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Colter Nuanez audio on why Gresch left

IMO, the two radio guys make a great point about the relationships between Stitt and his QBs. GJ and Philips really bonded with him apparently. GJ obviously saw that style of QB/Coach relationship going away. You mix that with an atmosphere where he’s got to fight for his starting job and Bingo....He splits. The kid has to do what he thinks is best for him. No hard feelings....
I agree with you. Once Stitt got fired Jensen was on the fence. He did what he thought was best for him. Now all the fellas who think Bobby was dishornable in how he manipulated the firing of Stitt still haven’t explained how Bobby caused Stitt to lose to the cats and miss the playoffs in back to back years. Riddle me that AZ et al? I’ll continue to wait. Thanks
Dutch Lane said:
I agree with you. Once Stitt got fired Jensen was on the fence. He did what he thought was best for him. Now all the fellas who think Bobby was dishornable in how he manipulated the firing of Stitt still haven’t explained how Bobby caused Stitt to lose to the cats and miss the playoffs in back to back years. Riddle me that AZ et al? I’ll continue to wait. Thanks

And, I have not seen any evidence that Hauck had anything to do with Stitt's non-renewal, let alone manipulation to get him fired.
WaGriz4life said:
signedbewildered said:
WaGriz4life said:
Lol, other than he he's talked to Hauck about the QB's multiple times. Been at multiple scrimmages, covers Griz football 365 days a year, been at every practice he's allowed to be at. Other than that it's just like egriz.

What opinion was shared in the podcast that someone hasn't already shared here in the last few days? I agree, if anyone should know he likely would, but it appears he isn't certain.

He has been at more practices and scrimmages than anyone on here. He has talked to the coaches and players more than anyone on here. He said Sneed was "Decidedly better than Jensen at EVERY SINGLE PRACTICE AND SCRIMMAGE." You don't think that's relevant? How many practices have you been at? You don't think he's a better source than some anonymous dipshit on egriz?

Dude, I ended up listening to the rest of this thing, and it honestly sounded a LOT like the thread(s) on the topic on eGriz. Maybe it was presented in a more professional manner, but all the posts were there. Just sayin'.
How does the old saying go...if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, one of them will type the Gettysburg Address?
Grizlaw said:
WaGriz4life said:
signedbewildered said:
What opinion was shared in the podcast that someone hasn't already shared here in the last few days? I agree, if anyone should know he likely would, but it appears he isn't certain.

He has been at more practices and scrimmages than anyone on here. He has talked to the coaches and players more than anyone on here. He said Sneed was "Decidedly better than Jensen at EVERY SINGLE PRACTICE AND SCRIMMAGE." You don't think that's relevant? How many practices have you been at? You don't think he's a better source than some anonymous dipshit on egriz?

Dude, I ended up listening to the rest of this thing, and it honestly sounded a LOT like the thread(s) on the topic on eGriz. Maybe it was presented in a more professional manner, but all the posts were there. Just sayin'.
How does the old saying go...if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, one of them will type the Gettysburg Address?

Sure, but in this case, the monkeys wrote the piece before Abe gave the speech.
Grizlaw said:
WaGriz4life said:
He has been at more practices and scrimmages than anyone on here. He has talked to the coaches and players more than anyone on here. He said Sneed was "Decidedly better than Jensen at EVERY SINGLE PRACTICE AND SCRIMMAGE." You don't think that's relevant? How many practices have you been at? You don't think he's a better source than some anonymous dipshit on egriz?

Dude, I ended up listening to the rest of this thing, and it honestly sounded a LOT like the thread(s) on the topic on eGriz. Maybe it was presented in a more professional manner, but all the posts were there. Just sayin'.
How does the old saying go...if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, one of them will type the Gettysburg Address?

Sure, but in this case, the monkeys wrote the piece before Abe gave the speech.
That’s kind of inevitable though, right? There are only a finite number of possible opinions on something like this. When you have hundreds of people posting their opinion, they’re going to cover the universe of possibilities. There’s nothing Colter or anyone else can say about anything that won’t be similar to what someone here said.
Grizlaw said:
Grizlaw said:
Dude, I ended up listening to the rest of this thing, and it honestly sounded a LOT like the thread(s) on the topic on eGriz. Maybe it was presented in a more professional manner, but all the posts were there. Just sayin'.
How does the old saying go...if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, one of them will type the Gettysburg Address?

Sure, but in this case, the monkeys wrote the piece before Abe gave the speech.
That’s kind of inevitable though, right? There are only a finite number of possible opinions on something like this. When you have hundreds of people posting their opinion, they’re going to cover the universe of possibilities. There’s nothing Colter or anyone else can say about anything that won’t be similar to what someone here said.

Jud Crandall said:
Catsrback76 said:
WaGriz4life said:
signedbewildered said:
I'm saying he didn't share an OPINION that hasn't already been shared in one of the threads here. Agree?
And while we are talking about this, it is Bobby Hauck's OPINION that Dalton Sneed is better.

Colter talks in the last half hour about how Gresch only wins are against 4 of the 5 worst teams in the Big Sky. He thinks Sneeds wins at UNLV are more impressive than Jensens. I agree. He also says Gresch had zero Big moments in big games in crunch time.

Honestly, that is a invalid argument. To say Sneed's wins are better wins than Jensens because he beat better teams...fails to take into account that he ALSO had a better O Line, better D, better skill positions etc. etc. etc. to compete at that level. It is honestly NOT the same. It is only an opinion...which may be right, or, may be wrong. Take it with a grain of salt.

Makes ya wondah what else Colter might be up to. You spend yer days off working while he's free all day until his radio show in the late aftarnoon. He's very likely spenden much of the daytime at your houses f***[*] ya wives.

Very erudite! :coffee:

(go ask someone)
Anybody thinking Colter doesn't have an inside view and knowledge of the situation should kick rocks. He's been around the program for years, and has developed (I am assuming) an intuit into the way the program operates (players, coaches, and admin), and has good insight. The main message I got from the audio is that Gresch was not just thrown under the bus by the coaching staff, and that it is certainly more complicated than any of us anonymous posters can adequately explain or comprehend. He's a 19 year old kid, give him and his family a break. Move on. It's what is best for everyone (players, coaches, AND fans).

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