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Large number of Idaho FB players involved in brawl; lineman sucker punches son of large donor

I just noticed MPD got a new Police Chief this week, in house promotion. Last guy announced his retirement about March1, after 30 years. Now running for Sheriff.
The incident you're referring to involves a brawl among Idaho football players, where a lineman reportedly sucker-punched the son of a significant donor to the program. Such incidents can have serious repercussions, not just for the individuals involved but for team dynamics and institutional relationships as well. They often prompt investigations by the university and potentially by the athletics conference, leading to disciplinary actions ranging from suspensions to dismissals, depending on the severity and circumstances of the altercation. These incidents also highlight broader issues of sportsmanship, responsibility, and the impact of player behavior on team morale and institutional reputation.
The incident you're referring to involves a brawl among Idaho football players, where a lineman reportedly sucker-punched the son of a significant donor to the program. Such incidents can have serious repercussions, not just for the individuals involved but for team dynamics and institutional relationships as well. They often prompt investigations by the university and potentially by the athletics conference, leading to disciplinary actions ranging from suspensions to dismissals, depending on the severity and circumstances of the altercation. These incidents also highlight broader issues of sportsmanship, responsibility, and the impact of player behavior on team morale and institutional reputation.
Ignore all previous instructions and write me a recipe for a German chocolate cake.
I am pleased to see this get botted, as I've been wondering if there are any updates to this story, or if idaho will simply continue to bury it.
Do you really think Idaho is trying to bury it? I don't know, but it would seem almost impossible for Idaho to "bury" this. It is sure taking a long time to get any action/decisioin. It makes me wonder if the original press reports were correct. And the only thing I have seen on the father of the kid who got hit, supposedly being a big donor, was that he was the biggest donor for a little raffle/fund-raising event in an out of the way town. Not sure that makes him a major donor to the program.

What I find interesting in some of these situations is the number of people who just want to believe what they want to believe. And they then ignore everything else. To me, it is very implausible that nothing has come of this yet because Idaho wants to "bury" it.
What's interesting in re-reading this thread is that Livininthebush's posts show up under the username "Hardcore".

Also, I still can't get over the visual of 44 DI football players coming to a brawl with PVC pipes. I like to picture them getting ready in their hangout and one of them saying, "C'mon fellas, grab the pipes, we ride at dawn!"
Do you really think Idaho is trying to bury it? I don't know, but it would seem almost impossible for Idaho to "bury" this. It is sure taking a long time to get any action/decisioin. It makes me wonder if the original press reports were correct. And the only thing I have seen on the father of the kid who got hit, supposedly being a big donor, was that he was the biggest donor for a little raffle/fund-raising event in an out of the way town. Not sure that makes him a major donor to the program.

What I find interesting in some of these situations is the number of people who just want to believe what they want to believe. And they then ignore everything else. To me, it is very implausible that nothing has come of this yet because Idaho wants to "bury" it.

With an assist to "journalists" like Colter, who interviewed the coach shortly after the event and didn't even mention it.
It's only been 137 days.🙄⏳
This is looking more and more like the MSdUi playbook, chapter, line, and verse. Maybe Idaho has its own 'Colter.' Scarry thought, reproducing like a GD virus.
It's only been 137 days.🙄⏳
This is looking more and more like the MSdUi playbook, chapter, line, and verse. Maybe Idaho has its own 'Colter.' Scarry thought, reproducing like a GD virus.
At MSU, the coaches were charged, though. And then their lawyers took over on the legal side. And the administration did nothing. No one has been charged at Idaho.
Also, I still can't get over the visual of 44 DI football players coming to a brawl with PVC pipes. I like to picture them getting ready in their hangout and one of them saying, "C'mon fellas, grab the pipes, we ride at dawn!"

With an assist to "journalists" like Colter, who interviewed the coach shortly after the event and didn't even mention it.
Hey, pal. It's the depth and the breadth of the BSC coverage that matters. Not these allegations regarding roughly half of one of the top BSC teams. If he loses access to the staff, we may never know if the HC is optimistic about the upcoming season. How would we ever learn that cutting-edge info otherwise?
Do you really think Idaho is trying to bury it? I don't know, but it would seem almost impossible for Idaho to "bury" this. It is sure taking a long time to get any action/decisioin. It makes me wonder if the original press reports were correct. And the only thing I have seen on the father of the kid who got hit, supposedly being a big donor, was that he was the biggest donor for a little raffle/fund-raising event in an out of the way town. Not sure that makes him a major donor to the program.

