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Email from O'Day about the WAC, BSC & More.

A quote from Neworleans.com. Louisiana College Sports Notebook: After a paragraph saying that Tech is looking at the Sunbelt or MWC after the "Big 3" bailed on the WAC. This quote was added by the Tech sportsreporter:
It's hard to see any scenario where this isn't terrible for Louisiana Tech. The WAC is left with Tech, Hawaii, Idaho, NMSU, San Jose St. and Utah St. - Or as the cool kids call it The Absolute Worst Conference in the Nation.

Ouch. And with Hawaii looking to go Independent, or join the Big West. Double Ouch. PR had stated eariler that Hawaii was waiting on the Griz to make the jump to strengthen the WAC. If you read the story provided, it is actually a sarcastic Dissing of Montana being the best of a crappy bunch of alternatives. The thread can be found in "Hawaii Views on WAC and Montana" on Oct. 1 posted by PR. I don't know how to copy threads... so be my guest PR.
wbtfg said:
Clearly, O'Day has made up his mind. I would tend to believe that his opinion carries a lot of weight with the new Pres as well as with the BOR.

It's looking like this may be the final year for the Griz in the BSC, and possibly the last Cat/Griz game for a while. Too bad we have to break up the 4th oldest rivalry game west of the Mississippi (this year wiill be the 110th meeting). The last time MSU and UM did not play in a season was in 1945, when it was suspended for a few years due to WWII...will be sad to see that end.
Any move will be 2-3 years away. Ya gotta pay to play. I ain't seen a fat lady strolling up to the mic to starting belting out a tune yet. By that time, the WAC might be DOA.
About 7,345 threads ago when this was merely a theory, the arguments were pretty much the same as they are now. I know we feel the need to beat the horse over this, but I have come to the realization that:
1. We are only passengers on this ship. We can bitch, moan or groan, but we are not going to have much ability to get the captain to change directions.
2. I trust that those who are running the ship best understand the position of our athletic department when making these decision. Obviously this isn't an easy decision to come to.
3. The new WAC is attrocious. I hate the look of it, the direction it is going. The power of the former wac was teh regional rivals. Those regional rivals (minus Idaho) are all gone now. The WAC is the SunBelt of the West starting next year. A lot of directional schools and small private institutions clinging on for dear life. The new WAC doesn't give me warm and fuzzy for all those key conference games in football against San Jose State and the Northern California School for wayward girls.
4. Fat, dumb and stupid is no way to go through life. However it is a way to get through days of conversations about moving up, down or relocating to Ulanbataar.
5. University of Montana football will carry on regardless of what level we are at. The sun will come up tomorrow, some people will be happy with whatever decision is made and others will go cry in their beer at the rhino. Such is life.
Grizfan-24 said:
About 7,345 threads ago when this was merely a theory, the arguments were pretty much the same as they are now. I know we feel the need to beat the horse over this, but I have come to the realization that:
1. We are only passengers on this ship. We can bitch, moan or groan, but we are not going to have much ability to get the captain to change directions.
2. I trust that those who are running the ship best understand the position of our athletic department when making these decision. Obviously this isn't an easy decision to come to.
3. The new WAC is attrocious. I hate the look of it, the direction it is going. The power of the former wac was teh regional rivals. Those regional rivals (minus Idaho) are all gone now. The WAC is the SunBelt of the West starting next year. A lot of directional schools and small private institutions clinging on for dear life. The new WAC doesn't give me warm and fuzzy for all those key conference games in football against San Jose State and the Northern California School for wayward girls.
4. Fat, dumb and stupid is no way to go through life. However it is a way to get through days of conversations about moving up, down or relocating to Ulanbataar.
5. University of Montana football will carry on regardless of what level we are at. The sun will come up tomorrow, some people will be happy with whatever decision is made and others will go cry in their beer at the rhino. Such is life.

What directional schools are in the WAC? Which ones are going to be in the WAC?

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

Why are Griz fans so ignorant about other colleges? I'm going to rattle off a list of directional schools: Northern Colorado, Eastern Washington, Northern Arizona. Are you honestly trying to say those scools are better than University of Denver? Do you even know what DU is? Obviously not.

Time for Grizmayor and PR to change their names and get on board! All the "cool kids" are doing it!
wbtfg said:
Clearly, O'Day has made up his mind. I would tend to believe that his opinion carries a lot of weight with the new Pres as well as with the BOR.

