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Loyola shows its 2 points better than Montana


Well-known member
Loyola lost to Michigan by 12 in a low scoring game, compared to UM's 14 point loss. The Griz controlled Wagner much better than Chicago-Loyola did. Wagner had 24 and 15. I read that 10 points down was the biggest margin for Michigan in the tourney. Both this game and Griz game.17-2 run for Michigan. 4 or 5 turnovers in a row for Loyola. Loyola went 6.5 minutes in second half with only 1 bucket. I saw Snoop Dogg on a commercial during this game, instead of sitting 2 rows in front of me at the Griz/Mich game.

Many similarities between the games.
I was thinking the same thing as the game wound down. Had Michigan not pulled the ball out a couple times in the closing minutes the margin would have been the same in the two games. However the similarities in the score are about as close as the comparisons get.
:shit: ........right. Could see this one coming a long time ago. Griz are just a bucket away from the NC! :roll: :lol:
Delusion: a persistent false psychotic belief. Believe what you will.
statler & waldorf said:
:shit: .......right. Could see this one coming a long time ago. Griz are just a bucket away from the NC! :roll: :lol:
Delusion: a persistent false psychotic belief. Believe what you will.

Odd, I didn't see anyone even bring that up other than you.
statler & waldorf said:
Hmm..."didn't see"...open your eyes. Maybe just a matter of perception.

Yep, matter of perception...your perception of what was posted. OP was noting the similarities of 2 games. I don't see any mention by anyone other than you about being close the the NC. Reading comprehension is your friend....you should work on it.
Yep. That’s exactly what OP said. Griz are 2 points away from the natty...how about that a good Griz run could win a game or 2 in the tourney if everything goes well since a similar team made a run. There...it’s spelled out for ya
S&W evidently didn't find his Easter egg this morning! :shock: The GRIZ had an outstanding season and deserve accolades, why try to diminish their accomplishments?
62GRIZ said:
S&W evidently didn't find his Easter egg this morning! :shock: The GRIZ had an outstanding season and deserve accolades, why try to diminish their accomplishments?

Because S And W is a trolling cat fan.

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