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New Game - Name that Tune!

damn grizfnz........I GIVE UP!!!!

Here's one of my favorites:

The preacher man says it's the end of time
and the Mississippi river is a going dry.......

The interest is up
and the stock market's down
and you're gonna get mugged if you go downtown...........
boise-griz said:
damn grizfnz........I GIVE UP!!!!

Here's one of my favorites:

The preacher man says it's the end of time
and the Mississippi river is a going dry.......

The interest is up
and the stock market's down
and you're gonna get mugged if you go downtown...........

"I'd like to spit some Beachnut in that dudes eye....."

Hank Jr. or Kid Rock Country Boy Can Survive
Okay, not sure many listen to these guys, but I love em.....

Late at night all systems go
You have come to see the show
We do our best You're the rest
You make it real you know
There is a feeling deep inside
That drives you f***in' mad
A feeling of a hammerhead
You need it oh so bad
Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

....the next word is the name of the song :wink:
nibblin on spongecake
watching the sun bake

all of those tourists
covered with oil

strummin my 6 string
on my front porch swing

smell those shrimp they're beginnin to boil
boise-griz said:
nibblin on spongecake
watching the sun bake

all of those tourists
covered with oil

strummin my 6 string
on my front porch swing

smell those shrimp they're beginnin to boil

Waisting away here at Margaritaville Jimmy B.

Good song Boise
here's a classic:

people say i'm no good and crazy as a loon
cuz i get stoned in the mornin, get drunk in the afternoon..

that's all you get.......winner gets a big pat on the back!
boise-griz said:
here's a classic:

people say i'm no good and crazy as a loon
cuz i get stoned in the mornin, get drunk in the afternoon..

that's all you get.......winner gets a big pat on the back!

Charlie Daniels Band Long Haired Country Boy

I'll take a Table Rock Razz instead of the pat on the back :D
I've just closed my eyes again
Climbed aboard the dream weaver train
Driver take away my worries of today
And leave tomorrow behind

Party on Wayne 8)

Hope that one wasnt put in the difficult category. :wink:
The title is in the post.

Dream Weaver - Gary Wright
.........Loose talk in the classroom
To hurt they try and try
Strong words in the staffroom
The accusations fly
It's no use, he sees her
He starts to shake and cough
Just like the old man in
That book by Nabakov............
One day you feel quite stable
The next you're comin' off the wall
But I think you should warn me
If you start heading for a fall
I see the problem start
I watch the tension grow
I see you keeping it to yourself
And then instead of reaching conclusions
I see you reaching for something else
I'll be impressed if someone gets this one.

"Too damn bad if at the end of the day
The only thoughts in your brain are all
the things that they say
What a waste
Too damn bad if at the end of the line
you have no idea of what's on your mind
You got no one to blame but yourself."

I forget the name of the song, but it was sung by Saga...(what ever happened to them?)

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