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DATELINE, Now with JJ content.

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br fan said:
IroneagleXP said:
getgrizzy said:
PlayerRep said:
What a total non-story. For UM, Johnson and the other non-UM situations covered. I suppose some credit to NBC is due, but why did they even bother. No wonder they waited several years to put out this non-story. O'Day was on camera several times. He was pretty good. Clearly explained and defended the situations. The JJ accuser's roommate was on several times. Looked pretty weak, and like a loser. And how long is the Belnap woman, the gang blow job accuser, going to keep this up. The police declined to prosecute twice, and nothing happened in the UM proceedings to any of the guys who got lawyers. The woman needs to recognize that virtually no one in authority believed her, she lost multiple times, and it's time to move on. How many times can the media say the same things over and over again, especially when the results showed that people didn't believe the accusers? It's time for those involved and the media to move on.
It's called being skeptical. When someone makes a detailed accusation and has evidence to support, but the government chooses to not prosecute some people are skeptical. This skepticism is reinforced by the numbers of accusations that are true, but lack the evidence to get to trial. It's possible to believe someone is telling the truth, but not think there's enough evidence to warrant a trial.

Another thing to consider is accusers feel like they're helping/inspiring victims, who are too afraid to seek justice, by showing their face.

Also, in what way did the JJ accuser roommate look weak and like a loser? Is it not possible for someone to look like a loser, or be a loser but still tell the truth? Can you look good and be a liar? In other words what you think isn't what everyone thinks.

It'll never be a non-story as long as we know that JJ was expelled based upon a preponderance of evidence and then allowed back in school when the a higher standard no longer in use was used. That alone will always make it a story and one that won't be going away soon.


It's pure speculation to claim that on appeal the Regents reversed the finding for expulsion based on applying a higher standard. The Regents did not articulate their reason for reversing. It may have been because they applied a higher standard, or it may have been because they may have applied the same standard, but found reversal was appropriate based on Judge Christensen's opinion on how UM abused the process

Good point. I believe the new dean made the decision, and the accuser didn't appeal the decision. The decision could have been made for multiple reasons. I assume there was significant concern that the original dean had botched the investigation and proceeding so bad, that the university/university system had significant potential exposure. The original dean should never have tired to use the lower standard, which had not been adopted by UM, in the first place. What an idiot. That guy was total bad news, from what I hear and think.
My question is, how in god's name is getgrizzy and IroneagleXP still here with the crap they have posted? It's incredible. I'd take listening to Growler in 1000 posts than listening to those two in one.
getgrizzy said:
AZGrizFan said:
getgrizzy said:
AZGrizFan said:
Jesus H. Christ. Talk about lack of reading comprehension. :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you'd go back and read the post, you might figure it out.

Says the guy who can't even figure out the quote function.
Yeah. Change the subject to the quote function.

Well the difference being if YOU go back and read the post, I'm sure you WON'T figure it out.
getgrizzy said:
Let's not bring up that JJ was described as religious person, but not that he, at best, took advantage of someone's sexual offer, had no intention of starting a meaningful relationship with her and then couldn't bring himself to ay one word to her from the time he blew his load through when she drove him home until he was getting out of the car. Did they teach him that at bible school? We hear what a great guy this JJ (who none of us are more than casually acquainted with) is and we buy it lock, stock and barrel before it even leaves the plant. ... You can't start this conversation and then expect to not have at least one person inject information from the other side. Welcome to America comrade.
"The other side?"

Your serial posts on the matter have displayed an astonishing ignorance of either side; mainly offering an uninformed bigotry replete with ongoing mendacious vitriol about a young man you don't know.

One of my interns this summer attended high school with the Fabulist, and his Mom is good friends with the Fabulist's Mother. I have no doubt, after hearing all about her and "the other side," that her reputation is deserved. There was even "more to the story" than was publicly available as to why her own family disbelieved her entire story and her resulting threats to her own family regarding her "story."
IroneagleXP said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
IroneagleXP said:
GrizPony said:
It basically was a non-story with regard to UM. I don't think it hurt us at all.

Would you have preffered a story about a white proffesor claiming shes black??? I'm back bitches!!!!
...well that was anticlimactic.

I bet you hear those exact same words from every woman you've...ahhh...hired.
I missed where any of this related to the 2015 Grizzly football team, seeing as it is in the football forum. If people want to re-hash topics from 3 years ago we can debate the deplorableness of Windows 8's launch.
UMGriz75 said:
getgrizzy said:
Let's not bring up that JJ was described as religious person, but not that he, at best, took advantage of someone's sexual offer, had no intention of starting a meaningful relationship with her and then couldn't bring himself to ay one word to her from the time he blew his load through when she drove him home until he was getting out of the car. Did they teach him that at bible school? We hear what a great guy this JJ (who none of us are more than casually acquainted with) is and we buy it lock, stock and barrel before it even leaves the plant. ... You can't start this conversation and then expect to not have at least one person inject information from the other side. Welcome to America comrade.
"The other side?"

