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Glory Days............

RobGriz said:
b_f_c_99 said:
Spanky said:
Not sure Rob, but it looks like the majority are ok with it

Don't take this the wrong way because its truly not meant as an attack or a troll or any of that BS.
But whose "we" are any of us suiting up for for games? Breaking down film? Coaching the team or any thing else other than watching the games? Brint spends a pile of time breaking down games and what not, does he get paid? Do you truly think the kids and coaches don't care? I'm 100 percent sure that if any of us actually sat down with Stiff and crew, watched film with them, saw what they did day to day you wouldn't think they are morons. I damn well knew Don Read wasn't a moron after listening to him and getting the opportunity to ask him a question here and there.
Oh shut up. No one said they don't care. WTF does caring have to do with it? You can care and still suck, i.e. this coaching staff. You can have a ton of heart and still lose. As far as the rest goes of course I couldn't do better, just like Bob Stitt couldn't work on airplanes as good as I can but no ones paying him to do so, but I suspect he'd still recognize an aircraft crash if he saw one
You are knocking this out! 99% accurate on all accounts but the eClowns would rather pray, hope and feel good than admit we suck have very limited talent.

Keep up the good fight they won't make it past 5 rounds with you they already have been knocked down, so end it

RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
Gawd, how desperate are you that you think 6-5 is ok? Are you so willing to except mediocrity? Do you not see that this coaching staff is in over its head and has been???? They've shown it over and over. I comprehend just fine. There are apparently a bunch of you willing to hang your hats on 6-5 seasons in the hope that some day, some freakin day we will get to 7-4 and make the playoffs...yay.

Sorry Rob. You absolutely sound like an entitled and out of touch fan. Seriously, the world changes. The U of M has gone through some tough times and things ebb and flow. MSU's enrollments up, the economy changed, the make up of the nation and state have changed. Change, it happens and things will flip again. That is how life works. You don't stay on top forever and you have to rebuild. Look at Michigan, Notre Dame, Alabama, etc. The Griz are trying to return to glory. Is anyone happy with a losing season? Not true fans is happy and you sound like a total jackass saying people are satisfied. Really. The coaches, players and AD want to lose and are happy without beating MSU and not making the playoffs? Come on. They are likely three times as competitive as you are. Is Stitt the answer. Maybe, maybe not. Until he is fired or the program returns to the "glory days" - I will be rooting hard for the staff and the entire team. Give it a rest.

Well. If mediocrity is what you want, mediocrity is what you've got.
I'll root for the team, but believing that somehow rooting for the staff will make them better is just naive. How many times do they have to prove they are in over their heads before Griz Nation will see it. Just look at the presser after this weekend.

I am in agreement with you Rob griz , it's like the band on the titanic,they keep playing until the water is up to there asshole and the there like holy f*** we're sinking .
They can not see the forest through the trees .
If people go back and watch the games when they focusing on Stitt he has that deer in the headlight look on his face . Again he maybe an offensive genius but he is no coach
2 people in this entire thread get it. Love the "water up to their asshole comment" That is exactly what the jerks arguing against Rob are doing.

Good post TCC

it's NOW that the season really starts. Stitt needs to go 5-2 at a minimum to get to the playoffs and win a couple. Absent that, I think he's a goner, but I'm not ready to pass that judgement when we're exactly where we thought we'd be, and essentially the WAY we thought we'd get here....two blowout wins, a blowout loss, and close loss to a team that's had our number for the past 6 years.

Are you kidding me lol hahaha
You ever hear of the band Def Leopard ???
They had a famous song , umm what was it anyone ???
AZGrizFan said:
RobGriz said:
PlayerRep said:
EverettGriz said:
Rob, et al:

No ONE, and I literally mean not one single person associated with this program -- from Kent down to my friend's 3 year old nephew -- are happy with 6-5 seasons. We do NOT expect that to be the new normal.

But anyone who has watched any sport for more than a few years understands that no team -- not UCLA basketball, not the 1960s Packers, not the Lakers, not the Yankees, not Montana and no, not even NDSU eventually -- can maintain the ridiculous level of success that the Griz enjoyed for such a ridiculous period of time. Life and sports simply do not work that way. We call that a ridiculous period for a reason.

