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MBBALL Danny Sprinkle UW head coach

What a meteoric rise for Danny Sprinkle. It's quite impressive actually. Makes you wonder how in the world he got stuck working as a mid major assistant for as long as he did
In my lifetime, I've witnessed a wide variety of things, from the miracle of birth to the last few moments of one's life. But Utah State, in a 39 point blowout loss to Purdue, hasn't even assumed room temperature, and Danny Sprinkle has already kicked it's corpse out of bed to make room for his Husky Hoe. That is some damn fast negotiating.🤣

Seriously, between Bozeman and Logan, he earned it. Three Dances in a row.👏 Now, he has to prove his worth all over again, this time in the Big Ten(or twenty, whatever).
Looks like TDC will just have to wait on his Husky dream job. Maybe Logan will give him a call...
In my lifetime, I've witnessed a wide variety of things, from the miracle of birth to the last few moments of one's life. But Utah State, in a 39 point blowout loss to Purdue, hasn't even assumed room temperature, and Danny Sprinkle has already kicked it's corpse out of bed to make room for his Husky Hoe. That is some damn fast negotiating.🤣

Seriously, between Bozeman and Logan, he earned it. Three Dances in a row.👏 Now, he has to prove his worth all over again, this time in the Big Ten(or twenty, whatever).
Looks like TDC will just have to wait on his Husky dream job. Maybe Logan will give him a call...
It's probably good that Sprinkle didn't stay at his alma mater too long.
Now MSU's coach and EWU's are being considered for the Washington State job. I guess it's "strike while the iron is hot".

One of the rumors floating around is that EWU may have a few guys transferring out soon.
I feel that TD sould have jumped ship a long time ago, if he truly wanted to move up in the coaching ranks. He is probably quite happy where he is at. If you are happy where you are, there is no motivation to make a move. He will probably be at UM for the rest of his career.
I feel that TD sould have jumped ship a long time ago, if he truly wanted to move up in the coaching ranks. He is probably quite happy where he is at. If you are happy where you are, there is no motivation to make a move. He will probably be at UM for the rest of his career.
Hope he has some motivation to improve from the current team he has.
I feel that TD sould have jumped ship a long time ago, if he truly wanted to move up in the coaching ranks. He is probably quite happy where he is at. If you are happy where you are, there is no motivation to make a move. He will probably be at UM for the rest of his career.
I heard that he had a chance at Wazzu a few years back. But after experiencing lunch in downtown Pullman, his wife said NO WAY!!
Damn Travis gotta be thinking he messed up by not leaving when he had a chance
Sprinkle can always invite Travis to a pre-season game in Seattle, we beat them in 2020, Dec 16, 66-58, and I believe Travis was on the team in the early 90's who came within a few points of beating UW. We would enjoy a game to beat a Cat-Dog, a twofer!

As is the 2nd leading scorer according to this. He needs to keep Seatac talent at home, Hopkins lost a lot of the best to Cali schools.

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