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Montanans for Trump?


Well-known member
If Montana is known for anything beyond its incomparable physical beauty and great fishing, it is for the character of its people.

When I moved to Montana with my family at age 12, this character was readily apparent, even to a kid. Montanans were open, hearty, friendly. If you were new in town, they'd buy your Dad a beer--and invite you to clamber up on the bar stool for a Roy Rogers.

If you saw a dusty cowboy with shit on his boots having coffee at the 4B's cafe, it was your Dad who told you later he was a wealthy rancher, worth millions. This guy would never tell you.

In Montana, you just didn't brag--especially about your wealth.

Of course, in Montana, your word was your bond. Even years after I left the state, my reputation as a "Western Gentleman" has followed me--traits that came naturally to me from growing up in Montana.

When John Steinbeck said that for Montana he only felt love, you can bet the character of its people was a major reason.

Which so baffles me why a state like Montana would vote for a guy like Donald Trump--liar and braggart extraordinaire, who will break any rule or smash any norm for power or a buck, and whose ethical core seems to be, "Squeeze the suckers dry."

I know that once you set power or money as your ultimate goal, as Trump obviously has, you'll sacrifice all values and any person in pursuit of it.

I never thought it was in the character of the people of Montana to fall for that.
The only people I know voting for Trump are the ones that would vote for a hedgehog if he were Republican. If Hillary would have Republican she would have been a hero.
...why don't you guys get your asses to a Portland protest and be with your own kind..you
have no clue why people of Montana voted for Trump....why because they were sick and tired of
politicians who were selling out this country.. leaving our borders wide open to illegals' that
were plundering our work force... drug smugglers..sex trafficking..etc....we finally got someone
to do something other than a sold out empty suit bullsh*t politician...the wall is being built...
not hard to see why there is Trump signs all over Montana!

..even when Obama/Biden were
spying on the Trump campaign that corrupt bitch Hillary still couldn't win..she.s a sick women !
grizghost said:
...why don't you guys get your asses to a Portland protest and be with your own kind..you
have no clue why people of Montana voted for Trump....why because they were sick and tired of
politicians who were selling out this country.. leaving our borders wide open to illegals' that
were plundering our work force... drug smugglers..sex trafficking..etc....we finally got someone
to do something other than a sold out empty suit bullsh*t politician...the wall is being built...
not hard to see why there is Trump signs all over Montana!

..even when Obama/Biden were
spying on the Trump campaign that corrupt bitch Hillary still couldn't win..she.s a sick women !

Oh! You poor bleeding-ulcer right-wing crybabies! Your everlasting moans and groans in thousand tones! Crocodile tears diluting your beers!

My heart would go out to you, except:

Barack Obama inherited a tire fire of an economy, and got $950 billion to deal with it.

Trump inherited the longest economic recovery in the history of the country, and then got a $2 trillion tax cut from Mitch McConnell to goose the economy even more.

Barack Obama created a pandemic response unit at the C.D.C.

Trump dismantled that unit in 2018.

Canadian hospitals were notified on New Year's eve 2019 of a viral outbreak in China, and immediately took measures to stock up on protective equipment.

As late as February 28, Trump in a speech in North Carolina, was calling Covid a "Democratic hoax."

Trump blamed Obama for not having a vaccine for it.

Obama did not have a vaccine for it because no such virus existed during his administration!

Trump rightfully called the pandemic "a war."

But then, unlike a war, did nothing to mobilize the resources of the federal government, leaving the fight up to governors and mayors.

Had Trump rallied the country in the fight against Covid, his approval ratings would be off the charts, because everybody knows, he didn't cause the virus.

But everybody knows he's botched the response. Miserably.

Oh, and then there's that bitch Hillary. Blame her...again.

Yet Hillary never was President, and hasn't been in any position of power or any part of the national dialogue for going on four years.

You remind me of my right-wing Aunt up on the Flathead who for years bitched about "illegals."

But then depended on Mexicans to pick the cherries in her orchard.

Still, I can understand how deep your hurt and grievances must run.

They'd have to trust an avaricious old buck-hustling illiterate businessman who pronounces one of our greatest national treasures, "YOSE'-AH-MITE!"

Clorox indeed. Bottoms up!
citay said:
grizghost said:
...why don't you guys get your asses to a Portland protest and be with your own kind..you
have no clue why people of Montana voted for Trump....why because they were sick and tired of
politicians who were selling out this country.. leaving our borders wide open to illegals' that
were plundering our work force... drug smugglers..sex trafficking..etc....we finally got someone
to do something other than a sold out empty suit bullsh*t politician...the wall is being built...
not hard to see why there is Trump signs all over Montana!

