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Griz LB Strahm arrested for DUI

PlayerRep said:
tnt said:
PlayerRep said:
...My view is that DUI's should be treated as outlined in the Athletic Code, unless there are extenuating circumstances either way. It is a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is not a felony. For Strahm, who apparently has not had any prior issues, he should get his 1.1 game suspension, and do the normal extra punishment/conditioning imposed by the coaches. Strahm is a senior and leader and obviously should know better. Appears to have made a big mistake. I am surprised. As George Ferguson has posted previously, he is a nice kid, and I don't think he's a wild man at all. Some of my kids and their friends know him a bit, and have mentioned that he usually would only have a beer or two when they were around him (because he was training for his senior season).

I wouldn't disagree with that, but I doubt it will fall that way and will as some have suggested be up to Stitt. If all is as you said it is with Strahm, then I would suggest what should happen (legally) is that the thing be done as a deferred sentence or diversion with some classes or other appropriate consequences and then dropped. Just because he is a grizz, the book shouldn't be thrown at him. If it was 22 year old stupidity (22 is the new 17) he shouldn't have this follow him.

Then its up to stitt. What should he do?
Ursus1 said:
PlayerRep said:
tnt said:
PlayerRep said:
And no one even suggested that. However, thinking DUIs are bad and ignoring distracted driving is both "bad", and it makes one a hypocrite, in my view. The number of self-righteous posters on this board (not you) is high. George Ferguson often points that out.

f Strahm had been cited for texting while driving, or driving in town talking on his cell phone, I doubt that many would be calling for his head. That's my point.

So I just have to know what would your rationalization be if he were cited for "texting and driving" and fans were outraged?

Then I wouldn't be pointing out that some of the self-righteous types on the board were probably hypocrites. If they are consistent in thinking that drinking/driving and texting/driving are bad, and they also tell their wives to keep off their cell phones while driving, then they are not hypocrites. I will leave excessive speeding out of the discussion for now.

My view is that DUI's should be treated as outlined in the Athletic Code, unless there are extenuating circumstances either way. It is a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is not a felony. For Strahm, who apparently has not had any prior issues, he should get his 1.1 game suspension, and do the normal extra punishment/conditioning imposed by the coaches. Strahm is a senior and leader and obviously should know better. Appears to have made a big mistake. I am surprised. As George Ferguson has posted previously, he is a nice kid, and I don't think he's a wild man at all. Some of my kids and their friends know him a bit, and have mentioned that he usually would only have a beer or two when they were around him (because he was training for his senior season).

That BAC really shows a guy serious about training for about season that is a month away.

Could've been a last bash...birthday...wedding...or PR is full of it
sdk.catfish said:
PlayerRep » Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:01 am

Anger management for a DUI? That's a good one.

Actually there is a huge correlation between anger and alcohol abuse. You could spend several days researching it but here is one link to get you started https://www.ashwoodrecovery.com/blog/link-anger-alcoholism/

Have you concluded that Strahm abuses alcohol? What's your basis for that? A DUI arrest of someone who some have said didn't seem to be drinking much these days (but obviously did at least this time).
Ursa Major said:
PlayerRep said:
'68griz said:
EverettGriz said:
PR, we get it. Texting and driving :lol: :lol: = bad.

So does drinking and driving, particularly with a BAC over .2. I've never understood the line of logic which suggests that one thing isn't bad simply by comparing it to another thing which is bad.

+1. I was just readying to write about the same thing. One thing being bad does not make a comparable thing good.

And no one even suggested that. However, thinking DUIs are bad and ignoring distracted driving is both "bad", and it makes one a hypocrite, in my view. The number of self-righteous posters on this board (not you) is high. George Ferguson often points that out.

f Strahm had been cited for texting while driving, or driving in town talking on his cell phone, I doubt that many would be calling for his head. That's my point.
No one believes that for a second.Whenever a Griz player gets into trouble, you jump on here and begin defending them or make a ridiculous argument (see above) to mitigate their behavior. This is like clockwork, PR. Just be intellectually honest and own it.

I haven't defended what Strahm did. Pointing out hypocrites and inconsistent is not the same as defending a DUI.

Do you think drinking/driving is worse than texting/talking/driving (even tho some studies say texting/driving is 6 times worse than drinking/driving)?

I made no ridiculous argument. Why don't you admit that you can't read and that you just made up most of what you just posted?
by PlayerRep » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:12

Anger management for a DUI? That's a good one.

sdk.catfish wrote: ↑Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:18 am
Actually there is a huge correlation between anger and alcohol abuse. You could spend several days researching it but here is one link to get you started https://www.ashwoodrecovery.com/blog/li ... lcoholism/

by PlayerRep » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:12 pm
Have you concluded that Strahm abuses alcohol? What's your basis for that? A DUI arrest of someone who some have said didn't seem to be drinking much these days (but obviously did at least this time).

