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For Those Who Will Be Unhappy With Stitt as Coach

Here’s something to keep in mind.

Stitt’s tenure was not the worst out there. It’s definitely one of the worst in the last 40 years of Montana history. But he ends with a .600 winning percentage.

We just fired a dude who won 60% of our games. Do you know how many programs would kill for that to be considered reasonable for them? Only Ohio State in the FBS really has that.

Yes, the implications of only winning 60% of our games weren’t great (losing to the cats, not making the playoffs), but quit calling it a disaster.
The .600 winning percentage is really not that impressive given the lack of wins over other contenders.
Stop_HammerTime69 said:
Here’s something to keep in mind.

Stitt’s tenure was not the worst out there. It’s definitely one of the worst in the last 40 years of Montana history. But he ends with a .600 winning percentage.

We just fired a dude who won 60% of our games. Do you know how many programs would kill for that to be considered reasonable for them? Only Ohio State in the FBS really has that.

Yes, the implications of only winning 60% of our games weren’t great (losing to the cats, not making the playoffs), but quit calling it a disaster.

So tell us what you would call the worst percentage in 40 years, 2 losses in a row to the Cats, the first two years not going to the playoffs (since early 1990's), 2 years in a row not in the top 25, and 1 first team all-conference player?

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