..even when Obama/Biden were
spying on the Trump campaign that corrupt bitch Hillary still couldn't win..she.s a sick women !

Oh! You poor bleeding-ulcer right-wing crybabies! Your everlasting moans and groans in thousand tones! Crocodile tears diluting your beers!

My heart would go out to you, except:

Barack Obama inherited a tire fire of an economy, and got $950 billion to deal with it.

Trump inherited the longest economic recovery in the history of the country, and then got a $2 trillion tax cut from Mitch McConnell to goose the economy even more.

Barack Obama created a pandemic response unit at the C.D.C.

Trump dismantled that unit in 2018.

Canadian hospitals were notified on New Year's eve 2019 of a viral outbreak in China, and immediately took measures to stock up on protective equipment.

As late as February 28, Trump in a speech in North Carolina, was calling Covid a "Democratic hoax."

Trump blamed Obama for not having a vaccine for it.

Obama did not have a vaccine for it because no such virus existed during his administration!

Trump rightfully called the pandemic "a war."

But then, unlike a war, did nothing to mobilize the resources of the federal government, leaving the fight up to governors and mayors.

Had Trump rallied the country in the fight against Covid, his approval ratings would be off the charts, because everybody knows, he didn't cause the virus.

But everybody knows he's botched the response. Miserably.

Oh, and then there's that bitch Hillary. Blame her...again.

Yet Hillary never was President, and hasn't been in any position of power or any part of the national dialogue for going on four years.

You remind me of my right-wing Aunt up on the Flathead who for years bitched about "illegals."

But then depended on Mexicans to pick the cherries in her orchard.

Still, I can understand how deep your hurt and grievances must run.

They'd have to trust an avaricious old buck-hustling illiterate businessman who pronounces one of our greatest national treasures, "YOSE'-AH-MITE!"

Clorox indeed. Bottoms up!

.....another delusional TDS patient :lol: still living in you're parents basement :cry:
grizghost said:
citay said:
Oh! You poor bleeding-ulcer right-wing crybabies! Your everlasting moans and groans in thousand tones! Crocodile tears diluting your beers!

My heart would go out to you, except:

Barack Obama inherited a tire fire of an economy, and got $950 billion to deal with it.

Trump inherited the longest economic recovery in the history of the country, and then got a $2 trillion tax cut from Mitch McConnell to goose the economy even more.

Barack Obama created a pandemic response unit at the C.D.C.

Trump dismantled that unit in 2018.

Canadian hospitals were notified on New Year's eve 2019 of a viral outbreak in China, and immediately took measures to stock up on protective equipment.

As late as February 28, Trump in a speech in North Carolina, was calling Covid a "Democratic hoax."

Trump blamed Obama for not having a vaccine for it.

Obama did not have a vaccine for it because no such virus existed during his administration!

Trump rightfully called the pandemic "a war."

But then, unlike a war, did nothing to mobilize the resources of the federal government, leaving the fight up to governors and mayors.

Had Trump rallied the country in the fight against Covid, his approval ratings would be off the charts, because everybody knows, he didn't cause the virus.

But everybody knows he's botched the response. Miserably.

Oh, and then there's that bitch Hillary. Blame her...again.

Yet Hillary never was President, and hasn't been in any position of power or any part of the national dialogue for going on four years.

You remind me of my right-wing Aunt up on the Flathead who for years bitched about "illegals."

But then depended on Mexicans to pick the cherries in her orchard.

Still, I can understand how deep your hurt and grievances must run.

They'd have to trust an avaricious old buck-hustling illiterate businessman who pronounces one of our greatest national treasures, "YOSE'-AH-MITE!"

Clorox indeed. Bottoms up!

.....another delusional TDS patient :lol: still living in you're parents basement :cry:

Confirmed: Emojis for brains!
citay said:
reinell30 said:
Trump will win Montana! I wish we had more electoral votes though....

Who cares! He's behind in Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio--all states he won in 2016, and most now beyond the margin of error.

The rest of the country recognizes Trump for what he is: A dyspeptic old rodeo clown throwing cow-pies on Twitter and playing golf while a pandemic ravages the country. There's only time now for the man who was going to "drain the swamp" to pardon Steve Bannon and the rest of his merry band of thieves on the way out.
citay said:
citay said:
Who cares! He's behind in Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio--all states he won in 2016, and most now beyond the margin of error.

The rest of the country recognizes Trump for what he is: A dyspeptic old rodeo clown throwing cow-pies on Twitter and playing golf while a pandemic ravages the country. There's only time now for the man who was going to "drain the swamp" to pardon Steve Bannon and the rest of his merry band of thieves on the way out.