Griz fans are spoiled. I get it. We expect that 11-1 seasons with 3 home playoff games and trips to the title game are our birthright. But reality paints a different picture. This program will be fine. Will we ever return to that ridiculous level of extended dominance? Likely not. And for many, that's okay, because we understand that was truly a once in a lifetime thing.

I agree with you, and I was saying over a decade ago that the Griz had a lot of unrealistic fans when some complained about Hauck a national championship. Beyond that, however, is the question many are concerned about, and that is whether UM has the right head coach, and right DC, to get the team back to where it was or even close. I'm still on the Stitt/Semore team, but I am sure not telling others like Rob that they are wrong. Not after the collapse last season and the start this year (and this season is still young and has nice potential, in my view). And, as I have said before, how is the performance of the team under Stitt better than Delaney's last 2 years, which were 11-3 and 9-5, with making the playoffs and beating the Cats, and being ranked nos. 8 and 12 post-season those two years? What's the trend? Where's the trend?

Look at good fans and former players like Kem. He's actually a great fan and supporter. He loves the team. I doubt that he has unrealistic expectations. But he is very concerned, and he is not alone.

And, this is the internet, so lots of things get to be discussed.

Exactly. I don't expect 11-1. Hell 8-3 with a playoff game would be fine. Right now I'd settle for being in the top 25.
I'm not saying that we need or should be making deep runs every year, but we should, at the very least be competitive in our own conference. But lately all I see is people willing to hope on next year. 6-5 and losing to a HORRIBLE msu team should never be "ok". But if we do the same thing this year, which, from all I've seen is more than likely, most of the posters here will come up with a thousand excuses..."wait til next year"..."Bobs just gotta get 'his' guys"..."it was one guy on defense that messed it up"

The thing I don't understand is we are 2-2, and exactly where 99% of rational Griz fans expected us to be. Sure, we lost a nice lead Saturday and at halftime a lot of us were thinking "3-1, here we come!" Until the 2nd half was over, but we're 2-2, right where we thought. Honestly, it's NOW that the season really starts. Stitt needs to go 5-2 at a minimum to get to the playoffs and win a couple. Absent that, I think he's a goner, but I'm not ready to pass that judgement when we're exactly where we thought we'd be, and essentially the WAY we thought we'd get here....two blowout wins, a blowout loss, and close loss to a team that's had our number for the past 6 years.
If, IF I had seen anything at all that would lead me to believe that this coaching staff had the ability to go 5-2 in the remaining games, I'd be right there with you. But I haven't. Feel fee to enlighten me on what leads you to believe they have it in them. I said if this staff got us to 7-4 and won a playoff game I'd be behind them getting a new contract.
Currently I feel my odds of winning the powerball are better.
Man1 said:
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
Sorry Rob. You absolutely sound like an entitled and out of touch fan. Seriously, the world changes. The U of M has gone through some tough times and things ebb and flow. MSU's enrollments up, the economy changed, the make up of the nation and state have changed. Change, it happens and things will flip again. That is how life works. You don't stay on top forever and you have to rebuild. Look at Michigan, Notre Dame, Alabama, etc. The Griz are trying to return to glory. Is anyone happy with a losing season? Not true fans is happy and you sound like a total jackass saying people are satisfied. Really. The coaches, players and AD want to lose and are happy without beating MSU and not making the playoffs? Come on. They are likely three times as competitive as you are. Is Stitt the answer. Maybe, maybe not. Until he is fired or the program returns to the "glory days" - I will be rooting hard for the staff and the entire team. Give it a rest.

Well. If mediocrity is what you want, mediocrity is what you've got.
I'll root for the team, but believing that somehow rooting for the staff will make them better is just naive. How many times do they have to prove they are in over their heads before Griz Nation will see it. Just look at the presser after this weekend.

I am in agreement with you Rob griz , it's like the band on the titanic,they keep playing until the water is up to there asshole and the there like holy f*** we're sinking .
They can not see the forest through the trees .
If people go back and watch the games when they focusing on Stitt he has that deer in the headlight look on his face . Again he maybe an offensive genius but he is no coach
2 people in this entire thread get it. Love the "water up to their asshole comment" That is exactly what the jerks arguing against Rob are doing.

