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Gresch Jensen to...

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Fahque said:
Grizzly96 said:
AZGrizFan said:
IdaGriz01 said:
Took me awhile to figure this one out … after seeing Fullerton refer to themselves as “national” as well as “state” champions. I looked up the national Junior College championship … and Fullerton was nowhere to be seen. The current NJCAA champion is East Mississippi Community College

Turns out, California is even more arrogant than Texas when it comes to this level of football. That is, California has its own “community college” organization, the California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA). They all started out together as part of the NJCAA, based on a meeting at Fresno in 1937. But then California “took their football and went home,” i.e., pulled out of the NJCAA. That seems to have happened in 1951 … that’s when the NJCAA handbook says the “California Junior College Association bans state schools from participating in NJCAA sponsored events.”

Of course, both associations are about more than football, but I suppose CCCAA champions in other sports also call themselves “national” champions. Pretty funny.
What’s arrogant about Texas’s approach to this level of football?

They’re not, they’re just that good. Texas JC’s play in the NJCAA and are always ranked amongst the best. Fullerton would get DEMOLISHED if they actually played against the real top JC’s in the nation(not just Texas). Numerous D1 players come from the Texas JC’s and those in the NJCAA. Fullerton is NOT the JC National Champion and wouldn’t even come close if they played in NJCAA.

Jensen picked what he thought was best, good for him, but I think he’s going to be in for a rude awakening. The “competition” is just as tough, if not tougher, at the JC or “CC” level and that’s reality, not putting down Jensen.

And you're assuming he doesn't want to compete...give it a rest already and wish the young man good luck
Ursa Major said:
Fahque said:
Grizzly96 said:
AZGrizFan said:
What’s arrogant about Texas’s approach to this level of football?

They’re not, they’re just that good. Texas JC’s play in the NJCAA and are always ranked amongst the best. Fullerton would get DEMOLISHED if they actually played against the real top JC’s in the nation(not just Texas). Numerous D1 players come from the Texas JC’s and those in the NJCAA. Fullerton is NOT the JC National Champion and wouldn’t even come close if they played in NJCAA.

Jensen picked what he thought was best, good for him, but I think he’s going to be in for a rude awakening. The “competition” is just as tough, if not tougher, at the JC or “CC” level and that’s reality, not putting down Jensen.

And you're assuming he doesn't want to compete...give it a rest already and wish the young man good luck

+1 :clap: :clap:
Fahque said:
Grizzly96 said:
AZGrizFan said:
IdaGriz01 said:
Took me awhile to figure this one out … after seeing Fullerton refer to themselves as “national” as well as “state” champions. I looked up the national Junior College championship … and Fullerton was nowhere to be seen. The current NJCAA champion is East Mississippi Community College

Turns out, California is even more arrogant than Texas when it comes to this level of football. That is, California has its own “community college” organization, the California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA). They all started out together as part of the NJCAA, based on a meeting at Fresno in 1937. But then California “took their football and went home,” i.e., pulled out of the NJCAA. That seems to have happened in 1951 … that’s when the NJCAA handbook says the “California Junior College Association bans state schools from participating in NJCAA sponsored events.”

Of course, both associations are about more than football, but I suppose CCCAA champions in other sports also call themselves “national” champions. Pretty funny.
What’s arrogant about Texas’s approach to this level of football?

They’re not, they’re just that good. Texas JC’s play in the NJCAA and are always ranked amongst the best. Fullerton would get DEMOLISHED if they actually played against the real top JC’s in the nation(not just Texas). Numerous D1 players come from the Texas JC’s and those in the NJCAA. Fullerton is NOT the JC National Champion and wouldn’t even come close if they played in NJCAA.

Jensen picked what he thought was best, good for him, but I think he’s going to be in for a rude awakening. The “competition” is just as tough, if not tougher, at the JC or “CC” level and that’s reality, not putting down Jensen.

And you're assuming he doesn't want to compete...give it a rest already and wish the young man good luck

Not assuming anything, but I know he didn’t want to compete here, so there’s that. I do wish him the best, but it’s going to be tougher than he thinks.
Grizzly96 said:
Fahque said:
Grizzly96 said:
AZGrizFan said:
What’s arrogant about Texas’s approach to this level of football?

They’re not, they’re just that good. Texas JC’s play in the NJCAA and are always ranked amongst the best. Fullerton would get DEMOLISHED if they actually played against the real top JC’s in the nation(not just Texas). Numerous D1 players come from the Texas JC’s and those in the NJCAA. Fullerton is NOT the JC National Champion and wouldn’t even come close if they played in NJCAA.