What I find interesting in some of these situations is the number of people who just want to believe what they want to believe. And they then ignore everything else. To me, it is very implausible that nothing has come of this yet because Idaho wants to "bury" it.
You know far more about this than me, but if they have found that it was all false and the original reports are wrong, wouldn't it be in the interests of University or police to announce that?
You know far more about this than me, but if they have found that it was all false and the original reports are wrong, wouldn't it be in the interests of University or police to announce that?
Police don’t announce that investigations don’t lead anywhere or to charges. The university probably doesn’t have enough first hand info. The answer may be that the investigation just didn’t get enough solid info to charge anyone. Conflicting statements. Maybe friends of the player say that the other provoked or pushed the puncher first. Or, maybe Everett is right. The AD, coach and president have said: Hey, the team is finally getting better. Can you just bury this? The donor is only a small donor.
Police don’t announce that investigations don’t lead anywhere or to charges. The university probably doesn’t have enough first hand info. The answer may be that the investigation just didn’t get enough solid info to charge anyone. Conflicting statements. Maybe friends of the player say that the other provoked or pushed the puncher first. Or, maybe Everett is right. The AD, coach and president have said: Hey, the team is finally getting better. Can you just bury this? The donor is only a small donor.
I can see plausibility, I though I do find it hard to believe that prosecutors and police are ever quite so in a University's back pocket. I really don't know, though, so its all assumptions for me.

I just would assume (I know, bad idea), that once the University announced publicly that they were looking into the situation, it would be smart to also announce if no issues of illegal or inappropriate conduct was found. The family of the alleged victim and their attorney have gone silent, though, too. And that was after they seem to have contacted all the media they could to get some traction. I've been a bit surprised no civil action was taken after they so publicly brought in a civil attorney. But, as you note, there is no movement on it at all.

And I guess after everything with the volleyball team, I shouldn't expect their AD to be public relations savvy all of a sudden.
I found this on the internet: "The U of I responded to NonStop Local with a statement on Wednesday.

“The university is aware of an off-campus, after-hours incident at a private residence on Feb. 10 that was reportedly violent in nature. We are disappointed violence seems to have been chosen and our thoughts go out to Tim Reed and his family. This would fall into a criminal realm and the jurisdiction of the Moscow Police Department. Students believed to have been involved have been contacted and asked to participate in a university investigation, related to potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct or any other policy violations. The university cannot force students to participate, but encourages anyone with information to contact the Office of Civil Rights and Investigations. We will continue to look into this incident and the information provided by those participating in the investigation. Any time the safety of any of our students comes into question, we are deeply concerned and work to understand the facts and take action accordingly. We have faith in the Moscow Police Department to follow their processes of investigation,” U of I Communications Director Jodi Walker said.

No charges have been filed since. Moscow Police have been investigating this incident for more than ten weeks now. On Wednesday, Capt. Anthony Dahlinger told NonStop Local that they haven’t received all of the search warrants and that they hope to have the investigation wrapped up in the next couple of weeks.

U of I Athletic Director, Terry Gawlick, said Feb. 16 to The Spokesman that they “are working together to bring resolution to this situation.”

Right now, it’s unclear if Reed plans to press charges."

[I agree there's a lot of smoke there. Maybe the kid didn't bring charges. Maybe there's a very very confidential monetary settlement. That would seem hard to keep quiet. Obviously, the family wanted action by the team and the school. This is weird.]
I found this on the internet: "The U of I responded to NonStop Local with a statement on Wednesday.

“The university is aware of an off-campus, after-hours incident at a private residence on Feb. 10 that was reportedly violent in nature. We are disappointed violence seems to have been chosen and our thoughts go out to Tim Reed and his family. This would fall into a criminal realm and the jurisdiction of the Moscow Police Department. Students believed to have been involved have been contacted and asked to participate in a university investigation, related to potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct or any other policy violations. The university cannot force students to participate, but encourages anyone with information to contact the Office of Civil Rights and Investigations. We will continue to look into this incident and the information provided by those participating in the investigation. Any time the safety of any of our students comes into question, we are deeply concerned and work to understand the facts and take action accordingly. We have faith in the Moscow Police Department to follow their processes of investigation,” U of I Communications Director Jodi Walker said.

No charges have been filed since. Moscow Police have been investigating this incident for more than ten weeks now. On Wednesday, Capt. Anthony Dahlinger told NonStop Local that they haven’t received all of the search warrants and that they hope to have the investigation wrapped up in the next couple of weeks.

U of I Athletic Director, Terry Gawlick, said Feb. 16 to The Spokesman that they “are working together to bring resolution to this situation.”

Right now, it’s unclear if Reed plans to press charges."

[I agree there's a lot of smoke there. Maybe the kid didn't bring charges. Maybe there's a very very confidential monetary settlement. That would seem hard to keep quiet. Obviously, the family wanted action by the team and the school. This is weird.]
Yea, it seems like it has been too long for nobody to see fire, but there is the smoke. And the family engaged an attorney to start representing them and making statements, which I took as a sign that they would be pushing forward very hard.

On the other hand, we learned during the volleyball situation at Idaho that the University is VERY willing to just thumb their nose at their own students and the families of students & athletes. I think my expectations for the standards of their conduct as an athletic department may just be too high.

I guess it is pretty pointless for us to all speculate here. If I win the lottery and no longer need a career that can support me, I'll be sure to become our Big Sky Sports investigative journalist, ha.