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MSdUi coaches plead guilty?


Well-known member
I saw this mentioned in another thread. No one, and I mean no one, was aware that Housewright and Garza ended up pleading guilty or being found guilty of their DUIs. You may remember all we heard from cats trolls was:

“Let the process play out”
“they can’t fire or suspend them until there’s a ruling”
“MSUs hands are tied and they have to let it all play out before they can hold them accountable”

MSU has done everything in its power to sweep this under the rug from the start. They wouldn’t comment on any of it claiming they can’t comment on “personnel matters”. Then the pussy local media has been too afraid to ask questions around it and to get answers from MSU regarding the status.

MSU stayed quiet and kept these guys on staff, paid in full, and only after the season ended and they were out of playoffs did they quietly part ways (which we still don’t know of this was proactive from MSU or if the coaches themselves wanted to move on)

It’s disgusting how they have handled this entire thing and our media won’t even hold their feet to the fire on it. Everyone is just crickets like nothing ever happened. These #%& idiots could have killed someone.
Shameful, both on the part of msudui's "leadership" as well as those who write about their program and refused to cover this issue.

No wait. That last part is on us as GRIZ fans. I keep forgetting that.
I think a great strategy in response to consumers of content wondering why you don't ask about a pretty big coverup attempt is to call them losers for an hour.

Every savvy businessperson knows if your restaurant chain has an e-coli outbreak, you never apologize to loyal customers and promise to do better, you say, "Fuck you, losers. We're not in the business of clean food." It's just smart business.
I think a great strategy in response to consumers of content wondering why you don't ask about a pretty big coverup attempt is to call them losers for an hour.

Every savvy businessperson knows if your restaurant chain has an e-coli outbreak, you never apologize to loyal customers and promise to do better, you say, "Fuck you, losers. We're not in the business of clean food." It's just smart business.
Oddly, a restaurant in Bozeman tried exactly that tactic not long ago.
Oddly, a restaurant in Bozeman tried exactly that tactic not long ago.
Can't make that up. I'm sure business is booming.
I grew up in a town that had one (1) restaurant. They could have spray-farted in all meals, insulted customers, and slashed tires in the parking lot, and they still would've done great business. They could've boasted about the "depth and breadth" of their menu, and if someone asked to pay for extra bacon, "Fuck you, we don't do that, loser." and then have an hour-long infomercial repeating that point. Only option in town, so they'd have been fine.

That media outlet that called all of us losers will skate on the same principle. I'll cook at home.
Can't make that up. I'm sure business is booming.
I grew up in a town that had one (1) restaurant. They could have spray-farted in all meals, insulted customers, and slashed tires in the parking lot, and they still would've done great business. They could've boasted about the "depth and breadth" of their menu, and if someone asked to pay for extra bacon, "Fuck you, we don't do that, loser." and then have an hour-long infomercial repeating that point. Only option in town, so they'd have been fine.

That media outlet that called all of us losers will skate on the same principle. I'll cook at home.
Sounds like about every Waffle House I’ve been to.
Honestly, the guilty plea isn't the part anyone is upset about. The cover up, the lack of punishment, and the re-signing and giving them raises is a hell of a story, though
Oh completely agree.

That and the fact that no one covered the story because they were afraid to lose their access to the bub program, and then blaming GRIZ fans as the problem because we're whiney losers.
They could have spray-farted in all meals
Boogers and cum, how 'bout some feces with your flounder?
Boogers and cum, you like that queefy quarter pounder?
What's that spice that feels tangy on my tongue?
Oh, that's the yuzu pepper, along with some boogers and cum
I truly am curious. For anyone who ventures over to litterboxnation, did they even give a shit over there? Was this talked about? Were they ashamed of their coaches? How about their administration? Was anyone pushing for these asshats to be fired (before they sucked, I mean), or was it just like Sixx: full speed ahead, WAC, give these "fine" men of character *another chance, and so on?

*4th chance.
The true 'asshats' are the administrators who covered this misdemeanor shit in the first place. Start with Cruzado and work your way down the sewer. Actually, start with the BOR/Commish as co-conspirators. Gianforte needs to clean house. Perhaps the location of the purge will be from Gianforte Hall? 🤣

Fat chance.
I truly am curious. For anyone who ventures over to litterboxnation, did they even give a shit over there? Was this talked about? Were they ashamed of their coaches? How about their administration? Was anyone pushing for these asshats to be fired (before they sucked, I mean), or was it just like Sixx: full speed ahead, WAC, give these "fine" men of character *another chance, and so on?

*4th chance.
I have a ton of friends on that side of the state, and family that has been active in MSU athletics in recent years. A couple of them were genuinely upset. I asked two family members, and phrased it as "what does it say if they are okay with keeping them on staff?" They responded "It says to me that those must be some damn good coaches." Most of them thought it was funny that it was upsetting Griz fans and just wanted to talk about how sweet their team would be last year.

They had such a loser's mentality for so long that all they care about is winning, as if it is the most important thing in the world, even when taken in comparison to someone putting lives at risk by speeding drunk down MAIN STREET. I'd rather blow up our team and start over than win like that.
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Thanks Elrod. Pretty much the same I heard from my cat friends. They didn't like the DUIs, but certainly didn't want the coaches *gone because, well, WAC.

*until they did because they sucked at coaching. Pretty sure they could hire Kim Jong-Un to coach safties, and if he could stop Junior they'd build a statue of him over there.