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Crews is officially a Bobcat

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thirdandlong said:
mthoopsfan said:
Yes, it does. Have suffered plenty of racism in my life. You are ignorant. I suppose you don’t know the term Prairie? Do you think white people know how it feels to be called the N word?

Should we ask the white players about a potential kid signing if a black recruit is caught referring to them as "crackers", which many rap songs that black players listen to use that word frequently?

I’m guessing you’ve probably never actually listen to any rap music😂. Comparing cracker to the n word is like comparing calling a women a c u n t and calling her pushy. One’s gonna elicit a reaction only if she decides to be offended and the others gonna get u kicked in the balls and possibly something cut off.
alabamagrizzly said:
thirdandlong said:
Should we ask the white players about a potential kid signing if a black recruit is caught referring to them as "crackers", which many rap songs that black players listen to use that word frequently?

I’m guessing you’ve probably never actually listen to any rap music😂. Comparing cracker to the n word is like comparing calling a women a c u n t and calling her pushy. One’s gonna elicit a reaction only if she decides to be offended and the others gonna get u kicked in the balls and possibly something cut off.

no, I don't listen to that garbage, but I've heard enough of it over the years to know that it contains many misogynistic and racist derogatory words. Your analogy is laughable. Nice try. The word cracker, as used by AA individuals, is just as derogatory as the N word. It's just the double standard regarding who is offended which is different. I see you've swallowed the victimization narrative hook, line, and sinker.
GrizMania said:
Here’s one of many reasons that third grade level analogy doesn’t work: You typed “cracker” on eGriz without censoring anything. You won’t type the other one.

What's the over/under on how many accounts turdandlong has?

You've already lost the argument by doing what losers always do, stoop to name-calling .
Bottom line is this: Be politically correct and lose, or handle a sensitive situation in a more reasonable manner and win. There are many better ways UM could have handled this situation which would have led to Crews joining the Griz. But obviously woke-ness prevailed. Predictable at UM these days. Keep obsessing about the Cats not firing an assistant coach and about signing Crews, while they continue to dominate us in every sport and laugh their arses off at us. Such good and self-righteous losers we have become in Griz Nation.
thirdandlong said:
Bottom line is this: Be politically correct and lose, or handle a sensitive situation in a more reasonable manner and win. There are many better ways UM could have handled this situation which would have led to Crews joining the Griz. But obviously woke-ness prevailed. Predictable at UM these days. Keep obsessing about the Cats not firing an assistant coach and about signing Crews, while they continue to dominate us in every sport and laugh their arses off at us. Such good and self-righteous losers we have become in Griz Nation.

Woke-ness didn't prevail. AN unethical coach trying to sneak Crews in the backdoor instead of being upfront cost Crews the opportunity to play at UM.
uptopgriz said:
thirdandlong said:
Bottom line is this: Be politically correct and lose, or handle a sensitive situation in a more reasonable manner and win. There are many better ways UM could have handled this situation which would have led to Crews joining the Griz. But obviously woke-ness prevailed. Predictable at UM these days. Keep obsessing about the Cats not firing an assistant coach and about signing Crews, while they continue to dominate us in every sport and laugh their arses off at us. Such good and self-righteous losers we have become in Griz Nation.

Woke-ness didn't prevail. AN unethical coach trying to sneak Crews in the backdoor instead of being upfront cost Crews the opportunity to play at UM.

uptopgriz said:
thirdandlong said:
Bottom line is this: Be politically correct and lose, or handle a sensitive situation in a more reasonable manner and win. There are many better ways UM could have handled this situation which would have led to Crews joining the Griz. But obviously woke-ness prevailed. Predictable at UM these days. Keep obsessing about the Cats not firing an assistant coach and about signing Crews, while they continue to dominate us in every sport and laugh their arses off at us. Such good and self-righteous losers we have become in Griz Nation.

Woke-ness didn't prevail. AN unethical coach trying to sneak Crews in the backdoor instead of being upfront cost Crews the opportunity to play at UM.

