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bigkid said:
Looks like the real thing to me. Maybe a little JJ like but much faster. Glad we have him for sure :thumb:
That's my impression also. faster and better.
i_the_sky said:
The Grizzlies are,indeed fortunate to have Dalton Sneed at QB! It's unfortunate he's going through this Gresch Jensen drama! In the real world when a player out preforms another player and wins a position it's end of story but part of Montana's fan base is still in love with the finesse, fickle football the out going regime played and they aren't mature enough to accept what's best for Grizzly football! The Grizzlies are transitioning into a more physical disciple football team! Some players from the Stitt era will not be able to take it! Dalton has already proved he's good to go! In short Montana is very lucky and our two young guys are going to start out right by seeing how it's done right from Dalton! The timing is perfect I must say! Good luck to you Dalton and Thank You for choosing Montana. All this whing bull shit will blow over and you will love it her! We are Montana"!
Go Griz!

But he didn't outright win the position. He had it handed to him and was given the benefit of the doubt when things went wrong. He's slower and has less of an arm than Jensen did.
Stop_HammerTime69 said:
i_the_sky said:
The Grizzlies are,indeed fortunate to have Dalton Sneed at QB! It's unfortunate he's going through this Gresch Jensen drama! In the real world when a player out preforms another player and wins a position it's end of story but part of Montana's fan base is still in love with the finesse, fickle football the out going regime played and they aren't mature enough to accept what's best for Grizzly football! The Grizzlies are transitioning into a more physical disciple football team! Some players from the Stitt era will not be able to take it! Dalton has already proved he's good to go! In short Montana is very lucky and our two young guys are going to start out right by seeing how it's done right from Dalton! The timing is perfect I must say! Good luck to you Dalton and Thank You for choosing Montana. All this whing bull shit will blow over and you will love it her! We are Montana"!
Go Griz!

But he didn't outright win the position. He had it handed to him and was given the benefit of the doubt when things went wrong. He's slower and has less of an arm than Jensen did.
I thought he couldn't throw the long ball?? Did they sub another player but use Dalton's jersey for those long throws? We should recruit that guy too. Thanks 5700 for putting the clips together.
Mavman said:
Two things about young Mr. Sneed I see are.
1. He will extend plays and extend drives with his feet.
2. People talk about his long ball or lack there of (i dont really know) But if he can make the short to medium throws this offense will be efficient and chew clock. Pair that with improved defense and a running game this team will control the clock and wear teams out!

You just described Murray from the kitties.
717s7e said:
I thought he couldn't throw the long ball?? Did they sub another player but use Dalton's jersey for those long throws? We should recruit that guy too. Thanks 5700 for putting the clips together.

Yes,the kid is a good athlete. He's quick to react, extends plays with his feet, and has the speed to break the big one. Also, has competed at the FBS level. He seems to love football with high energy. We are,indeed, lucky to have him. There was ONE pass in that reel where he was able to get a deep ball to the WR in stride. The rest were short. You can't teach arm strength. I'm glad we have this young man. If he can stay healthy we should have a winning season. If he gets hurt and we don't get some decent QB transfer back up we will be in deep shit.
by daGrizJ » Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:32 pm
If he can stay healthy we should have a winning season. If he gets hurt and we don't get some decent QB transfer back up we will be in deep shit.

We, as in fans, are not in deep shit no matter what happens - just potential disappointment. Only one person potentially is in deep shit over the decision to jettison a RS Freshman All-American QB. I'm certainly not feeling any guilt now nor will I in the future. Not saying I'll not remind from time to time.
Yukon said:
bigkid said:
Looks like the real thing to me. Maybe a little JJ like but much faster. Glad we have him for sure :thumb:
That's my impression also. faster and better.

Lot's of QB's look better than JJ when you watch their highlight videos. Reality is few of them are and DS hasn't proved anything yet.