Good post TCC

Thanks Man1
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
Maybe talk your social worker spouse about anger management.
Maybe go f*** yourself??? No ones asking for your bullsh1t comments, are they?

The anger is strong in this one. It is football dipshit. People died today, lost jobs, got divorced, lost homes because of hurricanes, etc. Get a grip. I think things will be ok this week when the Griz win. Even with asshole fans like you
But, that's the thing, I'm not "angry". I'm just smart enough to see what is going on. You keep hoping against hope and not really adding any significant argument, other than to hurl insults and tell yourself that one day Stitt will finally "get it". Meanwhile those of us that actually understand football will understand that this staff, while well meaning and intentioned is completely over its head.
That said, any time you'd like to actually post an argument that shows you know anything...anything at all....about the game of football, please do. Dumbass.

Why don't you apply for the head job then if you are so smart message board warrior? Smarter than Shan? Smarter than Germer, Stitt, Semore? You are credible why? I trust Haslam has things in hand. As far as football knowledge, there is not a single person on this board as versed in the game as the head coach of the Montana Grizzlies. Yes, that includes PR. Is Stitt over his head? We will find out. Until then, carry on genius.
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
Maybe go f*** yourself??? No ones asking for your bullsh1t comments, are they?

The anger is strong in this one. It is football dipshit. People died today, lost jobs, got divorced, lost homes because of hurricanes, etc. Get a grip. I think things will be ok this week when the Griz win. Even with asshole fans like you
But, that's the thing, I'm not "angry". I'm just smart enough to see what is going on. You keep hoping against hope and not really adding any significant argument, other than to hurl insults and tell yourself that one day Stitt will finally "get it". Meanwhile those of us that actually understand football will understand that this staff, while well meaning and intentioned is completely over its head.
That said, any time you'd like to actually post an argument that shows you know anything...anything at all....about the game of football, please do. Dumbass.

Why don't you apply for the head job then if you are so smart message board warrior? Smarter than Shan? Smarter than Germer, Stitt, Semore? You are credible why? I trust Haslam has things in hand. As far as football knowledge, there is not a single person on this board as versed in the game as the head coach of the Montana Grizzlies. Yes, that includes PR. Is Stitt over his head? We will find out. Until then, carry on genius.
I don't recall reading where he said he was smarter than any of the coaches .
I think you have no argument and now your getting defensive . This is typical for people feeling hurt and pain fyi
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
The anger is strong in this one. It is football dipshit. People died today, lost jobs, got divorced, lost homes because of hurricanes, etc. Get a grip. I think things will be ok this week when the Griz win. Even with asshole fans like you
But, that's the thing, I'm not "angry". I'm just smart enough to see what is going on. You keep hoping against hope and not really adding any significant argument, other than to hurl insults and tell yourself that one day Stitt will finally "get it". Meanwhile those of us that actually understand football will understand that this staff, while well meaning and intentioned is completely over its head.
That said, any time you'd like to actually post an argument that shows you know anything...anything at all....about the game of football, please do. Dumbass.

Why don't you apply for the head job then if you are so smart message board warrior? Smarter than Shan? Smarter than Germer, Stitt, Semore? You are credible why? I trust Haslam has things in hand. As far as football knowledge, there is not a single person on this board as versed in the game as the head coach of the Montana Grizzlies. Yes, that includes PR. Is Stitt over his head? We will find out. Until then, carry on genius.
I don't recall reading where he said he was smarter than any of the coaches .
I think you have no argument and now your getting defensive . This is typical for people feeling hurt and pain fyi

If you have hurt and pain from an anonymous message board - you have issues. Seriously - think about it.
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
Maybe go f*** yourself??? No ones asking for your bullsh1t comments, are they?

The anger is strong in this one. It is football dipshit. People died today, lost jobs, got divorced, lost homes because of hurricanes, etc. Get a grip. I think things will be ok this week when the Griz win. Even with asshole fans like you
But, that's the thing, I'm not "angry". I'm just smart enough to see what is going on. You keep hoping against hope and not really adding any significant argument, other than to hurl insults and tell yourself that one day Stitt will finally "get it". Meanwhile those of us that actually understand football will understand that this staff, while well meaning and intentioned is completely over its head.
That said, any time you'd like to actually post an argument that shows you know anything...anything at all....about the game of football, please do. Dumbass.