It's looking like this may be the final year for the Griz in the BSC, and possibly the last Cat/Griz game for a while. Too bad we have to break up the 4th oldest rivalry game west of the Mississippi (this year wiill be the 110th meeting). The last time MSU and UM did not play in a season was in 1945, when it was suspended for a few years due to WWII...will be sad to see that end.
It may not end. One of the points of negotiation with the WAC might be for the WAC to grant UM an exception to the rule of travelling specifically to MSU. It could be a short term exception until MSU is a viable candidate itself to move up.

This would be the best of both worlds; significant money staying within the State, UM able to rekindle the battle for the Little Brown Stein with Idaho and maintain the Brawl of the Wild. It should not be a difficult point for the WAC to give in on, particularly if short term.
Hey Dub,

Rather than getting into a brain pan conversation, what excites you about the schools in the WAC for football? I understand Bensons desire to get Montana into the fold, because frankly it is a better option than the directional sisters of texas or the small basketball only schools from Urban market areas.

But as some have said does it make sense to hitch ourselves to a conference that still might see defections (Hawaii, Utah State, Lousiana Tech). The WAC doesn't seem interested in adding the most stable football programs from the BSC (Eastern, Weber State, MSU, NAU) they want to add media market teams, plus Montana. Good gravy, the new wac isn't a lot better than the BSC. Especially if you add Sacramento State and Portland State to that conference as some have suggested. I am sorry, but that experience in the new WAC gurantees us diddly squat when it comes to football. We'll get the Poulan Weedeater bowl (sarcasm) and some 1st week bowl game where we get the second team out of the sun belt as an opponent (a directional lousiana school or middle tennessee state).

Five years ago that move made sense. Really I could take it or leave it. I just for one don't see the new WAC as anything more than a glorified BSC. The reason the WAC expanded the way it did is it saw in less than a decade the traditional power (Fresno State) consistently gravitate around the top 25, boise rise, but also that two year run for hawaii and Nevada's recent success. They are all GONE.

If you really believe the newly constructed WAC is such a cash cow consider this:

Our stadium on face is a great recruiting tool, but our football program facilities are not much better than Idaho States. I have been in both. That doesn't help bringing in recruits. We won't ever play a single weekday game at home, because well ESPN will never dole out the money to bring in lights for a regular season game. I just don't believe that is a good business model for ESPN or the UofM if they have to foot the bill for those types of things. Those national television games would be all on the road. There would be little money in those type of experiences.

How many mid day saturday games have you seen on ESPN over the past years that included two wac opponents? Boise State was smart, they started scheduling games to get their program into the national spotlight. But also because national television wanted to see BSU on TV. Prior to 2006, how many times did we see BSU teams on national tele? Not many. There will be less revenue to spread around in the new construction. I don't see ESPN or any other national TV company excited about us playing San Jose State or North Texas on National Television.

i don't think a move up kills us. We have the ability to survive. We are in much better shape than Idaho was in 1996. But you can't tell me that the WAC now is better than Idaho's Sun Belt experience if we move up. We can move up, I will support it, but I don't necessarily have to be excited the idea of playing New Mexico State, Texas State whatever for a football opponent in conference.
I always find it funny that you guys come up with your clever little names for bowls, but here's a fact for you: More people tuned in to watch a 6-6 Wyoming team beat a 8-4 Fresno State team, a mid-Saturday game, in a bowl game, than watched a 14-0 Montana team take on a 13-1 Villanova team. Have a guess at who got more exposure for their school? The bowl system isn't perfect, but it provides a lot of exposure for a small school in a small (population) state.

I don't disagree. I just wanted to point out that there is an illusion that exists with some about the direction Montana football might head with a move to the WAC. I am not in any way afraid of said move. There is a better chance that we have a succssful career in a mediocre division 1 fbs conference.

There are likely to be significant costs that we will have to incur, and frankly I am not sure where than money will come from. If we are able support the expense to move up and do it right, I have no problem. But the FBS isn't a cash cow for everyone.

But you are right, those bowl games get more exposure for our state and our program which is never a bad thing.
Grizfan-24. On this issue I agree. The PRESENT WAC is not the place to set our goals on. My vision of playing BCS does not end with playing the schools you mentioned. If they are all that we get, then yes, I would just as soon stay in the BSC. However, I have hopes that games with our old rivals would be reignited and then bring in some PAC 12 teams. And please, those that say it is not possible need not respond. You don't have a clue about the future any more then I do.

