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Covington high schoolers vs the left wing media

Meanwhile, a Trump inspired Coast Guard officer is caught plotting to murder numerous liberal pols and pundits ... just one in the endless, verified, murderous right wing plots and actions which have taken us back to the fifties in terms of bigotry and race relations. And, some morons think this pissant, little Covington MAGAt non scandal is a story!!! The phony litigation is obviously meant to move Bezos to give them an out of court settlement ... which he will most likely shove down their bleating throats.
The Socialist Revolution

Meanwhile, the real story is the rise of socialism:

Tax the rich? Most Americans think it’s a great idea

“Who else is tired of an economy and a tax code that benefits the wealthy and corporations while working Americans are left behind?” the national economic justice movement Tax March asked on Wednesday.

According to recent polling, the answer is “Most Americans.”

A poll this month by the New York Times and Survey Monkey showed that most Americans from across the political spectrum support “tax the rich” proposals like the ones put forward by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), with nearly two-thirds of Americans saying that the current economic system — in which the richest 0.00025 percent of the population now owns more wealth than the bottom 60 percent — is immoral.

“Across party lines, Americans want the very wealthiest families to pay their fair share so we can have an economy that works for everyone,” Warren told the Times.

“This is about politicians catching up to where Americans have been,” political scientist Leslie McCall told the Times.
L. Lin Wood, Sandmann's chief attorney, said on 'Life, Liberty, and Levin,' that CNN is next on the lawsuit list. Yet to be filed, the suit will START at about the WaPo figure of $250M. Stay tuned lefties. Interview to be aired Sunday, March 10, at 8 pm MDT on Fox News Channel.
tourist said:
L. Lin Wood, Sandmann's chief attorney, said on 'Life, Liberty, and Levin,' that CNN is next on the lawsuit list. Yet to be filed, the suit will START at about the WaPo figure of $250M. Stay tuned lefties. Interview to be aired Sunday, March 10, at 8 pm MDT on Fox News Channel.

Haha ... live in the past, much? We've been buried in 60 feet of Trump slime since then ... no one cares, desperate one. More today, as usual ... Shine appears to be leaving due to ethics issues ... as usual, and the very juicy Madame scandal now involves national security and China connections along with the whole Trump lizard zoo. This one will play BIIIIIG ... what was that pathetic, little thing you were squeaking about, again?
Filed today in Kentucky, a $275M lawsuit against CNN on behalf of Nick Sandmann. One of the attorneys for the family stated there are about ten other targets for future lawsuits, including a television network, a national news service, and a couple 'comedians.' Filings should come every couple weeks to a month, into the near future. :clap: :clap: :clap:
tourist said:
Filed today in Kentucky, a $275M lawsuit against CNN on behalf of Nick Sandmann. One of the attorneys for the family stated there are about ten other targets for future lawsuits, including a television network, a national news service, and a couple 'comedians.' Filings should come every couple weeks to a month, into the near future. :clap: :clap: :clap:

i bet the execs at your beloved fox "news" don't share your zeal for these cases. i suspect that network would be the first to go bankrupt if new precedent is set via these suits.
I did see that near dead Covington story ... a tiny spot waaay down below 35 or so others, all larger, more recent, and involving pain, misery, criminality, abuse, lying, corruption and horror for the right. But, I suppose you've got to cling to something.
Fat Bruno said:
tourist said:
L. Lin Wood, Sandmann's chief attorney, said on 'Life, Liberty, and Levin,' that CNN is next on the lawsuit list. Yet to be filed, the suit will START at about the WaPo figure of $250M. Stay tuned lefties. Interview to be aired Sunday, March 10, at 8 pm MDT on Fox News Channel.

Haha ... live in the past, much? We've been buried in 60 feet of Trump slime since then ... no one cares, desperate one. More today, as usual ... Shine appears to be leaving due to ethics issues ... as usual, and the very juicy Madame scandal now involves national security and China connections along with the whole Trump lizard zoo. This one will play BIIIIIG ... what was that pathetic, little thing you were squeaking about, again?
BIIIIG like the Russia hoax?
How appropriate, on May 1, the 'holy day' for the communist international, NBC is next in the series of lawsuits filed by the legal team of C.C.H.S. student Nick Sandmann. Today, NBC Universal gets sued for $275M. :clap: :thumb: :lol:
Today, three months after filing, the WaPost lawsuit was tossed out by a Jimmy Carter appointed District Court Judge in Cincinnati. No surprise there, guys been on the District level for about 40 years. An up and comer, future high court potential, in about 800 years. :roll: Circuit Court and Supreme Court next.

'Pocahontas' and eleven others sued yesterday by eight CCH students for defamation. Nick Sandmann not one of the students.
tourist said:
Filed today in Kentucky, a $275M lawsuit against CNN on behalf of Nick Sandmann. One of the attorneys for the family stated there are about ten other targets for future lawsuits, including a television network, a national news service, and a couple 'comedians.' Filings should come every couple weeks to a month, into the near future. :clap: :clap: :clap:

If that little **** would have stuck his face in mine with that sneer...would be worth the arrest.

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