Why don't you apply for the head job then if you are so smart message board warrior? Smarter than Shan? Smarter than Germer, Stitt, Semore? You are credible why? I trust Haslam has things in hand. As far as football knowledge, there is not a single person on this board as versed in the game as the head coach of the Montana Grizzlies. Yes, that includes PR. Is Stitt over his head? We will find out. Until then, carry on genius.
You need to go lay down until you have an actual intelligent thought to post. You're exactly the kind of "fan" that TCGriz was talking about. Stand on the deck of the Titanic until the water is asshole deep and be like "I think the ship is sinking, but I'm no Captain, so what do I know"
Copper Griz said:
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
But, that's the thing, I'm not "angry". I'm just smart enough to see what is going on. You keep hoping against hope and not really adding any significant argument, other than to hurl insults and tell yourself that one day Stitt will finally "get it". Meanwhile those of us that actually understand football will understand that this staff, while well meaning and intentioned is completely over its head.
That said, any time you'd like to actually post an argument that shows you know anything...anything at all....about the game of football, please do. Dumbass.

Why don't you apply for the head job then if you are so smart message board warrior? Smarter than Shan? Smarter than Germer, Stitt, Semore? You are credible why? I trust Haslam has things in hand. As far as football knowledge, there is not a single person on this board as versed in the game as the head coach of the Montana Grizzlies. Yes, that includes PR. Is Stitt over his head? We will find out. Until then, carry on genius.
I don't recall reading where he said he was smarter than any of the coaches .
I think you have no argument and now your getting defensive . This is typical for people feeling hurt and pain fyi

If you have hurt and pain from an anonymous message board - you have issues. Seriously - think about it.

Says the guy that has uttered not one intelligent or football knowledgeable post this entire thread. Only done his best to hurl school boy insults. Go to bed son, the adults are talking football and you've made it clear you don't know shit about that topic.
I was around during the Don Read era, never heard any banter of firing him, was part of the original QB club and coach Read in a jovial manner got lambasted at every meeting, and he loved every minute of banter.

Now, I can attest to this, coach Stitt is no Don Read, and never will be, just my biased opinion, and I’m sticking to it.
Copper Griz said:
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
But, that's the thing, I'm not "angry". I'm just smart enough to see what is going on. You keep hoping against hope and not really adding any significant argument, other than to hurl insults and tell yourself that one day Stitt will finally "get it". Meanwhile those of us that actually understand football will understand that this staff, while well meaning and intentioned is completely over its head.
That said, any time you'd like to actually post an argument that shows you know anything...anything at all....about the game of football, please do. Dumbass.

Why don't you apply for the head job then if you are so smart message board warrior? Smarter than Shan? Smarter than Germer, Stitt, Semore? You are credible why? I trust Haslam has things in hand. As far as football knowledge, there is not a single person on this board as versed in the game as the head coach of the Montana Grizzlies. Yes, that includes PR. Is Stitt over his head? We will find out. Until then, carry on genius.
I don't recall reading where he said he was smarter than any of the coaches .
I think you have no argument and now your getting defensive . This is typical for people feeling hurt and pain fyi

If you have hurt and pain from an anonymous message board - you have issues. Seriously - think about it.

Apparently comprehension is not your strong suit . Let's just leave it at that
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
The anger is strong in this one. It is football dipshit. People died today, lost jobs, got divorced, lost homes because of hurricanes, etc. Get a grip. I think things will be ok this week when the Griz win. Even with asshole fans like you
But, that's the thing, I'm not "angry". I'm just smart enough to see what is going on. You keep hoping against hope and not really adding any significant argument, other than to hurl insults and tell yourself that one day Stitt will finally "get it". Meanwhile those of us that actually understand football will understand that this staff, while well meaning and intentioned is completely over its head.
That said, any time you'd like to actually post an argument that shows you know anything...anything at all....about the game of football, please do. Dumbass.

