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Montana Griz Desktop Wallpaper


Staff member
So I got creative this weekend and put together a desktop background for the computer.. so now I'm making it available to all of you to use on your computers at home, work, or where ever. Three screen resolutions available, 1024x768, 1280x1024, and 1280x800. Choose which ever one best fits your PC and display your maroon and silver. Enjoy!
Thank you, I am using it. Where is the wall paper of someone getting pelted by thrown candy bars? :)

Seriously, great work!
Not to take away from Titleist's by any means. But I made a few a while back as well if you hadn't already seen them in my eGriz photo gallery.

Bringing this back from the dead. My sister put together a wallpaper recently and I uploaded it for anyone that wants something new. She kind of has a thing for Marc Mariani so he is prominent in it. :)


Speaking of wallpaper - I used to have the picture of the night game in the playoffs from a few years back as my desktop until my computer crashed. It was taken from down on the field and showed the teams on the field. Anyone remember where I can find that again?

This one?
Also, if you go to the Pictures section under user galleries and find Willie, I have a few in there as well.
The custom one I made is too big to upload onto this site (it covers dual monitors at a pretty good resolution), so I'll have to find somewhere else to put it up

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