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Gerald Kemp at QB next year??


Well-known member
I heard from a reliable source that this is a possibility, Phenicie and Hauck really like him I guess, what do you guys think?
Whether he wins the starting gig or not I think we will see alot of Kemp next fall.
We will see plenty of Kemp on the field next fall. I do believe Selle will start tho.
Kemp will have a shot for sure, he's the type of QB that our system likes and he has the talent to run it. Question is, can he with just 1 year's experience in the system surpass Selle who will be a junior next year?

Time will tell, spirng camp will show us a lot.
Ive heard from some defensive players on the team that Kemp is "hands down the best athlete on the team" and has made some unbelievalbe plays.... as is the case with many athletic QB's he needs to work on accuracy but has a big arm and has made strides... I think with our OLine thats coming back and Chase leading the way with our running game that the coaches will go with the extremely high potential that Kemp has..... I also have really liked Larson since he was a Frosh..... and wouldn't mind seeing him get a legit shot..... I like his size, arm and athletic ability.... I'm not yet sold on Selle(unintentinal bad joke) but maybe he'll prove me wrong...... Like Trumaine Johnson, Gerald Kemp is a caliber of athlete that we don't see very often at Montana.... yes we can win with tuff Montana kids.... but it helps to inject the program with top notch athletic talent.......
Thanks for the opinions eGrizers. I do think that QB will be the biggest question mark of the winter and spring. I like that all three guys bring something a little different: Kemp--athlete +, Larson--biggest +option experience, Selle---athlete and smarts.

I am looking for a Division I transfer. You never can tell when someone like Craig Ochs might walk into the office and say, "I want to be a Griz." Can a FCS team recruit a kid who is transferring or is it hands-off?
I don't want a transfer/drop down; all too often, they upset the team chemistry. There are three legitimate prospects already in camp, and I'd bet there'll be at least one new QB in the February signing class. That should be good enough.
I've seen a lot of posts where you all are calling for a drop/down QB. IMHO Kemp is your drop down. He was recruited early on (as a QB) by the only two BCS teams that were undefeated in the regular season this year - Boise State and Utah - Utah was extremely high on him. Utah chose a kid from Las Vegas instead and Boise State went with the kid you saw in the Poinsetta Bowl if you all got a chance to watch (didn't think he was better than Kemp), however, if Kemp was not a D1 caliber player, neither school would have been on him in the first place. Unless of course you all think those are not big time D1 schools.

In addition, other BCS schools showed interest in him as a QB (Idaho, Colorado State, UNLV, New Mexico), and even bigger programs showed interest as an Athlete. He wanted to play QB and didn't care if it meant playing for an FCS or Div II school. Lots of FCS programs showed interest in Kemp. He was offered by UM and Villanova. Villanova came to his high school and offered him the opportunity to play right away. I imagine that he looked at UM's program and what they've done and decided he wanted to be a Grizzly. Also, I believe the coaches had a lot to do with his decision to come to UM. Personally I cannot wait for you all to see what we've already seen down here in San Diego.

In any case, UM needs at least three QBs ready to play. All UM's QBs are good as it should be. All bring something different to the table which gives the coaches plenty of options. I think Kemp will be a lot like Rodney Landers was for JMU (when he was healthy) and of course they had a very good backup as well and probably a third guy too.
I'm telling you guys the best teams in College football now have running QB's and the Griz have been leaning heavily towards the run game to set up the pass. Kemp fits the mold and Selle doesn't. Kemp takes the #1 spot by mid season next year after some splitting of time the first few games.
hoopmaster111 said:
I've seen a lot of posts where you all are calling for a drop/down QB. IMHO Kemp is your drop down. He was recruited early on (as a QB) by the only two BCS teams that were undefeated in the regular season this year - Boise State and Utah - Utah was extremely high on him. Utah chose a kid from Las Vegas instead and Boise State went with the kid you saw in the Poinsetta Bowl if you all got a chance to watch (didn't think he was better than Kemp), however, if Kemp was not a D1 caliber player, neither school would have been on him in the first place. Unless of course you all think those are not big time D1 schools.

In addition, other BCS schools showed interest in him as a QB (Idaho, Colorado State, UNLV, New Mexico), and even bigger programs showed interest as an Athlete. He wanted to play QB and didn't care if it meant playing for an FCS or Div II school. Lots of FCS programs showed interest in Kemp. He was offered by UM and Villanova. Villanova came to his high school and offered him the opportunity to play right away. I imagine that he looked at UM's program and what they've done and decided he wanted to be a Grizzly. Also, I believe the coaches had a lot to do with his decision to come to UM. Personally I cannot wait for you all to see what we've already seen down here in San Diego.

In any case, UM needs at least three QBs ready to play. All UM's QBs are good as it should be. All bring something different to the table which gives the coaches plenty of options. I think Kemp will be a lot like Rodney Landers was for JMU (when he was healthy) and of course they had a very good backup as well and probably a third guy too.
While none of the programs you mentioned are BCS programs, I expect Kemp to show enough in spring ball to really challenge the coaching staff to keep the starting role open until fall drills.
If anything, Bobby has shown that he likes an experienced guy and somebody that doesnt turn the ball over. That guy will be the QB.
I have been high on Kemp from the get go. I have a very good freind and relatives in the San Diego area. 2 of which follow HS football and college recruiting big time. Both emailed me when they heard Montana was looking at him. Both said this kid would be a steal and argueably the best get ever out of Southern California for the GRIZ. They have never given this kind of endorsement to any GRIZ recruit prior to last year. They gave 2 huge endorsements last year, Trumaine Johnson and Gerald Kemp.

With that said, I think we can all agree that Trumaine is the real deal, and one hell of get for the GRIZ. I have faith the chances are high they too hit the nail on the head with Kemp. However one of them did say, it does not matter if he is at qb or not, and to just get the kid on the field!!!!!!!
I heard the biggest knock on Kemp is his accuracy. Granted he is a frosh and I'm sure all frosh QB's need work on their accuracy but if he can improve in that area it may make for an interesting battle at QB.
evident from the title game: we need more overall speed and athleticism on offense, and more mobility at qb. even if selle wins the qb position, stick kemp in there for at least a series each game just to shake things up. move trumaine to receiver. (isn't the best defense a good offense?) add cady and gratton to the receiving corps, and moore as a changeup to reynolds, and joe's old cadillac will be transformed into a dragster.

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