Why don't you apply for the head job then if you are so smart message board warrior? Smarter than Shan? Smarter than Germer, Stitt, Semore? You are credible why? I trust Haslam has things in hand. As far as football knowledge, there is not a single person on this board as versed in the game as the head coach of the Montana Grizzlies. Yes, that includes PR. Is Stitt over his head? We will find out. Until then, carry on genius.
You need to go lay down until you have an actual intelligent thought to post. You're exactly the kind of "fan" that TCGriz was talking about. Stand on the deck of the Titanic until the water is asshole deep and be like "I think the ship is sinking, but I'm no Captain, so what do I know"

What you or I think does not matter. Unless you have gigantic donation you made that will impact the AD, you have no influence. Like most on this board. Intelligent is realizing that you don't even have a place on the deck of the ship. You are just a fan bitching and moaning about something you have no influence over. Be delusional. Whatever makes you fell better.
Don Reads W/L for his career. RobGriz and others, there is nothing in any of his coaching tenures that would indicate he would do what he did in 1995. Hence the reason people like you wanted him fired every year. Can you explain that? I can, Dave Dickinson, a truly amazing player can make lots of good things happen. Vernon Adams? Amanti Edwards? Gubrud is amazing, you may not want to believe it but he is. Craig Ochs was amazing, all Hauck needed to do was step back and let the kid run the offense and he would have smoked James Madison. Stitt is starting to get the QB's he wants. If he is fired the next person that comes in that has an understanding of the spread offense will do really well, and you will all say, "see Stitt was the problem, look at what Joe Blow did with his players" the fact is Stitt is whipping up the ingredients for a great cake, its in the oven, let it bake.

1968 Portland State 4–6
1969 Portland State 6–4
1970 Portland State 6–4
1971 Portland State 4–5
Portland State: 20–19

Oregon Webfoots (Pacific-8 Conference) (1974–1976)
1974 Oregon 2–9 0–7 8th
1975 Oregon 3–8 2–5 6th
1976 Oregon 4–7 1–6 T–7th
Oregon: 9–24 3–18

Oregon Tech Hustlin' Owls () (1977–1980)
1977 Oregon Tech 2–7
1978 Oregon Tech 5–4
1979 Oregon Tech 7–2
1980 Oregon Tech 7–2
Oregon Tech: 21–15

Portland State Vikings (NCAA Division II Independent) (1981)
1981 Portland State 2–9
Portland State Vikings (Western Football Conference) (1982–1985)
1982 Portland State 2–9 0–4 5th
1983 Portland State 3–7 1–2 T–3rd
1984 Portland State 8–3 3–0 1st
1985 Portland State 4–5–1 2–2–1 3rd
Portland State: 19–33–1 6–8–1

Montana Grizzlies (Big Sky Conference) (1986–1995)
1986 Montana 6–4 4–4 4th
1987 Montana 6–5 5–3 3rd
1988 Montana 8–4 6–2 2nd L NCAA Division I-AA First Round
1989 Montana 11–3 7–1 2nd L NCAA Division I-AA Semifinal
1990 Montana 7–4 4–4 4th
1991 Montana 7–4 6–2 T–2nd
1992 Montana 6–5 4–3 T–3rd
1993 Montana 10–2 7–0 1st L NCAA Division I-AA First Round
1994 Montana 11–3 5–2 T–2nd L NCAA Division I-AA Semifinal
1995 Montana 13–2 6–1 1st W NCAA Division I-AA Championship
Montana: 85–36 54–22
Total: 154–127–1
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
But, that's the thing, I'm not "angry". I'm just smart enough to see what is going on. You keep hoping against hope and not really adding any significant argument, other than to hurl insults and tell yourself that one day Stitt will finally "get it". Meanwhile those of us that actually understand football will understand that this staff, while well meaning and intentioned is completely over its head.
That said, any time you'd like to actually post an argument that shows you know anything...anything at all....about the game of football, please do. Dumbass.

Why don't you apply for the head job then if you are so smart message board warrior? Smarter than Shan? Smarter than Germer, Stitt, Semore? You are credible why? I trust Haslam has things in hand. As far as football knowledge, there is not a single person on this board as versed in the game as the head coach of the Montana Grizzlies. Yes, that includes PR. Is Stitt over his head? We will find out. Until then, carry on genius.
You need to go lay down until you have an actual intelligent thought to post. You're exactly the kind of "fan" that TCGriz was talking about. Stand on the deck of the Titanic until the water is asshole deep and be like "I think the ship is sinking, but I'm no Captain, so what do I know"

What you or I think does not matter. Unless you have gigantic donation you made that will impact the AD, you have no influence. Like most on this board. Intelligent is realizing that you don't even have a place on the deck of the ship. You are just a fan bitching and moaning about something you have no influence over. Be delusional. Whatever makes you fell better.

