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Lady Griz postseason


Well-known member
Looking ahead...

Obviously the Lady Griz (and any Big Sky team) would need to win the conference tournament to qualify for the NCAA tournament.

This season the NCAA will host its inaugural WBIT (a 32-team tournament) however the WNIT (which the NCAA has nothing to do with) still plans on hosting their postseason tournament (48-team tournament). I think the Lady Griz may have a chance at qualifying for one of those should they not make the NCAA tournament. Not sure how those two will play out.
I didn't respond to this when OregonStateFan posted, simply because I wanted to see the season "play out" for a lot of reasons. But I fully agree that Montana -- a 22-win team with an NCAA Top 100 RPI rating -- is likely getting consideration for a post-season tourney (see above) bid.

It's noteworthy that Montana coach Brian Holsinger feels the same way and publicly indicated in the post-loss to NAU game that he believed the GrizWBB were deserving (he gave NO indication of insider info).

The other "positive" is Montana's well-ranked paid attendance numbers... a drawing point for these tourneys. I'm hoping for an invite and a bit more possible Robin Selvig Court hoops action. Go GrizWBB.

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