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Coyle stepped in and didn't miss a beat with the 1st string

My relative, who is at the game and a UM season ticket holder, says Coyle is more than holding his own.

Sent a photo too, but I'll have to find one of kids to see if he can figure out how to get it on here.

I am so excited for Brock. Very cool for him (and us UM supporters).
Fahque said:
griz4life said:
So what is Coyle's number?
And for anyone watching the game...care to give an update on how he's doing?

He certainly looks like he belongs. One tackle that I have seen so far. In lightning delay now.
Fahque said:
griz4life said:
So what is Coyle's number?
And for anyone watching the game...care to give an update on how he's doing?

Got to see a little of the game while out to dinner. One of the Fox analysts named Coyle "a player to watch." They showed him several times before the game started, and he looked really nervous. However, once the game started I thought he looked like he should be out there. The Seahawks' defense might be a change for him. So far, lots of time in pass coverage. Damn, I'd love to see him sack Manning!
Coyle just about took the ball carriers head off just now. Announcer said 'just the type of play you expect from a kid out of Montana'.
Coyle just made a tackle that knocked the CJ Anderson silly (as in staggered and disoriented). Brock Huard just said he expected nothing less from a Montana boy. They took Anderson straight into the locker room.
another tackle for Coyle. Announcer described this as 'the Brock Coyle drive'.
He defiantly looks like he belongs. That was one hell of a performance. Stuff like that will make Pete Carroll and co's decision on roster space really easy.
PDXGrizzly said:
He defiantly looks like he belongs. That was one hell of a performance. Stuff like that will make Pete Carroll and co's decision on roster space really easy.

He also forced a fumble on the play he knocked Anderson out of the game on, but seattle didn't call for a review. I would be shocked if he didn't make the final roster after this performance tonight!
Sent to me by PlayerRep:

Brock with a terrific 2nd quarter. The announcers mentioned him as 1 of 3 Seahawks who had an impressive 1st half. His hit on Anderson was a statement hit. The LB's in to start the 2nd half are not looking so good. The other middle LB is taking himself out of plays consistently by over pursuing and looks pretty lost out there.
mtgrizrule said:
Brock with a terrific 2nd quarter. The announcers mentioned him as 1 of 3 Seahawks who had an impressive 1st half. His hit on Anderson was a statement hit. The LB's in to start the 2nd half are not looking so good. The other middle LB is taking himself out of plays consistently by over pursuing and looks pretty lost out there.

Was that guy drafted?

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