You just proved RobGriz 's point . You want to live your life in mediocrity fine . RobGriz and I will be on the deck of the ship and that goes for the GRIZ we will never be satisfied with mediocrity.
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
daGrizJ said:
Gawd, how can you read what is being said and not comprehend?

Gawd, how desperate are you that you think 6-5 is ok? Are you so willing to except mediocrity? Do you not see that this coaching staff is in over its head and has been???? They've shown it over and over. I comprehend just fine. There are apparently a bunch of you willing to hang your hats on 6-5 seasons in the hope that some day, some freakin day we will get to 7-4 and make the playoffs...yay.

Sorry Rob. You absolutely sound like an entitled and out of touch fan. Seriously, the world changes. The U of M has gone through some tough times and things ebb and flow. MSU's enrollments up, the economy changed, the make up of the nation and state have changed. Change, it happens and things will flip again. That is how life works. You don't stay on top forever and you have to rebuild. Look at Michigan, Notre Dame, Alabama, etc. The Griz are trying to return to glory. Is anyone happy with a losing season? Not true fans is happy and you sound like a total jackass saying people are satisfied. Really. The coaches, players and AD want to lose and are happy without beating MSU and not making the playoffs? Come on. They are likely three times as competitive as you are. Is Stitt the answer. Maybe, maybe not. Until he is fired or the program returns to the "glory days" - I will be rooting hard for the staff and the entire team. Give it a rest.

Well. If mediocrity is what you want, mediocrity is what you've got.
I'll root for the team, but believing that somehow rooting for the staff will make them better is just naive. How many times do they have to prove they are in over their heads before Griz Nation will see it. Just look at the presser after this weekend.

That presser was eye opening for this crazy Griz fan, too, Rob. I'm with you on that. And for those beating up on Rob here, he's a passionate fan, a knowledgeable poster, knows the game, coached the game, and has a nephew who is a Griz. He just wants to see the Griz win. We all do.
b_f_c_99 said:
Don Reads W/L for his career. RobGriz and others, there is nothing in any of his coaching tenures that would indicate he would do what he did in 1995. Hence the reason people like you wanted him fired every year. Can you explain that? I can, Dave Dickinson, a truly amazing player can make lots of good things happen. Vernon Adams? Amanti Edwards? Gubrud is amazing, you may not want to believe it but he is. Craig Ochs was amazing, all Hauck needed to do was step back and let the kid run the offense and he would have smoked James Madison. Stitt is starting to get the QB's he wants. If he is fired the next person that comes in that has an understanding of the spread offense will do really well, and you will all say, "see Stitt was the problem, look at what Joe Blow did with his players" the fact is Stitt is whipping up the ingredients for a great cake, its in the oven, let it bake.

1968 Portland State 4–6
1969 Portland State 6–4
1970 Portland State 6–4
1971 Portland State 4–5
Portland State: 20–19

Oregon Webfoots (Pacific-8 Conference) (1974–1976)
1974 Oregon 2–9 0–7 8th
1975 Oregon 3–8 2–5 6th
1976 Oregon 4–7 1–6 T–7th
Oregon: 9–24 3–18

Oregon Tech Hustlin' Owls () (1977–1980)
1977 Oregon Tech 2–7
1978 Oregon Tech 5–4
1979 Oregon Tech 7–2
1980 Oregon Tech 7–2
Oregon Tech: 21–15

Portland State Vikings (NCAA Division II Independent) (1981)
1981 Portland State 2–9
Portland State Vikings (Western Football Conference) (1982–1985)
1982 Portland State 2–9 0–4 5th
1983 Portland State 3–7 1–2 T–3rd
1984 Portland State 8–3 3–0 1st
1985 Portland State 4–5–1 2–2–1 3rd
Portland State: 19–33–1 6–8–1

