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elvis old bull(?)

grizfnz said:
Can anybody on this forum actually attest to seeing Pretty Weasel play?

I saw him play a few times when he was at Rocky. The one I remember the best is when they were playing in a crackerbox gym (I don't even know were it was) when the current Fortin Center was being built. He arrived late to the game, dropped 30+ points on EMC, came over to the bench right below me, leaned over and puked all over the floor between his legs. I don't know whether he was sick or impaired but it left an indelible impression on an 8 year old. I never forgot it and I've admired him ever since.
It is hard to rank Takes Enemy, Old Bull and Pretty Weasel. Pretty Weasel was the top player of his era according to my dad who saw him play a lot. For the 80's and 90's Takes Enemy, Old Bull, Cross Guns and Henry out of Box Elder are a toss up when it comes to who is the best. Each one had their own unique style. However, the triple doubles and double doubles that Elvis racked up during his 4 years at Lodge Grass makes him the most complete player out of this group stat wise. Cross Guns was a defensive beast when he decide to turn it on. The points Takes Enemy put up makes him probably the best pure scorer and Henry's Hoops IQ and passing was exceptional.
Sugar Bear 16 said:
PlayerRep said:
loyalgriz said:
......better include Jonathon Takes Enemy on any list of that sort.

He was very good, but not as good as the other 3 mentioned, in my view.

Then you never saw him play.

Saw him play, and saw the other 3 play too. You probably didn't see all of the others play. A close relative was also a long-time southeastern MT basketball coach, including at a JC, and I had the benefit of his views too.
I went to high school with Larry and saw him play many times. He was the best player I have ever seen. Also, a great guy and loyal friend to this day.
Spanky said:
I went to high school with Larry and saw him play many times. He was the best player I have ever seen. Also, a great guy and loyal friend to this day.

Cool. From the MHSA hall of fame:

"Pretty Weasel was a state champion high jumper and earned basketball all- state honors at Hardin High School. Great physical attributes of quickness, leaping ability, mental toughness, and great coordination were among his greatest assets. Some of the numbers that made Pretty Weasel a Hall of Famer in Montana: 712 points and a 29.4 average as a senior, 54 points in a conference game and a 31-point average in 15 league games, 48 points in a state tournament game and 128 points in four games. Hardin High School retired Pretty Weasel’s jersey."
The 54 points Player mentioned were in 3 quarters with 3 people guarding him. Saw the game. He usually led the team in steals, assists and 2nd oor 3rd in rebounding. Again, as Player mentioned, very quick. God given talents.
Started his college career at MSU. Lived in the head coaches basement, Dobbie Lambert. Didn't like it, quit. Told me once over beers that he didn' understand why everyone thought he was so good.
When Larry didn't have his glasses on, he could hardly see the basket, but would still score 25 points.
MissoulaMarinerFan said:
GrizFan_1997 said:
If any one is interested in reading a great article abut some amazing basketball players that came from the Crow reservation you should all read this article that was published in Sports Illustrated. It touches on Elvis Old Bull but only a little. Very good read though. I couldn't figure out how to put the link on here but the story is called:

"SHADOW of a NATION The Crows, once proud warriors, now seek glory -- but often find tragedy -- in basketball"

Here you go grizfan_1997:

grizfnz said:
Can anybody on this forum actually attest to seeing Pretty Weasel play?

George Yellow Eyes who played for the State School in Miles City (pine hills)
Robsnotes4u said:
MissoulaMarinerFan said:
GrizFan_1997 said:
If any one is interested in reading a great article abut some amazing basketball players that came from the Crow reservation you should all read this article that was published in Sports Illustrated. It touches on Elvis Old Bull but only a little. Very good read though. I couldn't figure out how to put the link on here but the story is called:

"SHADOW of a NATION The Crows, once proud warriors, now seek glory -- but often find tragedy -- in basketball"

Here you go grizfan_1997:

grizfnz said:
Can anybody on this forum actually attest to seeing Pretty Weasel play?
Spanky said:
Yes, at least 25 times

Yes, saw him play. My dad took me a time or two. My dad said he was the finest Indian player ever. One of my relatives was with the Fort Shaw women's team at the 1904 worlds fair in St. Louis. World champions. A great source of pride in my family.
Spanky said:
Yes, at least 25 times

Spanky, maybe you can help me with this. I was a UM student in the 60's, graduating in '68. One day I was walking on a street in downtown Missoula and wearing a UM sweatshirt. I met a guy who saw my UM sweatshirt and stopped me, saying he was Larry Pretty Weasel and asking why he wasn't allowed to play at the Men's Gym on campus. The only answer I could give him was that I assumed you had to be a UM student to play there. I had heard of Pretty Weasel and his bball feats for years but had no idea if this was really him. My question is: Do you think it was really Larry Pretty Weasel, or an imposter? Thanks.
I don't know the answer to that. I graduated in 63 and wasn't aware of Larry being in Missoula. He played at Rocky and lived in Billings and Crow Agency where he lives today. I go to Crow on business a couple of times a month and when I see him, I will ask. I'm long overdue of having lunch with him.
Spanky said:
I don't know the answer to that. I graduated in 63 and wasn't aware of Larry being in Missoula. He played at Rocky and lived in Billings and Crow Agency where he lives today. I go to Crow on business a couple of times a month and when I see him, I will ask. I'm long overdue of having lunch with him.

:thumb: :thumb:
argh! said:
i read that legendary rez hoopster elvis old bull recently passed away - can anyone confirm?

Is that Player Rep's rez name? He claims to be an American Indian, he's old, and we all know he's full of bull........ :cool:
monte is a character said:
argh! said:
i read that legendary rez hoopster elvis old bull recently passed away - can anyone confirm?

Is that Player Rep's rez name? He claims to be an American Indian, he's old, and we all know he's full of bull........ :cool:

monte is a character assassain.
Bare with me for a sec, you'll see my admiration for the Indian basketball players and teams.

25 years ago, my senior year my high school team (class of 1989) at Butte High finished the regular season and divisional tournament undefeated. Made it to the Class AA state championship game against Kalispell, a team that we beat 3 times already that season (twice during regular season and once in the divisional championship game). We lost the state championship, by the score of 53-50, if I remember correctly. The team was pretty loaded, with Gary Kane (Griz b-ball standout), Todd Erickson (Griz Football All-American, #37, try-out with the Ind Colts)...

But I'll never forget how excited my Dad got, and still does, when the small school tournaments were (are) held in Butte. He always talked so highly of these teams, especially the indian players and teams. I remember being somewhat skeptical, until I went and saw some games back in the day, and to this day. I quickly changed my tune, these games (players) are FUN TO WATCH, holy crap.

Also there was tv news story somewhat recently in Butte. The Knights of Columbus basketball league is a local favorite. The team that dominated it this year was a team comprised primarily of Indian players. Their best player was a talented HS player...and someone that I befriended, cool guy.

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