Jensen picked what he thought was best, good for him, but I think he’s going to be in for a rude awakening. The “competition” is just as tough, if not tougher, at the JC or “CC” level and that’s reality, not putting down Jensen.

And you're assuming he doesn't want to compete...give it a rest already and wish the young man good luck

Not assuming anything, but I know he didn’t want to compete here, so there’s that. I do wish him the best, but it’s going to be tougher than he thinks.

You have no idea what happened in that locker room. If you do provide proof...other than the fact he transferred
He transferred because he can't handle competition and change. Who cares he's gone. Didn't want to be a griz anymore so Fuck him.... We have capable qbs that do want to be a griz not just a starter so ill take that.
Fahque said:
Grizzly96 said:
Fahque said:
Grizzly96 said:
They’re not, they’re just that good. Texas JC’s play in the NJCAA and are always ranked amongst the best. Fullerton would get DEMOLISHED if they actually played against the real top JC’s in the nation(not just Texas). Numerous D1 players come from the Texas JC’s and those in the NJCAA. Fullerton is NOT the JC National Champion and wouldn’t even come close if they played in NJCAA.

Jensen picked what he thought was best, good for him, but I think he’s going to be in for a rude awakening. The “competition” is just as tough, if not tougher, at the JC or “CC” level and that’s reality, not putting down Jensen.

And you're assuming he doesn't want to compete...give it a rest already and wish the young man good luck

Not assuming anything, but I know he didn’t want to compete here, so there’s that. I do wish him the best, but it’s going to be tougher than he thinks.

You have no idea what happened in that locker room. If you do provide proof...other than the fact he transferred

Actually, I have a very good grasp of what happened. Proof? ......Proof? Several have said the same as I have about the situation who have actually talked to players. You like Jensen, we get it, but you know what? He didn’t want to be a Griz any longer at the end of the day and that’s all the proof you need.
I won't say Jensen didn't want to complete. He's a great kid and will do well on the field and in life.

What I will say is Sneed did want to complete, in a big way. He's here for a reason and after being understandably skeptical initially, his teammates are behind him. Many of them sooner than later.
If Jensen didn't want to compete, Hauck would have given Jensen a one year release, instead of holding him to a 3 year release, forcing Jensen to go to a JC college, which enables him to still play 2 more years of football without constraints. The opinions of Jensen not wanting to compete is untrue. Fans of the new Grizzly program are being manipulated with false information - don't believe them! Jensen has never been released by Hauck! He wouldn't sign Hauck's restrictions of 3 years. An agreed release was never reached! Move on- spreading derogatory remarks is more a reflection on the person making them then Jensen. Why do people care anyway? He is gone. Sounds like they are fearful of competing against him in the future.
3 years to a big sky school... Plenty of other schools out there that aren't jc. He's just scared of competition and he knows the bog sky sucks.
Grandma Griz said:
If Jensen didn't want to compete, Hauck would have given Jensen a one year release, instead of holding him to a 3 year release, forcing Jensen to go to a JC college, which enables him to still play 2 more years of football without constraints. The opinions of Jensen not wanting to compete is untrue. Fans of the new Grizzly program are being manipulated with false information - don't believe them! Jensen has never been released by Hauck! He wouldn't sign Hauck's restrictions of 3 years. An agreed release was never reached! Move on- spreading derogatory remarks is more a reflection on the person making them then Jensen. Why do people care anyway? He is gone. Sounds like they are fearful of competing against him in the future.

:roll: No one is fearful.....
Grandma Griz said:
If Jensen didn't want to compete, Hauck would have given Jensen a one year release, instead of holding him to a 3 year release, forcing Jensen to go to a JC college, which enables him to still play 2 more years of football without constraints. The opinions of Jensen not wanting to compete is untrue. Fans of the new Grizzly program are being manipulated with false information - don't believe them! Jensen has never been released by Hauck! He wouldn't sign Hauck's restrictions of 3 years. An agreed release was never reached! Move on- spreading derogatory remarks is more a reflection on the person making them then Jensen. Why do people care anyway? He is gone. Sounds like they are fearful of competing against him in the future.

Didn't Jensen have to go to a JC to be able to play this year, unless he went done below D-I? I thought transfers (who were recruited and have schoolies) from FCS to FCS, or FCS to FBS, had to sit out a year no matter what. Has nothing to do with a release.
Grandma Griz said:
If Jensen didn't want to compete, Hauck would have given Jensen a one year release, instead of holding him to a 3 year release, forcing Jensen to go to a JC college, which enables him to still play 2 more years of football without constraints. The opinions of Jensen not wanting to compete is untrue. Fans of the new Grizzly program are being manipulated with false information - don't believe them! Jensen has never been released by Hauck! He wouldn't sign Hauck's restrictions of 3 years. An agreed release was never reached! Move on- spreading derogatory remarks is more a reflection on the person making them then Jensen. Why do people care anyway? He is gone. Sounds like they are fearful of competing against him in the future.