No one was trying to sneak Crews in the back door. It was well known that he had been offered by the Griz and he himself said he was still planning to be a Griz. Nothing would have prevented the Kaimin editorial nor some professors opposing Crews. It's what being woke and canceling people is today.

P.S. I have a son who works for the Kaimin and a brother who is a professor.
thirdandlong said:
alabamagrizzly said:
I’m guessing you’ve probably never actually listen to any rap music😂. Comparing cracker to the n word is like comparing calling a women a c u n t and calling her pushy. One’s gonna elicit a reaction only if she decides to be offended and the others gonna get u kicked in the balls and possibly something cut off.

no, I don't listen to that garbage, but I've heard enough of it over the years to know that it contains many misogynistic and racist derogatory words. Your analogy is laughable. Nice try. The word cracker, as used by AA individuals, is just as derogatory as the N word. It's just the double standard regarding who is offended which is different. I see you've swallowed the victimization narrative hook, line, and sinker.

Ya, laughable, that’d the idea, just like comparing those two words as equals. You’re a stupid cracker! There, if those words are equals as you say they are, that should elicit a robust response from the woke crowd and get me kicked off eGriz.
alabamagrizzly said:
thirdandlong said:
no, I don't listen to that garbage, but I've heard enough of it over the years to know that it contains many misogynistic and racist derogatory words. Your analogy is laughable. Nice try. The word cracker, as used by AA individuals, is just as derogatory as the N word. It's just the double standard regarding who is offended which is different. I see you've swallowed the victimization narrative hook, line, and sinker.

Ya, laughable, that’d the idea, just like comparing those two words as equals. You’re a stupid cracker! There, if those words are equals as you say they are, that should elicit a robust response from the woke crowd and get me kicked off eGriz.

You're a joke. If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ.
mthoopsfan said:
uptopgriz said:
Woke-ness didn't prevail. AN unethical coach trying to sneak Crews in the backdoor instead of being upfront cost Crews the opportunity to play at UM.

No one was trying to sneak Crews in the back door. It was well known that he had been offered by the Griz and he himself said he was still planning to be a Griz. Nothing would have prevented the Kaimin editorial nor some professors opposing Crews. It's what being woke and canceling people is today.

P.S. I have a son who works for the Kaimin and a brother who is a professor.

BH tried sneaking Crews in and got caught just like the BS he tried by stealing the #37 tradition for his kid. He should be the coach of the Cats with his ethical standards.
thirdandlong said:
alabamagrizzly said:
I’m guessing you’ve probably never actually listen to any rap music😂. Comparing cracker to the n word is like comparing calling a women a c u n t and calling her pushy. One’s gonna elicit a reaction only if she decides to be offended and the others gonna get u kicked in the balls and possibly something cut off.

The word cracker, as used by AA individuals, is just as derogatory as the N word.

Nope. Exhibit A. Conclusion.
thirdandlong said:
alabamagrizzly said:
Ya, laughable, that’d the idea, just like comparing those two words as equals. You’re a stupid cracker! There, if those words are equals as you say they are, that should elicit a robust response from the woke crowd and get me kicked off eGriz.

You're a joke. If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ.

You think I have a big ego? Well thank you very much. No one’s ever called my ego big before. Just how big is it though. I mean, if it’s super colossal, then say 160 IQ could still be a pretty far fall. Certainly enough to kill yourself. Please don’t though. You make for easy pickins on here, like low hanging fruit. Your insults definitely need a lot of work though. You’re more then welcome to keep practicing on me though. Maybe some day you’ll be able to get it right.
thirdandlong said:
The word cracker, as used by AA individuals, is just as derogatory as the N word.

Nope. Exhibit A. Conclusion.

Funny how he has no problems typing one but afraid to spell out the other, almost like one carried a lot more derogatory weight then the other.
thirdandlong said:
alabamagrizzly said:
Funny how he has no problems typing one but afraid to spell out the other, almost like one carried a lot more derogatory weight then the other.

You two Biden voters should declare and get a room

Bama, this idiot knows nothing about how we vote, but I’m down for the room part if you are. I’m thinking someplace classy like the Pensacola Ramada. Two queens, push them together, hang out in robes, and see what develops?
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