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Is Vigen next?

GriznBigfork said:
EverettGriz said:
If a “cheap shot” is calling out a head coach who allows an assistant who is charged with his 3rd dui following a stop on a city street at 30 mph over to continue his duties,, then I guess I’m guilty of taking cheap shots.

Everett it is kind of hard to take you seriously when with your tagline calling someone out with an addiction.
Yeah that’s kind of a cheap shot. He gave the guy a chance and the poor guy fucked up again. I would rather the coach who employed redemption then a prick head coach with no humanity. What is it with the tagline, is it irony, or humor, or cynicism? I didn’t get it
indiancoyote said:
Absolutely no way you would fire someone who acknowledges they have a disease unless you want to pay them a lot of money. I had a bus driver get a DUI with kids on the bus and they walked in and said they needed treatment. Attorneys and their Union said you will pay them lots of money if you terminate.

Did they let the bus driver keep driving kids around until the legal situation clarified?

Driver went to treatment and then we started doing unannounced screenings nearly every day for all bus drivers. If that person would have failed any screening we could have terminated.
indiancoyote said:
bigsky33 said:
Do you know or not if Vigen is being told by those above him to continue to let him coach until the legal situation clarifies?

Absolutely no way you would fire someone who acknowledges they have a disease unless you want to pay them a lot of money. I had a bus driver get a DUI with kids on the bus and they walked in and said they needed treatment. Attorneys and their Union said you will pay them lots of money if you terminate.

And yet the know it all trolls just keep on a trollin'. Gopher Everet??
indiancoyote said:
Did they let the bus driver keep driving kids around until the legal situation clarified?

Driver went to treatment and then we started doing unannounced screenings nearly every day for all bus drivers. If that person would have failed any screening we could have terminated.

This is interesting, What would you have done if the driver didn’t want to go to treatment and instead wanted to keep doing exactly what he was doing before the incident? Thanks in advance.
Jesse said:
GriznBigfork said:
Everett it is kind of hard to take you seriously when with your tagline calling someone out with an addiction.
Yeah that’s kind of a cheap shot. He gave the guy a chance and the poor guy f###[#] up again. I would rather the coach who employed redemption then a prick head coach with no humanity. What is it with the tagline, is it irony, or humor, or cynicism? I didn’t get it

Few if any are surprised.

Also, seems to me he gave the guy a 4th shot and he fvcked up. Now he’s giving him a fifth shot. But the bubs are winning so all is right with the world!!
EverettGriz said:
Jesse said:
Yeah that’s kind of a cheap shot. He gave the guy a chance and the poor guy f###[#] up again. I would rather the coach who employed redemption then a prick head coach with no humanity. What is it with the tagline, is it irony, or humor, or cynicism? I didn’t get it

Few if any are surprised.

Also, seems to me he gave the guy a 4th shot and he fvcked up. Now he’s giving him a fifth shot. But the bubs are winning so all is right with the world!!
Ouch, you guys are good at this
FlyCastingCat said:
Coach envy is strong with these clowns.

Yeahhhh, I don’t think there’s too many of us who are real interested in having a coach that was terminated for cheating, and has been popped 3 times for driving hammered.

Think about that. The guy has been busted 3 times. How many times do you think he’s our lives at risk by drinking drunk?
EverettGriz said:
FlyCastingCat said:
Coach envy is strong with these clowns.

Yeahhhh, I don’t think there’s too many of us who are real interested in having a coach that was terminated for cheating, and has been popped 3 times for driving hammered.

Think about that. The guy has been busted 3 times. How many times do you think he’s our lives at risk by drinking drunk?

Come now. You know if this happened at um, Bobby would've made him run the M twice and that would be the end of it.....
Allezchat said:
EverettGriz said:
Yeahhhh, I don’t think there’s too many of us who are real interested in having a coach that was terminated for cheating, and has been popped 3 times for driving hammered.

Think about that. The guy has been busted 3 times. How many times do you think he’s our lives at risk by drinking drunk?

Come now. You know if this happened at um, Bobby would've made him run the M twice and that would be the end of it.....

It would never happen at UM, because this guy never, ever, ever would have been hired.
EverettGriz said:
FlyCastingCat said:
Coach envy is strong with these clowns.

Yeahhhh, I don’t think there’s too many of us who are real interested in having a coach that was terminated for cheating, and has been popped 3 times for driving hammered.

Think about that. The guy has been busted 3 times. How many times do you think he’s our lives at risk by drinking drunk?

No idea, but more than one... and that's too many. Unfortunately it's far too common. I have to admit I've done it. You?
poorgriz said:
EverettGriz said:
Yeahhhh, I don’t think there’s too many of us who are real interested in having a coach that was terminated for cheating, and has been popped 3 times for driving hammered.

Think about that. The guy has been busted 3 times. How many times do you think he’s our lives at risk by drinking drunk?

No idea, but more than one... and that's too many. Unfortunately it's far too common. I have to admit I've done it. You?

Yeah, I’d be the last guy throwing stones in THAT house. :oops: Especially as a youngster.

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