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New Rumor: Bob Stitt Candidate for Fordham

MrTitleist said:
Eriul said:
PlayerRep said:
fanofzoo said:
Any rumors of a tee shirt sale.

How do you think Stitt Happens tee shirts would go over at BYU?

My dad played a year at BYU. He was Sioux Indian, Irish and Catholic and from the Fort Peck Reservation.

It would go over fine... many think Mormons to be extremely prude but that’s a minority

Having grown up in a very heavy mormon town.. they are very prude-like. Very conservative.

On the outside....
putter said:
MrTitleist said:
Eriul said:
PlayerRep said:
How do you think Stitt Happens tee shirts would go over at BYU?
I have know and worked with many Mormons over the years. Most are very good people.

My dad played a year at BYU. He was Sioux Indian, Irish and Catholic and from the Fort Peck Reservation.

It would go over fine... many think Mormons to be extremely prude but that’s a minority

Having grown up in a very heavy mormon town.. they are very prude-like. Very conservative.

On the outside....
How about stopping the Mormon bashing, folks. I know as many as any of you and can say they are good people.
Not bashing here. Know some very good people that are LDS. Not for me however.

I do like me a fun Jack Mormon girl however. They are a close second to a preacher's daughter.

Most girls go to BYU to get their Mrs.
We have a lot of LDS lawyers in our SLC office. As a group, they are the hardest-working, smartest and nicest people in our firm, and beyond. I like to go out with them too, because I can concentrate on the alcohol and they can be the designated drivers. I am completely serious about my second sentence above.
PlayerRep said:
We have a lot of LDS lawyers in our SLC office. As a group, they are the hardest-working, smartest and nicest people in our firm, and beyond. I like to go out with them too, because I can concentrate on the alcohol and they can be the designated drivers. I am completely serious about my second sentence above.

This is true. I have had LDS bosses, and many friends that are LDS. Not only their work ethic, but their family values are far above what seems to be the norm in this day and age. I value those friendships, and at no time has even one of them tried to convert me, and discuss their religion with me. It simply doesn't happen. The people that are on her dissing them, are the ones that really need to look in the mirror.
MrTitleist said:
Eriul said:
PlayerRep said:
fanofzoo said:
Any rumors of a tee shirt sale.

How do you think Stitt Happens tee shirts would go over at BYU?

My dad played a year at BYU. He was Sioux Indian, Irish and Catholic and from the Fort Peck Reservation.

It would go over fine... many think Mormons to be extremely prude but that’s a minority

Having grown up in a very heavy mormon town.. they are very prude-like. Very conservative.

I think you may have just had a bad town maybe. I grew up in Idaho Falls, lived in Provo, and my whole family is mormon. I understand that some can come off as prudes but I find the majority to be understanding and nice to “outsiders.”

The only thing I find annoying is they truly try to only give opportunities to those within the church. I think that might have more to do with the work ethics and morals the Mormon church is known for, like those stated above
Eriul said:
... I find the majority to be understanding and nice to “outsiders.”

The only thing I find annoying is they truly try to only give opportunities to those within the church. I think that might have more to do with the work ethics and morals the Mormon church is known for, like those stated above
Over forty years in Idaho Falls now. Have had LDS supervisors and subordinates. Never yet one who didn't have an incredible work ethic. (No, I am not LDS.)

As for the "opportunities" part, that goes right back in history to Brigham Young. I'm not sure of the exact year (abt 1870?), but he issued a decree that Mormons should only patronize LDS businesses. That was not so much against Gentiles, as it was a measure to strengthen the Mormon economy. That eventually went away as a "decree," but the "tradition" has been a factor ever since.
IdaGriz01 said:
Eriul said:
... I find the majority to be understanding and nice to “outsiders.”

The only thing I find annoying is they truly try to only give opportunities to those within the church. I think that might have more to do with the work ethics and morals the Mormon church is known for, like those stated above
Over forty years in Idaho Falls now. Have had LDS supervisors and subordinates. Never yet one who didn't have an incredible work ethic. (No, I am not LDS.)

As for the "opportunities" part, that goes right back in history to Brigham Young. I'm not sure of the exact year (abt 1870?), but he issued a decree that Mormons should only patronize LDS businesses. That was not so much against Gentiles, as it was a measure to strengthen the Mormon economy. That eventually went away as a "decree," but the "tradition" has been a factor ever since.

Ahh IF... Moved away in 9th grade and sometimes I go back to see family. I just get so bored there. Nothing to do except go to the awesome movie theatre
On a side note, Choate had some pretty cool things to say about Stitt in his offseason presser. "The I like a good fight" quote got a lot of attention, when he was asked about Bobby coming back to Montana, but he also used that question to address Stitt's firing. He seemed to have some pretty heartfelt feelings about it. He also said "people who haven't walked in a coaches shoes, probably shouldn't criticize".
PlayerRep said:
We have a lot of LDS lawyers in our SLC office. As a group, they are the hardest-working, smartest and nicest people in our firm, and beyond. I like to go out with them too, because I can concentrate on the alcohol and they can be the designated drivers. I am completely serious about my second sentence above.
Player, I agree. I knew several when I was in the food brokerage and trucking business. I actually worked with even more of them when I was President of a sports association. They are smart, hard working and very competitive.
GrizLogger said:
Sooooo word on Stitts future?

Or should this thread be changed to "whats your opinion on LDS?"

Regarding Stitt, I don’t think he is ready to coach at the FBS level, not even OC.
fanofzoo said:
Tried to date the bishops daughter in Dillon and that went no where.

Bishops don’t have daughters. Sorry you got turned down by your imaginary friend. That’s rough.
astutegriz said:
fanofzoo said:
Tried to date the bishops daughter in Dillon and that went no where.
Bishops don’t have daughters. Sorry you got turned down by your imaginary friend. That’s rough.
Uuh ... apples and oranges. Roman Catholic bishops do (should) not have daughters (or sons, for that matter). An LDS bishop, who could be the guy in the next office, has no problem with that.
astutegriz said:
fanofzoo said:
Tried to date the bishops daughter in Dillon and that went no where.

Bishops don’t have daughters. Sorry you got turned down by your imaginary friend. That’s rough.
Could be wrong but you sure about that.

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