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Is this the worst hire in the modern era?

grizatwork said:
kemajic said:
Hammer said:
ordigger said:
History will show, that George W Bush will be one of the better Presidents.

Holy shit!!!!!! :shock:

I guess a guy in oil would say that :roll:
He's looking damn good relative to the CHANGE.

Truth is that Presidents are like coaches. They get too much praise when things go right and too much blame when things go wrong. Presidents have very little control over anything that happens. Congress has little either. Go to K street. That is where policy is made.

I agree, and some of those policies they do set can take 20 years to cycle through. What I mean by history will show, is that the Presidents must often remembered as being "good" are historically related to something in our history. Washington had the new country, Jackson had the War of 1812, Lincoln slavery issue & Civil War, Teddy Roosevelt his personality and national park policies, Franklin D Roosevelt the New Deal & WWII, and Kennedy the Cuban missile crisis. Even Bill Clinton had Monica....okay strike that one Bush' term in office is define by 9/11. The housing crunch, and unemployment would've still happened whether he was there or not. Obamacare, should it survive will take many years to actually determine if it is successful or not. Social Security has had its ups and down.
Hammer said:
ordigger said:
Cotton-eyed Hoe said:
ordigger said:
George W. Bush, Fatty Arbuckle or Pat Kennedy....in no particular order are much worse.


History will show, that George W Bush will be one of the better Presidents.

Holy shit!!!!!! :shock:

I guess a guy in oil would say that :roll:

As long as Fox News stays around, who knows? "Dubya" could end up being viewed as a good president eventually. He'll probably never be viewed favorably by his Ol' Man though....LOL.
Some slob poster rained on my day! And then it toilets out.... into dog poo stuff like the worst president? We do gather up most of the worst trolls outside of North Korea...
Umista said:
Some slob poster rained on my day! And then it toilets out.... into dog poo stuff like the worst president? We do gather up most of the worst trolls outside of North Korea...

I think some of our posters ARE North Korean.
cclarkblues said:
Umista said:
Some slob poster rained on my day! And then it toilets out.... into dog poo stuff like the worst president? We do gather up most of the worst trolls outside of North Korea...

I think some of our posters ARE North Korean.
cclarkblues said:
Umista said:
Some slob poster rained on my day! And then it toilets out.... into dog poo stuff like the worst president? We do gather up most of the worst trolls outside of North Korea...

I think some of our posters ARE North Korean.

Hey Kokanee, I can't believe you haven't jumped in here on the "fire Stitt" wagon.
Can the Beetle Lady coach? I feel like she's the most recognizable face of the university right now.

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wbtfg said:
Can the Beetle Lady coach? I feel like she's the most recognizable face of the university right now.

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H ha 1 dI win and the cat insects are back
Grizbeer said:
wbtfg said:
Can the Beetle Lady coach? I feel like she's the most recognizable face of the university right now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
H ha 1 dI win and the cat insects are back

Am I wrong?

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wbtfg said:
Grizbeer said:
wbtfg said:
Can the Beetle Lady coach? I feel like she's the most recognizable face of the university right now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
H ha 1 dI win and the cat insects are back

Am I wrong?

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are you a troll?x you should change your user name to wbtfgalftago

Fly sweep hasn't been working, maybe try the beetle sweep.

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