I will support whatever way we go.
MrTitleist said:
I always find it funny that you guys come up with your clever little names for bowls, but here's a fact for you: More people tuned in to watch a 6-6 Wyoming team beat a 8-4 Fresno State team, a mid-Saturday game, in a bowl game, than watched a 14-0 Montana team take on a 13-1 Villanova team. Have a guess at who got more exposure for their school? The bowl system isn't perfect, but it provides a lot of exposure for a small school in a small (population) state.
so, I am led to believe that UM will benefit by having more viewers by playing a WAC team than Villanova...ok, I can accept that, but just what is the benefit of UM having lots of viewers over the present WAC teams who now have the viewers? I am confused, is Montana operating in a vacuum that only UM will benefit from ALL those viewers while the other teams from larger metro areas and long lists of alumni donors and larger student bodies don't benefit? I watch games, lots of times while doing other things and could care less who plays....UM is not going to benefit by joining a conference that is grasping at anything it can and will be in litigation the moment two of the present schools escape the sinking ship....sorry...there is no hurry to do anything but address this week's game and get set for Bball.....
GtFllsFan said:
Grizfan-24. On this issue I agree. The PRESENT WAC is not the place to set our goals on. My vision of playing BCS does not end with playing the schools you mentioned. If they are all that we get, then yes, I would just as soon stay in the BSC. However, I have hopes that games with our old rivals would be reignited and then bring in some PAC 12 teams. And please, those that say it is not possible need not respond. You don't have a clue about the future any more then I do.

I will support whatever way we go.

It's not the place to set our goals on. I don't think Boise State set its goals on the Big West when it went IA. Big West killed football not long after Boise joined.
Grizfan-24 said:
Hey Dub,

Rather than getting into a brain pan conversation, what excites you about the schools in the WAC for football? I understand Bensons desire to get Montana into the fold, because frankly it is a better option than the directional sisters of texas or the small basketball only schools from Urban market areas.

But as some have said does it make sense to hitch ourselves to a conference that still might see defections (Hawaii, Utah State, Lousiana Tech). The WAC doesn't seem interested in adding the most stable football programs from the BSC (Eastern, Weber State, MSU, NAU) they want to add media market teams, plus Montana. Good gravy, the new wac isn't a lot better than the BSC. Especially if you add Sacramento State and Portland State to that conference as some have suggested. I am sorry, but that experience in the new WAC gurantees us diddly squat when it comes to football. We'll get the Poulan Weedeater bowl (sarcasm) and some 1st week bowl game where we get the second team out of the sun belt as an opponent (a directional lousiana school or middle tennessee state).

Five years ago that move made sense. Really I could take it or leave it. I just for one don't see the new WAC as anything more than a glorified BSC. The reason the WAC expanded the way it did is it saw in less than a decade the traditional power (Fresno State) consistently gravitate around the top 25, boise rise, but also that two year run for hawaii and Nevada's recent success. They are all GONE.

If you really believe the newly constructed WAC is such a cash cow consider this:

Our stadium on face is a great recruiting tool, but our football program facilities are not much better than Idaho States. I have been in both. That doesn't help bringing in recruits. We won't ever play a single weekday game at home, because well ESPN will never dole out the money to bring in lights for a regular season game. I just don't believe that is a good business model for ESPN or the UofM if they have to foot the bill for those types of things. Those national television games would be all on the road. There would be little money in those type of experiences.

How many mid day saturday games have you seen on ESPN over the past years that included two wac opponents? Boise State was smart, they started scheduling games to get their program into the national spotlight. But also because national television wanted to see BSU on TV. Prior to 2006, how many times did we see BSU teams on national tele? Not many. There will be less revenue to spread around in the new construction. I don't see ESPN or any other national TV company excited about us playing San Jose State or North Texas on National Television.

i don't think a move up kills us. We have the ability to survive. We are in much better shape than Idaho was in 1996. But you can't tell me that the WAC now is better than Idaho's Sun Belt experience if we move up. We can move up, I will support it, but I don't necessarily have to be excited the idea of playing New Mexico State, Texas State whatever for a football opponent in conference.

Quit being ignorant for 2 seconds. DU has 11,644 students. SU has 7,751 students. Both are private and wealthy and you're knocking them as being small little BB only schools. Do have any idea how many alums UM has in Denver or Seattle? Go to Cat/Griz in one of those cities sometime, you'll see about 1,000 people at each one. This is as much about consolidating our alumni base and giving them something in common to do in their cities as it is about playing better competition with our peer institutions. The larger connection a school's alums feel to their alma mater is directly correlated to giving rates.

And why are you so concerned with how often we are going to be on national TV? If we do something worthy of being on national TV, we will be on national TV. Lower tier bowl games are more prestigious and higher rated than NC games. If fact, you could make an argument that the only reason last year's outlier FCS rating bonanzas even occurred was because the Griz were playing.

