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MSU Hires Next AD UP - Leon Costello

statler & waldorf said:
Since last fall, the cats have really made their mark on the Gallatin Valley. Ash in his ranting about 'commitment' throwing various players under the bus regularly, resultant locker room discord, Griz ritually kicking the cats ass at their house and out of the playoffs, Ash canned along with most of his staff, OC Cramsey claiming he is the next coming of the football Christ but doesn't get the job, Prukop saying he couldn't possibly play for anyone other that Cramsey, Prukop graduating and dumping the cats for the Ducks, Cramsey NOT getting a spot on the Ducks staff and winding up in Reno, Choate coming from the Huskies to the cats, Gregorak, Fields getting canned, then months later Brennan taking the job and taking a giant dump on the cats and deciding to stay in SLC a few hours later, now, finally, Lou Costello is announced as the new new AD, and has to meet up with the football staff currently in Plentywood. Budda Boom! :lol: And what is the headline on the BN facepage: "Leon Costello COMMITS(my emphasis) to Montana State University Athletic Director job." No one could make this stuff up. :roll:

Did they #BOOM when he committed?
BadlandsGrizFan said:
statler & waldorf said:
Since last fall, the cats have really made their mark on the Gallatin Valley. Ash in his ranting about 'commitment' throwing various players under the bus regularly, resultant locker room discord, Griz ritually kicking the cats ass at their house and out of the playoffs, Ash canned along with most of his staff, OC Cramsey claiming he is the next coming of the football Christ but doesn't get the job, Prukop saying he couldn't possibly play for anyone other that Cramsey, Prukop graduating and dumping the cats for the Ducks, Cramsey NOT getting a spot on the Ducks staff and winding up in Reno, Choate coming from the Huskies to the cats, Gregorak, Fields getting canned, then months later Brennan taking the job and taking a giant dump on the cats and deciding to stay in SLC a few hours later, now, finally, Lou Costello is announced as the new new AD, and has to meet up with the football staff currently in Plentywood. Budda Boom! :lol: And what is the headline on the BN facepage: "Leon Costello COMMITS(my emphasis) to Montana State University Athletic Director job." No one could make this stuff up. :roll:

Did they #BOOM when he committed?

Sure glad none of this crap takes place at UM, the school is doing great, and there are no issues...

Can't make this stuff up. :roll:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
statler & waldorf said:
Since last fall, the cats have really made their mark on the Gallatin Valley. Ash in his ranting about 'commitment' throwing various players under the bus regularly, resultant locker room discord, Griz ritually kicking the cats ass at their house and out of the playoffs, Ash canned along with most of his staff, OC Cramsey claiming he is the next coming of the football Christ but doesn't get the job, Prukop saying he couldn't possibly play for anyone other that Cramsey, Prukop graduating and dumping the cats for the Ducks, Cramsey NOT getting a spot on the Ducks staff and winding up in Reno, Choate coming from the Huskies to the cats, Gregorak, Fields getting canned, then months later Brennan taking the job and taking a giant dump on the cats and deciding to stay in SLC a few hours later, now, finally, Lou Costello is announced as the new new AD, and has to meet up with the football staff currently in Plentywood. Budda Boom! :lol: And what is the headline on the BN facepage: "Leon Costello COMMITS(my emphasis) to Montana State University Athletic Director job." No one could make this stuff up. :roll:

Did they #BOOM when he committed?

