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Kale Edwards in the Portal

Do you think this is a fooball answer? I'm trying to understand your position. You have said we were successful despite our o-line. You said we got where we got because of a solid defense, special teams returns, and QB play. Now you are saying that our defense is a strength but the base formation is garbage? You obviously know more about football than I do, but it seems unlikely that a team could be so successful with a fundamentally flawed scheme.

You have said that having a better offensive line has nothing to do with winning the NC, but do you think base defensive packages have anything to do with winning the NC?
I don't have the crayons, nor the time dude
I attend every home game from the opening game through September. I watch from the Sky Box 128, with several ex-Griz football players and their parents. You know, the same sky box that Hoops was asked to leave by his co-renters, because he abused having everyone who would talk to him visit the box. They still laugh about him there.

I know more Ex-Griz players and coaches than you will ever know, Skippy. I envy all of the people who never met you.
Thanks for confirming what everyone already knew: that you only make about one game per year, if that, and have to lie about your connections to the program, and lie to make friends.

Also, you envy people who have never met me? We’ve never met; so you envy yourself? Another weirdo thing to say.
WTF does the level have to do with anything?
Well for one, 1122 specifically asked about “this level”, but you just ignored that or can’t read so your knowledge…err…google search is inapplicable. And b), this is an FCS board. Nobody gives a shit about your theories based on some google search of another level. Your spin job just shows how wrong you were.
Well for one, 1122 specifically asked about “this level”, but you just ignored that or can’t read so your knowledge…err…google search is inapplicable. And b), this is an FCS board. Nobody gives a shit about your theories based on some google search of another level. Your spin job just shows how wrong you were.
You're a joke. A bad one at that. I don't freaking memorize every damned team who won championships using the 3-4. Do you? Thus, I conduct a Google search to shred your ignorant challenges about teams using the 3-4 to win championships. Don't ever join a high school debate club, cause you'll be shredded! why don't place your thumb up your butt, and rotate? You just might reach your brain if you try real hard.
Thanks for confirming what everyone already knew: that you only make about one game per year, if that, and have to lie about your connections to the program, and lie to make friends.

Also, you envy people who have never met me? We’ve never met; so you envy yourself? Another weirdo thing to say.
I wouldn't time with loser like you. I attended three home games, as well as the NAU game last year. Nice deflection, but your attending games hasn't helped your Little Grizzly football acumen.
Thanks for confirming what everyone already knew: that you only make about one game per year, if that, and have to lie about your connections to the program, and lie to make friends.

Also, you envy people who have never met me? We’ve never met; so you envy yourself? Another weirdo thing to say.
I love how Bobcat fans make you look stupid. If you're going to try to troll them, at least ave a clue. You embarrass the entire Griz Nation with your inane drivel.
I attend every home game from the opening game through September. I watch from the Sky Box 128, with several ex-Griz football players and their parents. You know, the same sky box that Hoops was asked to leave by his co-renters, because he abused having everyone who would talk to him visit the box. They still laugh about him there.

I know more Ex-Griz players and coaches than you will ever know, Skippy. I envy all of the people who never met you.
I was not asked to leave the suite. I was the largert partner in the box. My and wife and I got tired of having to run and stock the box, and get there early for each game to let people in. Could never tailgate out of stadium. The cheerleaders came for a few years at halftime. At one homecoming game, we had about 25 ex players comes to visit. That was fun. I believe Dave DeCoite is still in the box. He's one of my good friends. I met him after his first game as a Griz. Also, some of my better friends in Griz football are in the box including some of Bobby's best friends and one very large financial supporter. I'll ask them about Third. If they 3d badmouthed Bobby, they would immediately throw him out of the box. That box is 127, not 128, so who knows where 3d was supposedly visiting.
Almost every one of my tailgate buddies dislikes Hauck's coaching. If you think that you egriz sugar-coaters are a reflection of Griz Nation regarding Hauck, you are smoking crack. Here's a news flash for you......... being a fan of big-game Bobby Hauck is NOT a criteria to being a Griz fan
Don't know who your supposed tailgate buddies are, but everyone in box 127 is a huge Bobby supporter. When I was in the box, for a few years at end of Bobby's first stint, we held an event in the box on Friday afternoons during practice. After practice, Bobby would come up and talk/mingle. Good fun.
I don't have the crayons, nor the time dude
Again, not a great football answer. You go against the common wisdom that a solid o-line is important to being successful and you contradict yourself when you say in one breath that the Griz defense was solid and helped carry us to the NC but then in the next breath say that no top team runs the 3-3-5 as a base.

Is there a football topic you would like to talk about?
Put me on ignore. You won't because you are a masochist, and love getting your ass handed to you in every post. On second thought, I'm placing you on ignore.
Putting him on ignore is the best thing you could do over here. You should have done it a long time ago, he is one of the biggest p.o.s this board has..
Again, not a great football answer. You go against the common wisdom that a solid o-line is important to being successful and you contradict yourself when you say in one breath that the Griz defense was solid and helped carry us to the NC but then in the next breath say that no top team runs the 3-3-5 as a base.

Is there a football topic you would like to talk about?
You're trying really hard, but failing miserably. And all of us knowledgeable football see right through your efforts. Might wanna dummy-up for awhile. You've over-played your hand.
Putting him on ignore is the best thing you could do over here. You should have done it a long time ago, he is one of the biggest p.o.s this board has..
Ah, that’s sweet, especially from you. Thanks, very flattering, but in all honesty, I don’t think I am one of the biggest Point of Sales for egriz.
Maybe I am and Chris needs to cut me in?
You're trying really hard, but failing miserably. And all of us knowledgeable football see right through your efforts. Might wanna dummy-up for awhile. You've over-played your hand.
I'm quoting you back to you and that is a fail? I must need better source material.
I'm quoting you back to you and that is a fail? I must need better source material.
No. What you need, is to grow a pair and stop trying to be cute with your responses. I ain't buying what you're trying to sell. Unlike some of your sugar-coating buddies, you actually have the ability to talk football. But you would rather join the fray to muck-up every thread. I'm done with your feeble attempts to try to twist anything I might have written. Pretty obvious that a few of you have engaged in this futile mission, probably conceived in the big-boy private super-secret self-flagellation pay-to-feel-special room on egriz. It's so transparent, but all it does is show the board how lame and desperate you boys are to be relevant.