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Engstrom stepping down

tnt said:
EverettGriz said:
There is a LOT going extremely well at UM right now. Better than ever, actually.

But you simply cannot overlook the enrollment problems. A change was needed, even if just for public perception reasons.

For those that are ecstatic about this, be careful what you wish for. Contrary to posts of those on here with no knowledge, Royce was a tremendous supporter and defender of Griz athletics. That's unlikely to be the case with the new president. I would fully expect we may well see a decrease in funding and support of athletics under the new president.

Whatever you feel about President Engstrom, there will never be another first family at UM with more grace and class than Royce and Mary. Ultimately they will be viewed positively by history for all they've accomplished on campus.

All very true, and despite what many Boosters think, any outside president coming in is going to put athletics under a microscope and it won't be pretty. The connection to athletics, Rape Nation, etc is more than anecdotal in regards to enrollment. The reasons Engstrom had to go, are very much the same as the reasons Pflu and O'day had to go. A new president coming in's first priority will be balancing the budget and maintaining academics. That will not bode well for athletics that rightly or wrongly is perceived by most to be the start of the problems.

Bingo. In other words, things are going to get worse before they get better.
reinell30 said:
SACCAT66 said:
reinell30 said:
Counter Assault said:
No wonder UM is having enrollment declines. Graduates are not educated once they leave.

You mean you go to college to get educated?

Education is WAY down the list of importance when it comes to UM.

So it is different somewhere else?

I figured a good troll would get the die hard cats upset. They are so predictable that way.
I see Sheila Sterns was just named interim president. I think that she's the perfect hire for an interim.

It will also be interesting to see they type of applicants they are are able to attract. At this point I'm not sure if UM is a job that's attractive because "hey, I can't be any worse than the last guy" or one people will stay away from because "that last guy really f*cked sh!t up beyond repair"

I just saw a petition circulating on facebook to hire Denise Juneau as the new president of UM.
wbtfg said:
It will also be interesting to see they type of applicants they are are able to attract. At this point I'm not sure if UM is a job that's attractive because "hey, I can't be any worse than the last guy" or one people will stay away from because "that last guy really f*cked sh!t up beyond repair"

They would just be handing off the keys to the Cadillac. It basically runs itself.
wbtfg said:
I just saw a petition circulating on facebook to hire Denise Juneau as the new president of UM.

EverettGriz said:
There is a LOT going extremely well at UM right now. Better than ever, actually.

But you simply cannot overlook the enrollment problems. A change was needed, even if just for public perception reasons.

For those that are ecstatic about this, be careful what you wish for. Contrary to posts of those on here with no knowledge, Royce was a tremendous supporter and defender of Griz athletics. That's unlikely to be the case with the new president. I would fully expect we may well see a decrease in funding and support of athletics under the new president.

Whatever you feel about President Engstrom, there will never be another first family at UM with more grace and class than Royce and Mary. Ultimately they will be viewed positively by history for all they've accomplished on campus.

How is it that things could be "better than ever" when the people you're set up to serve are staying away in droves? Somehow, the value & relevance of what's going on right now isn't resonating with target audiences as hoped. What is everyone missing?

I'm not laying this solely @ Royce's feet, but we all know where the buck stops. And it will take some different thinking to pull things out if this spiral, which will rightly impact athletics. Better it happens now.
VimSince03 said:
This was inevitable based off what I have been hearing over the past year.

Back in the thread we had awhile back about the 'dumb threads on Egriz' did we get one about how Egrizzer bitching about Engstrom would lead to his 'stepping' down. if so I think we have a winner.
Griz!ron said:
VimSince03 said:
This was inevitable based off what I have been hearing over the past year.

Back in the thread we had awhile back about the 'dumb threads on Egriz' did we get one about how Egrizzer bitching about Engstrom would lead to his 'stepping' down. if so I think we have a winner.

Realistically, it was more like if Royce doesn't step down or the University doesn't get its shit together, UM was on track to become an extension school of MSU down the road...and I'm not joking about that.
tnt said:
EverettGriz said:
There is a LOT going extremely well at UM right now. Better than ever, actually.

But you simply cannot overlook the enrollment problems. A change was needed, even if just for public perception reasons.

For those that are ecstatic about this, be careful what you wish for. Contrary to posts of those on here with no knowledge, Royce was a tremendous supporter and defender of Griz athletics. That's unlikely to be the case with the new president. I would fully expect we may well see a decrease in funding and support of athletics under the new president.

Whatever you feel about President Engstrom, there will never be another first family at UM with more grace and class than Royce and Mary. Ultimately they will be viewed positively by history for all they've accomplished on campus.

The reasons Engstrom had to go, are very much the same as the reasons Pflu and O'day had to go. A new president coming in's first priority will be balancing the budget and maintaining academics...

If that new president isn't equally focused on making UM "relevant" to the Nth degree as well, all they're coming into do is to move it to NAIA status.
wbtfg said:
I see Sheila Sterns was just named interim president. I think that she's the perfect hire for an interim.

It will also be interesting to see they type of applicants they are are able to attract. At this point I'm not sure if UM is a job that's attractive because "hey, I can't be any worse than the last guy" or one people will stay away from because "that last guy really f*cked sh!t up beyond repair"
UM long had a reputation as a "graveyard of presidents." Robert Johns was so frustrated he couldn't wait to leave because he felt the dysfunction was the result of the structure of the University system and politicians in Helena that never wanted to "rock the boat" and so did nothing, year after year, regarding higher education in Montana.

Engstrom is an example of a decision too long delayed. The hole is now much deeper than four years ago, the culture of failure ingrained. The "Fifteen Day" enrollment numbers this Fall showed a 6.1% drop. UM didn't point to the fact that undergraduate in-state enrollment had dropped by 9%. And the "November" enrollment numbers, which should have been available November 18, and which show final numbers for funding purposes (and which are invariably lower than the "Fifteen Day" numbers) have not been released. That means the numbers are bad. Indeed, given the timing, it may be those enrollment numbers that finally pushed the decision, esp since they have not been published according to the usual schedule.

Recovering will be a long, uphill battle, much longer and much more uphill than it should have been. That is the price of delay; the increased cost of not recognizing failure when it occurs.

At Tom Curry's press conference a couple of weeks ago, it was clear he had discovered woeful negligence in the recruitment process, Despite the problems, Engstrom had not increased the recruiting budget, he had cut it. Despite the need for increased IT support and involvement, he had cut the gentleman's (Chris) hours in half. So, just within the last two weeks, the BOR became fully aware that Engstrom, in fact, was doing all the wrong things with respect to recruitment; unfathomable decisions that made no sense whatsoever, and making the same mistakes over and over. I suspect that was the straw.
EverettGriz said:
For those that are ecstatic about this, be careful what you wish for. Contrary to posts of those on here with no knowledge, Royce was a tremendous supporter and defender of Griz athletics. That's unlikely to be the case with the new president. I would fully expect we may well see a decrease in funding and support of athletics under the new president.
This would be a HUGE mistake on the part of the next President. Especially to programs like football that GENERATE revenue. His first cuts should be to staff, considering the report that came out about over staffing at the U.

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