Have to admit, you girls have a resilient sense of humor as the foundation for your football program (ya know, that little thing called a university), is losing more and more relevance and legitimacy each and every day! You guys remind me of the musicians on the titanic that keep playing until the bitter end. Do you think the NCAA will even let you be a JUCO member in a few years if your players keep breaking the law? #WeEmbarrassMT
doc3kgt said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
statler & waldorf said:
Since last fall, the cats have really made their mark on the Gallatin Valley. Ash in his ranting about 'commitment' throwing various players under the bus regularly, resultant locker room discord, Griz ritually kicking the cats ass at their house and out of the playoffs, Ash canned along with most of his staff, OC Cramsey claiming he is the next coming of the football Christ but doesn't get the job, Prukop saying he couldn't possibly play for anyone other that Cramsey, Prukop graduating and dumping the cats for the Ducks, Cramsey NOT getting a spot on the Ducks staff and winding up in Reno, Choate coming from the Huskies to the cats, Gregorak, Fields getting canned, then months later Brennan taking the job and taking a giant dump on the cats and deciding to stay in SLC a few hours later, now, finally, Lou Costello is announced as the new new AD, and has to meet up with the football staff currently in Plentywood. Budda Boom! :lol: And what is the headline on the BN facepage: "Leon Costello COMMITS(my emphasis) to Montana State University Athletic Director job." No one could make this stuff up. :roll:

Did they #BOOM when he committed?

Have to admit, you girls have a resilient sense of humor as the foundation for your football program (ya know, that little thing called a university), is losing more and more relevance and legitimacy each and every day! You guys remind me of the musicians on the titanic that keep playing until the bitter end. Do you think the NCAA will even let you be a JUCO member in a few years if your players keep breaking the law? #WeEmbarrassMT

Funny and true story on the collie lover....I have Bobcats buds who are always on Bobcat Nation. They were teasing me about what a shit show egriz is and how am I still normal after being on it. This convo led to the fact that there are a bunch of Bobcat posters who spend just as much time on egriz as Griz fans. When I provided them with a couple of examples, doc3kgt being one of them, these guys said "oh great you can keep him. He's as big of a douche poster on our site, too". I laughed my ass off. It seems like the collie lover can't find anyone who likes or accepts him. I'd tell you to go back to your own board but they think you're an idiot too. Love it!
HookedonGriz said:
doc3kgt said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
statler & waldorf said:
Since last fall, the cats have really made their mark on the Gallatin Valley. Ash in his ranting about 'commitment' throwing various players under the bus regularly, resultant locker room discord, Griz ritually kicking the cats ass at their house and out of the playoffs, Ash canned along with most of his staff, OC Cramsey claiming he is the next coming of the football Christ but doesn't get the job, Prukop saying he couldn't possibly play for anyone other that Cramsey, Prukop graduating and dumping the cats for the Ducks, Cramsey NOT getting a spot on the Ducks staff and winding up in Reno, Choate coming from the Huskies to the cats, Gregorak, Fields getting canned, then months later Brennan taking the job and taking a giant dump on the cats and deciding to stay in SLC a few hours later, now, finally, Lou Costello is announced as the new new AD, and has to meet up with the football staff currently in Plentywood. Budda Boom! :lol: And what is the headline on the BN facepage: "Leon Costello COMMITS(my emphasis) to Montana State University Athletic Director job." No one could make this stuff up. :roll:

Did they #BOOM when he committed?

Have to admit, you girls have a resilient sense of humor as the foundation for your football program (ya know, that little thing called a university), is losing more and more relevance and legitimacy each and every day! You guys remind me of the musicians on the titanic that keep playing until the bitter end. Do you think the NCAA will even let you be a JUCO member in a few years if your players keep breaking the law? #WeEmbarrassMT

Funny and true story on the collie lover....I have Bobcats buds who are always on Bobcat Nation. They were teasing me about what a shit show egriz is and how am I still normal after being on it. This convo led to the fact that there are a bunch of Bobcat posters who spend just as much time on egriz as Griz fans. When I provided them with a couple of examples, doc3kgt being one of them, these guys said "oh great you can keep him. He's as big of a douche poster on our site, too". I laughed my ass off. It seems like the collie lover can't find anyone who likes or accepts him. I'd tell you to go back to your own board but they think you're an idiot too. Love it!

