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FormerEag said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
How does it taste??

If you stack it up against 12 rival beers, it would finish #8.


That's funny right there! I think I like the "like a winner" comment a bit better, but think this one is better for overall effect on this board. Well played sir!
reinell30 said:
NorthEndZoneDan said:
Ringneck said:
But c'mon, shouldn't it come in bottles with green caps?


POTY nominee! outstanding work :clap: :clap: :clap:

Doesn't he look like Joe Peschi (sp) from lethal weapon in that picture. Can't you here him saying, "okay, okay, okay?"
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I'm dying here
FormerEag said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
How does it taste??

If you stack it up against 12 rival beers, it would finish #8.


CHENEY--Not to be outdone by The University of Montana's unveiling of Griz Lager, the EWU marketing team introduced "Crystal Eagle" on Tuesday. The red hued candy treat reportedly packs a punch rivaling the best of Heisenberg's offerings from years ago. A University official who would only identify himself as "Slim" said that his newest creation would be available in limited quantities under the bleachers at "none of your fucking business, NARC" times of each Eagle home game this fall. Come out to support your Eagles this fall, and grab a bag for the kids. Go Eags!


File photo; EWU Archives c. 1997 - 2014
Is this really appropriate in the wake of the Connor Strahm ordeal?

What's next...Griz Mobile Texting Aides?

jodcon said:
Is this really appropriate in the wake of the Connor Strahm ordeal?

What's next...Griz Mobile Texting Aides?


So because one player gets a DUI in the offseason the fanbase cannot enjoy a beer with a Griz logo?
Having a hard time understanding your logic here...
Also my guess would be they started planning this way before Strahm got busted.
griznative24 said:
jodcon said:
Is this really appropriate in the wake of the Connor Strahm ordeal?

What's next...Griz Mobile Texting Aides?


So because one player gets a DUI in the offseason the fanbase cannot enjoy a beer with a Griz logo?
Having a hard time understanding your logic here...
Also my guess would be they started planning this way before Strahm got busted.

Oooo, double sarcasm. Not bad. That, or you might have missed something.
....and much like the stands it will be empty at half time.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

If only the process to post a picture to this worthless site was not still stuck in the 90's I would. But the hell with it I will just enjoy my griz beer and gloat no longer #beer #griz
Typical big sky very solid. Not my favorite lager but an easy top 5. Big sky goes for drinkability, which I can respect. The can is easily most detailed and best can I have ever seen. Abv is outlined by Montana map, had official license of um, and the MHP skull can art is top notch definitely worth holding on to a can. Just this guys opinion.
Bought one of the last six packs from the brewery last night. I am a big craft beer fan so this is right up my alley. It is a lighter lager that will appeal to both the domestic and craft beer drinkers. $8 for a 6 pack is on par with their other beers. Definitely a must buy for game day!

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