I have concluded that, without question, Mr. Strahm abused alcohol on July 15th. I have concluded Mr. Strahm has had some on the field anger problems in the last two years. Perhaps there is a correlation and perhaps not but there is an enormous body of work, which you may choose to ignore, that says there can be. I have no wish to keep this going as for the most part I enjoy your posts. But your initial post pooh-poohed the idea that alcohol abuse resulting in a DUI along with a very high blood/alcohol level, and anger issues might be related. The research is out there if you want to investigate. But if not I'll let it go if you will.

My initial post simply wondered what more Stitt might do that after all is said and done with the student code's presumed 1.3 game suspension. Possibly Stitt should provide the young man some additional help. There should be no stigma attached to acquiring help for these types of problems.
Would it surprise the righteous folks on the board that there were probably several other players that got loaded the same night as Strahm. Some probably drove home, but didn't get caught. Maybe, it's ok if you don't get caught? Do the righteous folks think this young man is the only one tipping to excess?
sdk.catfish said:
by PlayerRep » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:12

Anger management for a DUI? That's a good one.

sdk.catfish wrote: ↑Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:18 am
Actually there is a huge correlation between anger and alcohol abuse. You could spend several days researching it but here is one link to get you started https://www.ashwoodrecovery.com/blog/li ... lcoholism/

by PlayerRep » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:12 pm
Have you concluded that Strahm abuses alcohol? What's your basis for that? A DUI arrest of someone who some have said didn't seem to be drinking much these days (but obviously did at least this time).

I have concluded that, without question, Mr. Strahm abused alcohol on July 15th. I have concluded Mr. Strahm has had some on the field anger problems in the last two years. Perhaps there is a correlation and perhaps not but there is an enormous body of work, which you may choose to ignore, that says there can be. I have no wish to keep this going as for the most part I enjoy your posts. But your initial post pooh-poohed the idea that alcohol abuse resulting in a DUI along with a very high blood/alcohol level, and anger issues might be related. The research is out there if you want to investigate. But if not I'll let it go if you will.

My initial post simply wondered what more Stitt might do that after all is said and done with the student code's presumed 1.3 game suspension. Possibly Stitt should provide the young man some additional help. There should be no stigma attached to acquiring help for these types of problems.

I don't agree that Strahm has exhibited on-field anger issues. I think you are just plain wrong in saying that. Just like you are wrong in saying that the code provides for a 1.3 game suspension.

Of course, I don't doubt your linked research. Thanks for providing it.

And, I guess I may be still "pooh poohing" most of your assertions on this subject. You have virtually no basis for applying your assertions to Strahm.

I agree that Strahm abused alcohol on that evening.

I am sure that his teammates and the coaches are totally pissed at him.
PlayerRep said:
Ursa Major said:
PlayerRep said:
'68griz said:
+1. I was just readying to write about the same thing. One thing being bad does not make a comparable thing good.

And no one even suggested that. However, thinking DUIs are bad and ignoring distracted driving is both "bad", and it makes one a hypocrite, in my view. The number of self-righteous posters on this board (not you) is high. George Ferguson often points that out.

f Strahm had been cited for texting while driving, or driving in town talking on his cell phone, I doubt that many would be calling for his head. That's my point.
No one believes that for a second.Whenever a Griz player gets into trouble, you jump on here and begin defending them or make a ridiculous argument (see above) to mitigate their behavior. This is like clockwork, PR. Just be intellectually honest and own it.

I haven't defended what Strahm did. Pointing out hypocrites and inconsistent is not the same as defending a DUI.

Do you think drinking/driving is worse than texting/talking/driving (even tho some studies say texting/driving is 6 times worse than drinking/driving)?

I made no ridiculous argument. Why don't you admit that you can't read and that you just made up most of what you just posted?

Than why are you the only one talking about texting? The topic is a Griz player getting a DUI. You've already used the texting argument before to defend a Griz player and muddle the ethical/moral question regarding a DUI. Your behavior is as predictable as clockwork.

I think this is a minor hiccup for the program. Ironically, your bullshit "player advocacy" will likely push this thread to 10 pages. Strategically, if you want to help the kid, shut the fuck up.
GrizLA said:
reinell30 said:
Folks, it is a DUI...that is all. A bad choice to get behind the wheel. Yes, he is lucky he didn't hurt someone, a bad choice he will remember for a long time to come! He will pay his dues for this mistake. Now let it drop! 2017 season around the corner, let's focus on the positives!

He is no "kid". He is 22. He knows the laws and hopefully the coaching staff made it clear that DUI is not acceptable at UM and he should be removed from the team. That would be a positive statement. Sadly, Montana is the number one state in alcoholism. Time to change that culture. Other kids will step up. It might even open a scholarship to a deserving kid who can keep his cool in a tough game.

Actually, if you're looking at per capita usage New Hampshire holds that distinction, though we do come in 6th.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Spanky said:
Would it surprise the righteous folks on the board that there were probably several other players that got loaded the same night as Strahm. Some probably drove home, but didn't get caught. Maybe, it's ok if you don't get caught? Do the righteous folks think this young man is the only one tipping to excess?