LOL! And if I gave a shit about what some anonymous people on an Internet message board thought about me, this might actually hurt my feelings!
Doc9kgbt, why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time someone tries to do something fun, or exciting, you try to make it not that way. I hate so much about the things you choose to be.
Doc9kgbt, why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time someone tries to do something fun, or exciting, you try to make it not that way. I hate so much about the things you choose to be.

I'm glad I have an effect on you :thumb:
doc3kgt said:
Doc9kgbt, why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time someone tries to do something fun, or exciting, you try to make it not that way. I hate so much about the things you choose to be.

I'm glad I have an effect on you :thumb:

I'm not glad you molest collies. Knock it off.
EverettGriz said:
Just stop hurting collies. That's all we really care about.

I'm thinking castration is the only thing that hasn't been tried. Or perhaps that was the first thing. I get confused when it comes to collie molestation perpetrators. #f$&kingwastesofspace
doc3kgt said:
HookedonGriz said:
doc3kgt said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
Did they #BOOM when he committed?

Have to admit, you girls have a resilient sense of humor as the foundation for your football program (ya know, that little thing called a university), is losing more and more relevance and legitimacy each and every day! You guys remind me of the musicians on the titanic that keep playing until the bitter end. Do you think the NCAA will even let you be a JUCO member in a few years if your players keep breaking the law? #WeEmbarrassMT

Funny and true story on the collie lover....I have Bobcats buds who are always on Bobcat Nation. They were teasing me about what a shit show egriz is and how am I still normal after being on it. This convo led to the fact that there are a bunch of Bobcat posters who spend just as much time on egriz as Griz fans. When I provided them with a couple of examples, doc3kgt being one of them, these guys said "oh great you can keep him. He's as big of a douche poster on our site, too". I laughed my ass off. It seems like the collie lover can't find anyone who likes or accepts him. I'd tell you to go back to your own board but they think you're an idiot too. Love it!

LOL! And if I gave a shit about what some anonymous people on an Internet message board thought about me, this might actually hurt my feelings!

Dogshit3...you're getting the Titanic mixed up with a rocket....our program is about to take off again...

Just sit back and enjoy the little things in life that the MSU athletic dept has achieved....you know like retaining your 2nd choice for AD.
BadlandsGrizFan said:
doc3kgt said:
HookedonGriz said:
doc3kgt said:
Have to admit, you girls have a resilient sense of humor as the foundation for your football program (ya know, that little thing called a university), is losing more and more relevance and legitimacy each and every day! You guys remind me of the musicians on the titanic that keep playing until the bitter end. Do you think the NCAA will even let you be a JUCO member in a few years if your players keep breaking the law? #WeEmbarrassMT

Funny and true story on the collie lover....I have Bobcats buds who are always on Bobcat Nation. They were teasing me about what a shit show egriz is and how am I still normal after being on it. This convo led to the fact that there are a bunch of Bobcat posters who spend just as much time on egriz as Griz fans. When I provided them with a couple of examples, doc3kgt being one of them, these guys said "oh great you can keep him. He's as big of a douche poster on our site, too". I laughed my ass off. It seems like the collie lover can't find anyone who likes or accepts him. I'd tell you to go back to your own board but they think you're an idiot too. Love it!

LOL! And if I gave a shit about what some anonymous people on an Internet message board thought about me, this might actually hurt my feelings!
. . . For almost a full week.
Dogshit3...you're getting the Titanic mixed up with a rocket....our program is about to take off again...

Just sit back and enjoy the little things in life that the MSU athletic dept has achieved....you know like retaining your 2nd choice for AD.
If this was Bob Turn Nation, Doc3 would of been kicked off after he made one stupid comment.
What a bad Troll... :poke:
EverettGriz said:
So has waded thrown a huge welcome party for this guy, or are they waiting a few weeks to be sure?

Docket3lgbt, or Elvis? Waded Cruz Jr. would have to call the AKC to throw a proper shindig for the former. The latter would likely be fine with a hollow body electric and a microphone.

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