...over 45 years in the government pervert Joe doesn't even know where he is and the sickness has set in....clueless!
Trump work ethic ties rings around these pathetic losers who have been running our country for years...look at the cities
run by corrupt democrats for over 50 years.... people are fleeing...and they want to blame Trump for their lawlessness..
..what a joke!

Where is Joe? Watching porn in the basement? Wishing he was on Epstein island with Slick Willie ..Barr/Durham
need to get out these indictments so people can see how corrupt the Hussein/Biden administration really was...spying and masking
on Americans... he was not the anointed one but the corrupt one ..not to mention billions of taxpayers dollars suspiciously
lost in Ukraine and Iran...and finding its way to Hunter Biden....if Steve Bannon did anything wrong he should be jailed...how
the corrupt Clinton foundation has survive the pay to play schemes is beyond me....foreign countries paying for access to
our government by giving donations to the Clintons...what a double standard! .

..the pandemic will be gone Nov.5th..

Trump will win Big ! :thumb:
citay said:
Sounds like you got a B.A. in B.S. from Trump University!

....you insult more Montana people that voted for him (a majority) but call yourself a "Western Gentlemen" I know
western gentlemen and you are NO western gentlemen...Trump signs all over this great state! Go ahead and lay more
insults to us !
grizghost said:
citay said:
Sounds like you got a B.A. in B.S. from Trump University!

....you insult more Montana people that voted for him (a majority) but call yourself a "Western Gentlemen" I know
western gentlemen and you are NO western gentlemen...Trump signs all over this great state! Go ahead and lay more
insults to us !


I say Trump goes out and shoots triple-bogey golf at taxpayer expense while a pandemic ravages the country, but I am wrong.

That's not golf.

That's croquet!
citay said:
grizghost said:
....you insult more Montana people that voted for him (a majority) but call yourself a "Western Gentlemen" I know
western gentlemen and you are NO western gentlemen...Trump signs all over this great state! Go ahead and lay more
insults to us !


I say Trump goes out and shoots triple-bogey golf at taxpayer expense while a pandemic ravages the country, but I am wrong.

That's not golf.

That's croquet!

You have to realize that once you have been conned it's hard to admit it, kind of like jr and his coke.
Montanans don't care for tax cheats, liars and incredibly incompetent people. Trump may be nearly broke and owes big bucks to lots of entities. I would like to know exactly who he owes money to. How much does he owe to Russians? He ran on the premise that he is a wildly successful businessman. He is now doing to our economy what he did to his businesses! What a fake and a joke!
GrizWhiz said:
Montanans don't care for tax cheats, liars and incredibly incompetent people. Trump may be nearly broke and owes big bucks to lots of entities. I would like to know exactly who he owes money to. How much does he owe to Russians? He ran on the premise that he is a wildly successful businessman. He is now doing to our economy what he did to his businesses! What a fake and a joke!

....don't you think the Mueller hit job team would have found out everything Trump has been doing for the pass 50 years and found NOTHING..
Mueller had forensic accountants,,,FBI' professionals..auditors...hundreds of white collar so-called professionals and found NOTHING!
40 million of tax player's money..NOTHING! ....who is the REAL CRIMNALS the BIDEN's....taking millions from China and Ukraine...or the
Clintons and their foundation Laundering schemes making millions...Obama came into Presidency with no money know he is worth 40 million
...as Hair Plug Biden would say: Come on Man!,,,still believe everything you read!
grizghost said:
GrizWhiz said:
Montanans don't care for tax cheats, liars and incredibly incompetent people. Trump may be nearly broke and owes big bucks to lots of entities. I would like to know exactly who he owes money to. How much does he owe to Russians? He ran on the premise that he is a wildly successful businessman. He is now doing to our economy what he did to his businesses! What a fake and a joke!

....don't you think the Mueller hit job team would have found out everything Trump has been doing for the pass 50 years and found NOTHING..
Mueller had forensic accountants,,,FBI' professionals..auditors...hundreds of white collar so-called professionals and found NOTHING!
40 million of tax player's money..NOTHING! ....who is the REAL CRIMNALS the BIDEN's....taking millions from China and Ukraine...or the
Clintons and their foundation Laundering schemes making millions...Obama came into Presidency with no money know he is worth 40 million
...as Hair Plug Biden would say: Come on Man!,,,still believe everything you read!

Mueller found more than enough but no one wanted to read the full report. Now, we have a tax cheat, extraordinaire, whose daughter might well be facing jail, but, hey, Montanans rejected the class and distinction of Mansfield and Metcalf and let the people who moved to the Gallatin or Western Montana or the Aryan nation lands influence their their lives.

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