Then why did Jensen leave UM and transfer?
jcu27 said:
He transferred because he can't handle competition and change. Who cares he's gone. Didn't want to be a griz anymore so f*** him.... We have capable qbs that do want to be a griz not just a starter so ill take that.

Now there’s a reasonable, mature post :roll:

He’s a 20 year old kid recruited by the last coaching staff, give it a break. This happens all the time in college sports. It doesn’t reflect poorly on Jensen OR Hauck. They weren’t a fit and it just didn’t work.
Tired of hearing the big tough guy talk like that, “F him if he didnt want to be a part of this”

Just wish him well and move on.

And I think you’re a little off base on saying that there are QB’s on your roster that are fine being the backup.
All of them were brought in to compete for the starting job and I’m sure they all believe in themselves that they’ll win the starting job, as it should be.
We’ll see how it plays out and if the guy that is the backup this year sticks around next year to be the back up again. He very well may, but no way of knowing right now.
Catsrgrood said:
jcu27 said:
He transferred because he can't handle competition and change. Who cares he's gone. Didn't want to be a griz anymore so f*** him.... We have capable qbs that do want to be a griz not just a starter so ill take that.

Now there’s a reasonable, mature post :roll:

He’s a 20 year old kid recruited by the last coaching staff, give it a break. This happens all the time in college sports. It doesn’t reflect poorly on Jensen OR Hauck. They weren’t a fit and it just didn’t work.
Tired of hearing the big tough guy talk like that, “F him if he didnt want to be a part of this”

Just wish him well and move on.

And I think you’re a little off base on saying that there are QB’s on your roster that are fine being the backup.
All of them were brought in to compete for the starting job and I’m sure they all believe in themselves that they’ll win the starting job, as it should be.
We’ll see how it plays out and if the guy that is the backup this year sticks around next year to be the back up again. He very well may, but no way of knowing right now.

I hear there's a Sophomoronic-class arm-chairing-jock-sniffer who's all taped up ready to go by the name of JCU if all those promising backup qb's flail... No worries
Grandma Griz said:
If Jensen didn't want to compete, Hauck would have given Jensen a one year release, instead of holding him to a 3 year release, forcing Jensen to go to a JC college, which enables him to still play 2 more years of football without constraints. The opinions of Jensen not wanting to compete is untrue. Fans of the new Grizzly program are being manipulated with false information - don't believe them! Jensen has never been released by Hauck! He wouldn't sign Hauck's restrictions of 3 years. An agreed release was never reached! Move on- spreading derogatory remarks is more a reflection on the person making them then Jensen. Why do people care anyway? He is gone. Sounds like they are fearful of competing against him in the future.

3 years is not uncommon. I think some people care because they wish he would have stayed and competed for the job instead of leaving.
I’m tired of all the “competing” opinions on this subject! As many have stated, this kind of thing is very common with a coaching change, let it go! I truly wish GJ the best and hope he finds success but as a Griz fan I’m way more excited and focused on Grizzly football players and what this and the next several seasons of Griz football will bring!! IMO, this program with this coaching staff has U of M headed in the right direction.
Kabooom said:
Catsrgrood said:
jcu27 said:
He transferred because he can't handle competition and change. Who cares he's gone. Didn't want to be a griz anymore so f*** him.... We have capable qbs that do want to be a griz not just a starter so ill take that.

Now there’s a reasonable, mature post :roll:

He’s a 20 year old kid recruited by the last coaching staff, give it a break. This happens all the time in college sports. It doesn’t reflect poorly on Jensen OR Hauck. They weren’t a fit and it just didn’t work.
Tired of hearing the big tough guy talk like that, “F him if he didnt want to be a part of this”

Just wish him well and move on.

And I think you’re a little off base on saying that there are QB’s on your roster that are fine being the backup.
All of them were brought in to compete for the starting job and I’m sure they all believe in themselves that they’ll win the starting job, as it should be.
We’ll see how it plays out and if the guy that is the backup this year sticks around next year to be the back up again. He very well may, but no way of knowing right now.

I hear there's a Sophomoronic-class arm-chairing-jock-sniffer who's all taped up ready to go by the name of JCU if all those promising backup qb's flail... No worries

You think the walk on qbs are expecting to start? You think freshman are expecting to start? You guys are fucking retarded.
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