this clusterf#$k today? The playoffs are officially in our rear view mirror.
70Griz said:
Pathetic, disgusting, embarrassing, pitiful. Are there any more adjectives to describe this clusterf#$k today? The playoffs are officially in our rear view mirror.

Can uncle denny buys us a playoff game.
I can’t wait for that loser to chime in. What kind of stats is he going to have for us?

But.but.but Bobby said he is going to fix things.
Hoops said he would be in France at the Rugby World Cup. That's 7-8 hr ahead of Mountain Time. He's asleep. Patience. :sleep:
Let’s hope he doesn’t have a heart attack first. I really want to hear what he has to say.
So funny hoops is nowhere to be seen. Normally he’s always online. Remember all of the naysayers are football idiots! Probably on his pseudo username now.
3-7-77 said:
Hoops said he would be in France at the Rugby World Cup. That's 7-8 hr ahead of Mountain Time. He's asleep. Patience. :sleep:

actually he was on here at 9:05 pm you can click on his user name and see when he was last active. Probably couldn't sleep.
3-7-77 said:
Hoops said he would be in France at the Rugby World Cup. That's 7-8 hr ahead of Mountain Time. He's asleep. Patience. :sleep:

BS.... hoops flew in the team plane to Flagstaff, coached a crap game, spewed some BS at the post game presser then flew home again .. hoops is BH.... it all makes sense now...
Butte5518 said:
3-7-77 said:
Hoops said he would be in France at the Rugby World Cup. That's 7-8 hr ahead of Mountain Time. He's asleep. Patience. :sleep:

BS.... hoops flew in the team plane to Flagstaff, coached a crap game, spewed some BS at the post game presser then flew home again .. hoops is BH.... it all makes sense now...

Finkle is Einhorn! Einhorn is Finkle!!
3-7-77 said:
Hoops said he would be in France at the Rugby World Cup. That's 7-8 hr ahead of Mountain Time. He's asleep. Patience. :sleep:

He's watching rugby? Does he understand it? Did he even play the game?
he checked the board at 9:05 pm yesterday and 4:00 am today I am guessing he is letting this all soak in before his closing argument.
I largely stopped listening to Riley’s BS, I might actually tune in this week to listen how he and Bobby decide to spin it.
Butte5518 said:
3-7-77 said:
Hoops said he would be in France at the Rugby World Cup. That's 7-8 hr ahead of Mountain Time. He's asleep. Patience. :sleep:

BS.... hoops flew in the team plane to Flagstaff, coached a crap game, spewed some BS at the post game presser then flew home again .. hoops is BH.... it all makes sense now...

That’s some tinfoil hat isht right there!! Lol
Allezchat said:
3-7-77 said:
Hoops said he would be in France at the Rugby World Cup. That's 7-8 hr ahead of Mountain Time. He's asleep. Patience. :sleep:

He's watching rugby? Does he understand it? Did he even play the game?

Ha, that's too funny. Hoops can be a good poster, but he's constantly held back by an overly inflated ego that masks some sort of insecurity. Once I pointed out insecurity in his old screen name, and Hoops flew in to defend the honor of said other screen name. As in, acting like a third person to defend what was actually himself. It was amazing.

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