Oh well, it doesn't matter, you don't get it, you likely never will.

It must suck for the move down crowd to see that I (of all people) was right all along and that many of my arguments from the past 6 years are being used as reasons for a move up. Darn, Foncy knew all along and all the dinosaurs with their crusty old ideas were dead wrong. Too bad, PR. If you would have just listened to me, you wouldn't have lost so much money. Stubbon old dinosaur and his money get parted. Greater fool theory in effect, PR. I just wish it was me taking it from you.
dub-foncy said:
Grizfan-24 said:
Hey Dub,

Rather than getting into a brain pan conversation, what excites you about the schools in the WAC for football? I understand Bensons desire to get Montana into the fold, because frankly it is a better option than the directional sisters of texas or the small basketball only schools from Urban market areas.

But as some have said does it make sense to hitch ourselves to a conference that still might see defections (Hawaii, Utah State, Lousiana Tech). The WAC doesn't seem interested in adding the most stable football programs from the BSC (Eastern, Weber State, MSU, NAU) they want to add media market teams, plus Montana. Good gravy, the new wac isn't a lot better than the BSC. Especially if you add Sacramento State and Portland State to that conference as some have suggested. I am sorry, but that experience in the new WAC gurantees us diddly squat when it comes to football. We'll get the Poulan Weedeater bowl (sarcasm) and some 1st week bowl game where we get the second team out of the sun belt as an opponent (a directional lousiana school or middle tennessee state).

Five years ago that move made sense. Really I could take it or leave it. I just for one don't see the new WAC as anything more than a glorified BSC. The reason the WAC expanded the way it did is it saw in less than a decade the traditional power (Fresno State) consistently gravitate around the top 25, boise rise, but also that two year run for hawaii and Nevada's recent success. They are all GONE.

If you really believe the newly constructed WAC is such a cash cow consider this:

Our stadium on face is a great recruiting tool, but our football program facilities are not much better than Idaho States. I have been in both. That doesn't help bringing in recruits. We won't ever play a single weekday game at home, because well ESPN will never dole out the money to bring in lights for a regular season game. I just don't believe that is a good business model for ESPN or the UofM if they have to foot the bill for those types of things. Those national television games would be all on the road. There would be little money in those type of experiences.

How many mid day saturday games have you seen on ESPN over the past years that included two wac opponents? Boise State was smart, they started scheduling games to get their program into the national spotlight. But also because national television wanted to see BSU on TV. Prior to 2006, how many times did we see BSU teams on national tele? Not many. There will be less revenue to spread around in the new construction. I don't see ESPN or any other national TV company excited about us playing San Jose State or North Texas on National Television.

i don't think a move up kills us. We have the ability to survive. We are in much better shape than Idaho was in 1996. But you can't tell me that the WAC now is better than Idaho's Sun Belt experience if we move up. We can move up, I will support it, but I don't necessarily have to be excited the idea of playing New Mexico State, Texas State whatever for a football opponent in conference.

Quit being ignorant for 2 seconds. DU has 11,644 students. SU has 7,751 students. Both are private and wealthy and you're knocking them as being small little BB only schools. Do have any idea how many alums UM has in Denver or Seattle? Go to Cat/Griz in one of those cities sometime, you'll see about 1,000 people at each one. This is as much about consolidating our alumni base and giving them something in common to do in their cities as it is about playing better competition with our peer institutions. The larger connection a school's alums feel to their alma mater is directly correlated to giving rates.

And why are you so concerned with how often we are going to be on national TV? If we do something worthy of being on national TV, we will be on national TV. Lower tier bowl games are more prestigious and higher rated than NC games. If fact, you could make an argument that the only reason last year's outlier FCS rating bonanzas even occurred was because the Griz were playing.

Oh well, it doesn't matter, you don't get it, you likely never will.

It must suck for the move down crowd to see that I (of all people) was right all along and that many of my arguments from the past 6 years are being used as reasons for a move up. Darn, Foncy knew all along and all the dinosaurs with their crusty old ideas were dead wrong. Too bad, PR. If you would have just listened to me, you wouldn't have lost so much money. Stubbon old dinosaur and his money get parted. Greater fool theory in effect, PR. I just wish it was me taking it from you.

You're a narcissist.
wbtfg said:
Clearly, O'Day has made up his mind. I would tend to believe that his opinion carries a lot of weight with the new Pres as well as with the BOR.