Montana Grizzlies (Big Sky Conference) (1986–1995)
1986 Montana 6–4 4–4 4th
1987 Montana 6–5 5–3 3rd
1988 Montana 8–4 6–2 2nd L NCAA Division I-AA First Round
1989 Montana 11–3 7–1 2nd L NCAA Division I-AA Semifinal
1990 Montana 7–4 4–4 4th
1991 Montana 7–4 6–2 T–2nd
1992 Montana 6–5 4–3 T–3rd
1993 Montana 10–2 7–0 1st L NCAA Division I-AA First Round
1994 Montana 11–3 5–2 T–2nd L NCAA Division I-AA Semifinal
1995 Montana 13–2 6–1 1st W NCAA Division I-AA Championship
Montana: 85–36 54–22
Total: 154–127–1

You just keep holding on to that, because all you're going to get out of this staff is 6-5 and 7-4 "just missed it" years.
They've actually digressed from Mick Delaney's tenure.
If they finish better than 6-5 I'll pull this thread up myself and apologize to each and every one of you. But I won't need to, because they won't.
I gotta ask, how many 6-5 years are you willing to endure before you'll admit you're wrong...or will you ever?
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
Copper Griz said:
Why don't you apply for the head job then if you are so smart message board warrior? Smarter than Shan? Smarter than Germer, Stitt, Semore? You are credible why? I trust Haslam has things in hand. As far as football knowledge, there is not a single person on this board as versed in the game as the head coach of the Montana Grizzlies. Yes, that includes PR. Is Stitt over his head? We will find out. Until then, carry on genius.
You need to go lay down until you have an actual intelligent thought to post. You're exactly the kind of "fan" that TCGriz was talking about. Stand on the deck of the Titanic until the water is asshole deep and be like "I think the ship is sinking, but I'm no Captain, so what do I know"

What you or I think does not matter. Unless you have gigantic donation you made that will impact the AD, you have no influence. Like most on this board. Intelligent is realizing that you don't even have a place on the deck of the ship. You are just a fan bitching and moaning about something you have no influence over. Be delusional. Whatever makes you fell better.

You just proved RobGriz 's point . You want to live your life in mediocrity fine . RobGriz and I will be on the deck of the ship and that goes for the GRIZ we will never be satisfied with mediocrity.

Good for you. I will just keep buying tickets when I can make games, buy gear, contribute with a check or two, etc. You stay on the deck of the ship with your friends. As for living in mediocrity - are you playing or are the kids busting their asses every day at practice and in the games. Pathetic
RobGriz, you very well may be correct but right now we are on one 6-5 season. You talk like this is the 4th year in a row of 6-5. But I digress my entire reason for this thread was not to compare the past, just to point out that times change and a couple of years don't have any great indication on the future.
Copper Griz said:
Copper Griz said:
RobGriz said:
You need to go lay down until you have an actual intelligent thought to post. You're exactly the kind of "fan" that TCGriz was talking about. Stand on the deck of the Titanic until the water is asshole deep and be like "I think the ship is sinking, but I'm no Captain, so what do I know"

What you or I think does not matter. Unless you have gigantic donation you made that will impact the AD, you have no influence. Like most on this board. Intelligent is realizing that you don't even have a place on the deck of the ship. You are just a fan bitching and moaning about something you have no influence over. Be delusional. Whatever makes you fell better.

You just proved RobGriz 's point . You want to live your life in mediocrity fine . RobGriz and I will be on the deck of the ship and that goes for the GRIZ we will never be satisfied with mediocrity.

Good for you. I will just keep buying tickets when I can make games, buy gear, contribute with a check or two, etc. You stay on the deck of the ship with your friends. As for living in mediocrity - are you playing or are the kids busting their asses every day at practice and in the games. Pathetic

This is where you and I are going to have a problem .
Not once in any post I have ever made have I blamed or bad mouthed a player .
Those kids work there asses off and I have the utmost respect for there hardwork and passion.
The coaches on the other hand I hav ed no problem talking shit about . You know why ??
Let's see ,they get paid to win . It's pretty simple even for someone of you IQ .
As for buying tickets ,gear and contributing a check or two , most of us do . Do you feel you need a brownie badge or something for it .
So again your getting defensive maybe you should go seek help . Remember( read this next sentence slow so maybe you can comprehend it )" this is an Internet message board get over it "

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