If he lives up to half of the hype some of you are placing on him, we will be in good shape...
i'll go out on a limb here and say.......he seems to take ownership of his game.....that is a sign of confidence. on video, that 100+ yd run he finished stronger than Nguyen did when he ran his long yardage run he made a few years ago, as a point of reference.
he seems to be smart, accountable and resourceful, well, if he isn't, that's on me.....for just sayin......... that.
Seems like Griz fans looked at Jensen and wanted to be able to see him as that next super Dave QB. I know I sort of did. Hey we have a freshman QB that’s really shining here.... could he lead the Griz for the next 4 years and possibly win a NC? I think that was my mindset when Stitt was at the helm. Bobby then came back and I honestly thought heck we have an even better chance then.! Then throw in this deal with Jensen deciding to leave. A real kick in the gut. But honestly I sure see some upside the Sneed. Kid is a gamer with moxie and speed. He know the coaches and what they expect. So I guess I see Sneed as equal or on par with Jensen. Maybe Jensen had a better touch, but he was needing to learn this new system and that set him back enough that coaches see the best opportunity to win when th Sneed! It’s just to bad that Jensen decided he did not want to stay and learn and compete. I wish Jensen the best but also plan on standing behind Sneed to support him. I hope you all can do the same.

Go Griz RTD
Seems like Griz fans looked at Jensen and wanted to be able to see him as that next super Dave QB. I know I sort of did. Hey we have a freshman QB that’s really shining here.... could he lead the Griz for the next 4 years and possibly win a NC? I think that was my mindset when Stitt was at the helm. Bobby then came back and I honestly thought heck we have an even better chance then.! Then throw in this deal with Jensen deciding to leave. A real kick in the gut. But honestly I sure see some upside the Sneed. Kid is a gamer with moxie and speed. He know the coaches and what they expect. So I guess I see Sneed as equal or on par with Jensen. Maybe Jensen had a better touch, but he was needing to learn this new system and that set him back enough that coaches see the best opportunity to win when th Sneed! It’s just to bad that Jensen decided he did not want to stay and learn and compete. I wish Jensen the best but also plan on standing behind Sneed to support him. I hope you all can do the same.

Go Griz RTD

You HAD a QB1 who as a freshman IS an All American... whose upside was "the sky's the limit"! Would he have made it to the top? Who knows, but isn't that the risk of every QB so anointed.

You now have a QB1 who won no more games than the previous QB1, left the program because he was replaced as QB1... who's upside is???

This was a big gamble that appears to be a BH move from the get go...but hey, it might work out...or be a colossal mistake. It certainly makes for some intrigue and guarantees that I will pay more attention to QB production from uM.
Welcome to Griz Nation Mr. Sneed & family! If Sneed continues to play like he did in the first series of the spring game - the sky is the limit. The guy has the moxy, the desire to win. Reminds me of Phillips this time last year!
...I like this kid so far he's got some energy and passion to compete..something the Griz have
been lacking the last few years...l can see why Bobby n Rosen likes this guy..it can have a
rippling affect on the team...we need more guys like this! ..get ready! go griz!
Stop_HammerTime69 said:
i_the_sky said:
The Grizzlies are,indeed fortunate to have Dalton Sneed at QB! It's unfortunate he's going through this Gresch Jensen drama! In the real world when a player out preforms another player and wins a position it's end of story but part of Montana's fan base is still in love with the finesse, fickle football the out going regime played and they aren't mature enough to accept what's best for Grizzly football! The Grizzlies are transitioning into a more physical disciple football team! Some players from the Stitt era will not be able to take it! Dalton has already proved he's good to go! In short Montana is very lucky and our two young guys are going to start out right by seeing how it's done right from Dalton! The timing is perfect I must say! Good luck to you Dalton and Thank You for choosing Montana. All this whing bull shit will blow over and you will love it her! We are Montana"!
Go Griz!

But he didn't outright win the position. He had it handed to him and was given the benefit of the doubt when things went wrong. He's slower and has less of an arm than Jensen did.

..wth?..what are you talking about? ...slow? NO..obviously you are clueless..hes got great attributes
and natural instincts for football and leadership skills that are going to push this team to compete!
...there's more to a QB than just throwing the long ball!

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