It's looking like this may be the final year for the Griz in the BSC, and possibly the last Cat/Griz game for a while. Too bad we have to break up the 4th oldest rivalry game west of the Mississippi (this year wiill be the 110th meeting). The last time MSU and UM did not play in a season was in 1945, when it was suspended for a few years due to WWII...will be sad to see that end.
Yes it will be. Very sad.....
MTGrizzFan said:
wbtfg said:
Clearly, O'Day has made up his mind. I would tend to believe that his opinion carries a lot of weight with the new Pres as well as with the BOR.

It's looking like this may be the final year for the Griz in the BSC, and possibly the last Cat/Griz game for a while. Too bad we have to break up the 4th oldest rivalry game west of the Mississippi (this year wiill be the 110th meeting). The last time MSU and UM did not play in a season was in 1945, when it was suspended for a few years due to WWII...will be sad to see that end.
Yes it will be. Very sad.....

If MSU had a relevant football team they might be able to make the case to move up also, and the "rivalry" would continue. People should be upset at MSU for not keeping up, not at UM for leaving them behind.
GrizLA said:
so, I am led to believe that UM will benefit by having more viewers by playing a WAC team than Villanova...ok, I can accept that, but just what is the benefit of UM having lots of viewers over the present WAC teams who now have the viewers? I am confused, is Montana operating in a vacuum that only UM will benefit from ALL those viewers while the other teams from larger metro areas and long lists of alumni donors and larger student bodies don't benefit? I watch games, lots of times while doing other things and could care less who plays....UM is not going to benefit by joining a conference that is grasping at anything it can and will be in litigation the moment two of the present schools escape the sinking ship....sorry...there is no hurry to do anything but address this week's game and get set for Bball.....

One of the benefits of having more TV viewers is having more exposure which potentially adds up to more enrollment which means more $ and growth of the University.

During the App. State Montana game it was reported in the Spring issue of the Montanan that Google searches for The University of Montana were up 238% from normal and traffic at UM's enrollment services was up 131% of normal.

If you have more games televised and more viewers tuning in you potentially get an increase in enrollment.
Is there a point in having a larger enrollment that the university can hardly handle now.?..UM has one of the smallest land areas for a major state univerisity I have seen...How 15,650 students are not crashing into each other is a mystery to me....I think all this talk is just some bored fans who live vicariously through the success of the football team...I can not think of one overpowering reason to "move up" from a position that has been such a success on its level....Bigger is not better....and, if it is academic excellence that is promoted, what happens to the Montana high school kids who won't meet the demanding academic requirements that might be raised to meet those new demands?
Is there a point in having a larger enrollment that the university can hardly handle now.?..UM has one of the smallest land areas for a major state univerisity I have seen...How 15,650 students are not crashing into each other is a mystery to me....I think all this talk is just some bored fans who live vicariously through the success of the football team...I can not think of one overpowering reason to "move up" from a position that has been such a success on its level....Bigger is not better....and, if it is academic excellence that is promoted, what happens to the Montana high school kids who won't meet the demanding academic requirements that might be raised to meet those new demands?
Is there a point in having a larger enrollment that the university can hardly handle now.?..UM has one of the smallest land areas for a major state univerisity I have seen...How 15,650 students are not crashing into each other is a mystery to me....I think all this talk is just some bored fans who live vicariously through the success of the football team...I can not think of one overpowering reason to "move up" from a position that has been such a success on its level....Bigger is not better....and, if it is academic excellence that is promoted, what happens to the Montana high school kids who won't meet the demanding academic requirements that might be raised to meet those new demands?
Griz LA your just flat our ignoring the issues our AD has repeatedly pointed out in regards to finances. If you would stop to actually consider the issues at hand you would realize your entire premise that the "Move UP" stuff is just the ditherings of fans and alumns living vicariously through the UM football team is not true. Well maybe some of us it might be lol but... there are real issues to be dealt with.

Wether your side against moving up wins the day in the end or not we have to address those financial problems RIGHT NOW. UM cant put them off much longer and real hard choices about dropping out of state scholarships 90% or something, dropping down to division II would be our other main choices according to MR Oday. Take your pick.

Dropping almost all out of state scholarships will almost gaurantee we dont make it to the playoffs every year. Then the main crux of many "Anti move up" folks goes out the window. The we will miss the playoffs argument. We simply dont have the talent pool in state to be competitive on any regular basis.

Want to drop to Div 2 instead? Well..... hmmm..... not many people like admiting defeat and getting demoted. Fan participation would suffer to say the least as enthusasim would wain. But it would be cheaper.

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