No! It is never okay to drive while intoxicated. If saying that makes me righteous, I'll gladly wear the label.
Ursa Major said:
PlayerRep said:
Ursa Major said:
PlayerRep said:
And no one even suggested that. However, thinking DUIs are bad and ignoring distracted driving is both "bad", and it makes one a hypocrite, in my view. The number of self-righteous posters on this board (not you) is high. George Ferguson often points that out.

f Strahm had been cited for texting while driving, or driving in town talking on his cell phone, I doubt that many would be calling for his head. That's my point.
No one believes that for a second.Whenever a Griz player gets into trouble, you jump on here and begin defending them or make a ridiculous argument (see above) to mitigate their behavior. This is like clockwork, PR. Just be intellectually honest and own it.

I haven't defended what Strahm did. Pointing out hypocrites and inconsistent is not the same as defending a DUI.

Do you think drinking/driving is worse than texting/talking/driving (even tho some studies say texting/driving is 6 times worse than drinking/driving)?

I made no ridiculous argument. Why don't you admit that you can't read and that you just made up most of what you just posted?

Than why are you the only one talking about texting? The topic is a Griz player getting a DUI. You've already used the texting argument before to defend a Griz player and muddle the ethical/moral question regarding a DUI. Your behavior is as predictable as clockwork.

I think this is a minor hiccup for the program. Ironically, your bullshit "player advocacy" will likely push this thread to 10 pages. Strategically, if you want to help the kid, shut the f*** up.

Nope, haven't used texting as an argument to defend a player. Have used texting to show the hypocrisy and inconsistency of people like you. There's a large difference between those 2 things.
EverettGriz said:
Spanky said:
Would it surprise the righteous folks on the board that there were probably several other players that got loaded the same night as Strahm. Some probably drove home, but didn't get caught. Maybe, it's ok if you don't get caught? Do the righteous folks think this young man is the only one tipping to excess?

No! It is never okay to drive while intoxicated. If saying that makes me righteous, I'll gladly wear the label.

What's your view on texting/driving, or talking on a cell phone and driving?

What's your view on driving 70 in a 50 mph zone?

I would never say you are "righteous". Maybe "self-righteous".
PlayerRep said:
EverettGriz said:
Spanky said:
Would it surprise the righteous folks on the board that there were probably several other players that got loaded the same night as Strahm. Some probably drove home, but didn't get caught. Maybe, it's ok if you don't get caught? Do the righteous folks think this young man is the only one tipping to excess?

No! It is never okay to drive while intoxicated. If saying that makes me righteous, I'll gladly wear the label.

What's your view on texting/driving, or talking on a cell phone and driving?

What's your view on driving 70 in a 50 mph zone?

I would never say you are "righteous". Maybe "self-righteous".

So we're back to the texting.... :roll:

Not that it's any of your damn business, but I don't text and drive. Ever. Much like I don't drink and drive. I have hands free and will occasionally have a short conversation while driving. My feelings on driving 70 in a 50 would depend on a nearly infinite number of variables.

Now, what's your position on drinking and driving?

And thanks. I would never say you're an ass. Maybe a "dumbass".
EverettGriz said:
PlayerRep said:
EverettGriz said:
Spanky said:
Would it surprise the righteous folks on the board that there were probably several other players that got loaded the same night as Strahm. Some probably drove home, but didn't get caught. Maybe, it's ok if you don't get caught? Do the righteous folks think this young man is the only one tipping to excess?

No! It is never okay to drive while intoxicated. If saying that makes me righteous, I'll gladly wear the label.

What's your view on texting/driving, or talking on a cell phone and driving?

What's your view on driving 70 in a 50 mph zone?

I would never say you are "righteous". Maybe "self-righteous".

So we're back to the texting.... :roll:

Not that it's any of your damn business, but I don't text and drive. Ever. Much like I don't drink and drive. I have hands free and will occasionally have a short conversation while driving. My feelings on driving 70 in a 50 would depend on a nearly infinite number of variables.

Now, what's your position on drinking and driving?

And thanks. I would never say you're an ass. Maybe a "dumbass".

I consistently said, in this thread and others, that I don't condone or justify what Strahm appears to have done and I oppose drinking and driving, or as you said driving while intoxicated. Why don't you just read that portion of my posts. This was in my first post in this thread: "Not trying to justify DUI or what Strahm appears to have done, but, like George F, it occurs to me that some of the outraged posters are probably not consistent with their outrage."

Great, that you don't text/drive and don't talk/drive. However, what I was asking was your view on other people texting/driving or talking/driving. Or, do you view driving while intoxicated as being worse than texting/driving or other distracted driving? These questions have nothing to do with Strahm or his situation. My question is to you, or certain others posting in this thread.
Again, not that it's any of your damn business, but I abhor people who text and drive. I just have no idea why it's even being discussed in this thread. Seemingly, many others are confused as well.

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