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GRIZ vs monmouth game thread

AZDoc said:
Pretty sweet those other 2 scores...what’s the score of the effin Griz game?
21-14 Montana at the half

Sulser looked like he might break one right before the half, but only made it to about the 11
Haha thanks. I’m following on espn since I’m out at soccer game, but sorta had to because was funny that I didn’t see a score on here. Sorry
Griz need to hammer down and quit letting Monmouth hang around...get the backups in for the 4th and get the 2's & 3's more reps

Here’s to us being a second half team, we will have our work cut out for us next week be nice to rest some of our starters,
Love Bobby's channeling of Conan the barbarian....put em down and take away their will to play.....

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