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Memorial for Coach Buddy Teevens at Dartmouth this Weekend


Well-known member
Lots of people and former players coming back at Dartmouth for the Memorial. Archie Manning is one of the speakers. Mixed info on whether Peyton and Eli will be there. Roger Goodell, the NFL executive director, will be there. As I have said before, his twin daughters graduated from Dartmouth a year ago, and he became every better friends with Teevens. Goodell started the 2023 draft by speaking about Teevens. And, as I've also said, Goodell spoke to the Dartmouth football team during the 2023 graduation.

Teevens was severely injured in a bike-car accident 14 months ago. Died in September. Never got out of the hospital.

One of my teammates is doing/funding a documentary on Teevens. Omaha Productions, Peyton Manning's company, will do the documentary. https://omahaproductions.com/. My teammate is in the College Football Hall of Fame, was the recent chairman, and oversaw the building of the new College Football Hall of Fame Center in downtown Atlanta.

Teevens ran the Manning Passing Academy for the Mannings, since inception. I believe Teevens was the coach of Tulane when the Academy was first started.

Teevens had a big influence on football and on many lives. He stopped live tackling in practice years ago, to reduce injuries and head injuries. The whole Ivy League doesn't do live tackling in practice anymore. He was the first college coach to start hiring women as coaches. I think 2 of his former coaches are now coaching in the NFL. Teevens and a former player/engineer created the mobile tackling dummy that some schools use. It's remote controlled. Montana had a couple, but I don't think Bobby liked them.

Teevens was a QB at Dartmouth and also played hockey. His Dartmouth hockey coach said he's the toughest hockey player he ever coached.

Teevens was head coach at Maine, Dartmouth (twice), Tulane and Stanford. Also, co-offensive coordinator with Spurrier at Florida and OC at Illinois. Buddy was a great guy. He was one of my brother's best friends in college. Buddy visited our family home in Bozeman right after college.

One of my favorite stories about Teevens, was how he used to shovel off the big D on the football field on the 50 yard line each time it snowed in Hanover (which was often). He would come to work early and shovel the area by hand by himself. No tracks would be left on the field. Then, the D would be clearly visible from the football offices, where visitors, recruits and families visited.

Be careful crossing busy highways on your bike.
Growing up in New England, I remember Buddy when he was the QB at Dartmouth. Great player and human being. Always a class act. He was ahead of his time. Was sad to hear of his passing. His spirit will live on.
A great and emotional weekend. Huge crowd for the Memorial in the stadium. Speakers included Roger Goodell, Archie Manning, Reggie Williams and former longtime Harvard coach Tim Murphy. Murphy and Teevens were high school friends and rivals, and I think best men in each other's weddings. Buddy played for 4 years and coached for 26 years (at Dartmouth), so there were lots of former players and friends there. Three former players from our family. Many of Dartmouth's NFL guys. Many big guys from business. Two guys from the Class of '56, both great guys and totally with-it. Both had also played lacrosse, and had played against Syracuse and Jimmy Brown. It was the big spring Green Key Weekend, so there was lots of activity into the night. Great bands.

Teevens also played hockey. Played on 2 Frozen Four teams his junior and senior years. In 1979, Dartmouth beat BU to advance. BU's goalie was Jimmy Craig, and BU had 2 other players who were members of the 1980 US Olympic Hockey team (O'Callahan and Silk). Mike Eruzione had played for BU a couple years earlier. BU won the national championship in 1978. Teevens' hockey coach said Teevens is the toughest player he ever coached. Played defense and weighed only 175.
Mr Hoops, have you helped any other Montanans get into Dartmouth? I ask because it is the “most attended Ivy League University by state” for MT and I am just curious why that is

Mr Hoops, have you helped any other Montanans get into Dartmouth? I ask because it is the “most attended Ivy League University by state” for MT and I am just curious why that is

Yes. Lots. Some athletes. Multiple kids in my family. With marriages, we now have 9 Dartmouth grads. Various kids in MT, mainly from Great Falls area. Several Native American kids. I helped with 2 recent Bozeman high athletes, because I knew their parents, but they went elsewhere. I didn't help with Cam Krystkoviak '23, but he told some of my friends this weekend that he knew of Dartmouth and that it was a good place to play sports, through me. I worked with recruiting Mike Chavez to Dartmouth. Dartmouth gets a lot of Native American kids from New Mexico.

Gov/Sen. John Hoeven of ND went to Dartmouth.

Thanks for the map and info. We were literally talking this weekend, about whether Dartmouth was the preferred Ivy from Bozeman and Montana. My brother '79 from Bozeman and nephew '08 from Bozeman/Kirkland WA went to Teevens event together.

As I have said before, Norman and Paul MacLean, '24 and '24, went to Dartmouth. Both were in the same fraternity and senior secret society as I was (or vice versa). Paul played some football.

Dr. Ron Losee, the famous orthopod from Ennis MT, attended Dartmouth.
All that name dropping and you were still not at the event...and we both know it.
Dropping the names of my friends. Hung with Reggie Williams and Jay Fielder too. Good friends. Spent a lot of time of my good friend Murry. https://footballfoundation.org/sports/general/roster/murry-bowden/592

He took Archie back to New Orleans on his (Murry's) Challenger 300 jet.

It was a very nice Memorial service, and lots of great friends were there.

Here's video for the Memorial service.
And I'm sure you are standing next to him in the pictures.
Nope. I have zero connection to Teevans or Dartmouth. Lifelong Montanan and attended the U of M.

Did you have a picture there? Any evidence you went?

Like I said, really small of your that you choose this moment to try to belittle someone. Not much lower than using someone's friend's death as an opportunity to kick them while they are down. I don't see how you are proud of that.
I texted Colt A. that I was spending time with 14-year Bengal Reggie Williams at the Teevens memorial. Colt texted back that a Dartmouth safety had had a nice mini-camp with the Titans.
Nope. I have zero connection to Teevans or Dartmouth. Lifelong Montanan and attended the U of M.

Did you have a picture there? Any evidence you went?

Like I said, really small of your that you choose this moment to try to belittle someone. Not much lower than using someone's friend's death as an opportunity to kick them while they are down. I don't see how you are proud of that.
I coached with Buddy and your boy hoops was the little brother of a friend of his. Think about that for a second. If there wasn't a video of the event he'd be swearing he was one of the speakers. Once again, you're just running your mouth, and much like every post you have ever made about football, you have no idea what you are talking about. It doesn't matter what hoops says you can hardly wait to jump in and back him up with any actual knowledge on the topic. It's not I would have missed him. He makes shit up and you swear to it. If you don't like what I post I should be the next guy that you mute.
I coached with Buddy and your boy hoops was the little brother of a friend of his. Think about that for a second. If there wasn't a video of the event he'd be swearing he was one of the speakers. Once again, you're just running your mouth, and much like every post you have ever made about football, you have no idea what you are talking about. It doesn't matter what hoops says you can hardly wait to jump in and back him up with any actual knowledge on the topic. It's not I would have missed him. He makes shit up and you swear to it. If you don't like what I post I should be the next guy that you mute.
I never make anything up, but you do. I am the oldest kid in my family. You can't point to a single thing I've made up, unless I was clearly making a joke. As others have pointed out, it's funny how you follow me around on egriz, making stuff up. Can you tell us what happened after I referred Dave Dickenson to Dartmouth when Buddy was coaching there? Since you think you know so much.