Your serial posts on the matter have displayed an astonishing ignorance of either side; mainly offering an uninformed bigotry replete with ongoing mendacious vitriol about a young man you don't know.

One of my interns this summer attended high school with the Fabulist, and his Mom is good friends with the Fabulist's Mother. I have no doubt, after hearing all about her and "the other side," that her reputation is deserved. There was even "more to the story" than was publicly available as to why her own family disbelieved her entire story and her resulting threats to her own family regarding her "story."
This post tells everyone everything they need to know about you. I've not once shown any bigotry or mendacious vitriol (or anything similar) toward JJ. In fact, I've said countless times that I agree with the not guilty verdict. Anything I've said about him has been based on his own words and actions. If anyone has shown what you've described it is you toward me. You don't like my opinion so you resort to personal attacks due to your inability to come up with anything of substance.

Also your "Fabulist" reference and adjoining story bring little to the table. Even if everything your intern said is true it doesn't mean the accuser is lying. All that did was make you sound desperate, again. You've somehow made the whole situation personal for yourself and its bleeding out your pores. You don't have any clear cut, smoking gun evidence, yet you're treating any discussion on the matter as if you do. Pretty sad.
getgrizzy said:
This post tells everyone everything they need to know about you. I've not once shown any bigotry or mendacious vitriol (or anything similar) toward JJ. In fact, I've said countless times that I agree with the not guilty verdict. Anything I've said about him has been based on his own words and actions. If anyone has shown what you've described it is you toward me. You don't like my opinion so you resort to personal attacks due to your inability to come up with anything of substance.

Also your "Fabulist" reference and adjoining story bring little to the table. Even if everything your intern said is true it doesn't mean the accuser is lying. All that did was make you sound desperate, again. You've somehow made the whole situation personal for yourself and its bleeding out your pores. You don't have any clear cut, smoking gun evidence, yet you're treating any discussion on the matter as if you do. Pretty sad.

And every SINGLE post by you on this subject sounds JUST like this one....a cursory claim to "agree with" the not guilty verdict, and then a thesis on why accuser isn't lying, why JJ is an unmoralistic POS, how guilty people are found not guilty all the time and just because he was found not guilty doesn't mean he was innocent, all coming from the (self described) "other side". Sorry man, but those things do NOT compute.

Man, you'd better hope YOUR ass isn't ever on the line with this fucked up legal system we've got, GG.
getgrizzy said:
Also your "Fabulist" reference and adjoining story bring little to the table. Even if everything your intern said is true it doesn't mean the accuser is lying. All that did was make you sound desperate, again. You've somehow made the whole situation personal for yourself and its bleeding out your pores. You don't have any clear cut, smoking gun evidence, yet you're treating any discussion on the matter as if you do. Pretty sad.
The fact that you continue to try and rewrite the actual evidence -- frequently admitting you apparently missed most of what was actually said at trial -- over three years later is not just evidence that you made the "whole situation personal and its bleeding out your pores," it's evidence of both an obsession and a penchant for rewriting history to suit your personal needs and you do appear very needy on this one.

This was a case that should not have gone to trial, and because it did, unfairly targeted a fine young man with something he will unfortunately carry for the rest of his life -- a condition you obviously seek to promote, a "personal goal" disgusting enough all by itself aside from doing so with distorted and selective "interpretations" of oddities like your views, opinions and cogent psychological analysis of the "conversation in the car."
Hey Chris/Mods - We need a bury button. Would be similar in concept to the act of "bumping" a thread, but instead would move the thread to second splash page. If it existed I would have buried this thread a long time ago.
AZGrizFan said:
getgrizzy said:
This post tells everyone everything they need to know about you. I've not once shown any bigotry or mendacious vitriol (or anything similar) toward JJ. In fact, I've said countless times that I agree with the not guilty verdict. Anything I've said about him has been based on his own words and actions. If anyone has shown what you've described it is you toward me. You don't like my opinion so you resort to personal attacks due to your inability to come up with anything of substance.

Also your "Fabulist" reference and adjoining story bring little to the table. Even if everything your intern said is true it doesn't mean the accuser is lying. All that did was make you sound desperate, again. You've somehow made the whole situation personal for yourself and its bleeding out your pores. You don't have any clear cut, smoking gun evidence, yet you're treating any discussion on the matter as if you do. Pretty sad.

And every SINGLE post by you on this subject sounds JUST like this one....a cursory claim to "agree with" the not guilty verdict, and then a thesis on why accuser isn't lying, why JJ is an unmoralistic POS, how guilty people are found not guilty all the time and just because he was found not guilty doesn't mean he was innocent, all coming from the (self described) "other side". Sorry man, but those things do NOT compute.

Man, you'd better hope YOUR ass isn't ever on the line with this f***[*] up legal system we've got, GG.
I've never once said the accuser isn't lying. Speaking of fucked up.
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