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Ndsu and Alabama continue to prove that D wins championships

behappp said:
I was thinking of this topic before the Stupor bowl and thought I would look up stats for the year. According to NFL.com, in the regular season the Carolina Panthers finished 27th out of 32 teams in the regular season. Denver - whose defense "carried" the team all year - an amazing 32nd out of 32. Dead Last! Both teams were #1 seeds with below average defenses.

Unless you look at turnovers - always my belief on what is really telling. Carolina led the league with 22 interceptions and tied for the lead of fumbles recovered.
Denver was 13th in interceptions, but tied for the lead with Fumbles forced and 4th in fumbles recovered - 2 behind Carolina.

Interesting stuff.
Ooops - stats were upside down - worst to first for total yards - that makes sense
behappp said:
behappp said:
I was thinking of this topic before the Stupor bowl and thought I would look up stats for the year. According to NFL.com, in the regular season the Carolina Panthers finished 27th out of 32 teams in the regular season. Denver - whose defense "carried" the team all year - an amazing 32nd out of 32. Dead Last! Both teams were #1 seeds with below average defenses.

Unless you look at turnovers - always my belief on what is really telling. Carolina led the league with 22 interceptions and tied for the lead of fumbles recovered.
Denver was 13th in interceptions, but tied for the lead with Fumbles forced and 4th in fumbles recovered - 2 behind Carolina.

Interesting stuff.
Ooops - stats were upside down - worst to first for total yards - that makes sense

Lol...so really they were 1st and 5th?
behappp said:
behappp said:
I was thinking of this topic before the Stupor bowl and thought I would look up stats for the year. According to NFL.com, in the regular season the Carolina Panthers finished 27th out of 32 teams in the regular season. Denver - whose defense "carried" the team all year - an amazing 32nd out of 32. Dead Last! Both teams were #1 seeds with below average defenses.

Unless you look at turnovers - always my belief on what is really telling. Carolina led the league with 22 interceptions and tied for the lead of fumbles recovered.
Denver was 13th in interceptions, but tied for the lead with Fumbles forced and 4th in fumbles recovered - 2 behind Carolina.

Interesting stuff.
Ooops - stats were upside down - worst to first for total yards - that makes sense
Keep up the good work.
kemajic said:
behappp said:
behappp said:
I was thinking of this topic before the Stupor bowl and thought I would look up stats for the year. According to NFL.com, in the regular season the Carolina Panthers finished 27th out of 32 teams in the regular season. Denver - whose defense "carried" the team all year - an amazing 32nd out of 32. Dead Last! Both teams were #1 seeds with below average defenses.

Unless you look at turnovers - always my belief on what is really telling. Carolina led the league with 22 interceptions and tied for the lead of fumbles recovered.
Denver was 13th in interceptions, but tied for the lead with Fumbles forced and 4th in fumbles recovered - 2 behind Carolina.

Interesting stuff.
Ooops - stats were upside down - worst to first for total yards - that makes sense
Keep up the good work.

Somebody put something in my wine glass - I swear :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Don't Drink and post kids.

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