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Most Under Hyped (Least Over Hyped) Players in Griz History

Rooster said:
Tim Hauck, a walk on after spending his freshman year at some Division 8 school. Then became BSC Defensive MVP and 14 year NFL player.

I met Tim through his cousins and remember asking him why he wasn't out on the Track team, because at the time he held the state B record in the pole vault. Now I know why!
The fact that there isn't any mention of an OLmen on here, when a large part of our success was built on dominant OL play says a lot about how "under hyped" they are.
Wait, under-hyped before they got here or after their career was done? Because a lot of these names get thrown around a lot and I would think that means the hype is there and likely warranted. Anyway, my least hyped favorite is Kevin Klaboe. Loved his blocking. Very un-sung player.
Not too clear on what the criteria is. Several I'd pick have already been mentioned with the exception of:
Levander "LV" Seegars
Jon "JT" Talmadge
Lex "The Lexicutioner" Hilliard
Dan "The Man" Carpenter
Rooster said:
Tim Hauck, a walk on after spending his freshman year at some Division 8 school. Then became BSC Defensive MVP and 14 year NFL player.

I beleive the school was Willamete(sp) in Oregon. Imagine he ran roughshod in that league?
grizophile said:
Rooster said:
Tim Hauck, a walk on after spending his freshman year at some Division 8 school. Then became BSC Defensive MVP and 14 year NFL player.

I beleive the school was Willamete(sp) in Oregon. Imagine he ran roughshod in that league?
Nope, it was Pacific University, in Oregon.
Close call between John Kovacich and Brad Dantic. Dantic had the speed hype and Kovacich the purple and white state champs hype.... I gotta go with Johnny K!
Mousegriz said:
Close call between John Kovacich and Brad Dantic. Dantic had the speed hype and Kovacich the purple and white state champs hype.... I gotta go with Johnny K!

Brad "Frantic" Dantic will always be one of my favorites. Unable to focus due to narcissistic myopism, he has won "most improved golf cart driver" three years in a row at Missoula C.C.

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