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College football needs to be cancelled until the pandemic is over

Big G

Well-known member
People need to prioritize health and unity over a game. It is silly to spend money playing a game that could be invested in research and help end this global plaque. Stop the madness its poppycock plain and simple.

Our country needs to give President Biden time to fix this, he's gonna do big things. Be patient
retiredpopo said:
you are a nut job. I agree Biden will do big things unfortunately none of them will help our country...

You lost, quit crying and unite with America. Joe Biden is America, probably the greatest president ever, votes don't lie
Big G said:
People need to prioritize health and unity over a game. It is silly to spend money playing a game that could be invested in research and help end this global plaque. Stop the madness its poppycock plain and simple.

Our country needs to give President Biden time to fix this, he's gonna do big things. Be patient

Awe, aren’t you cute with your words! Poppycock...just say nonsense like the rest of the world operating in this century.

First of all, think about the players and what they have sacrificed to get to this place. The entire world wants to get back to normal, especially Griz Nation. Think about Zootown and how the local businesses are suffering after the loss of the 2020 season. Think about the students who are craving a full college experience and want to cheer on their team. Or maybe think about our statewide vaccination rates and where we will be by September.

You are clearly the most selfish person I have ever encountered on here. Save your political BS for your whack job friends who might take pity on you and actually listen to your dribble. This has absolutely nothing to do with Biden and what he may accomplish or not!
Missoula businesses deserve what they get for buying into the lie.

While I disagree with canceling college football over a weak flu, I wont lose any sleep over people choosing to cut their own throats. Telling a user to leave politics out of a post then referring to a politically motivated and planned pandemic is ironically hypocritical, one might say that is the epitome of nonsense.
Coach said:
Missoula businesses deserve what they get for buying into the lie.

While I disagree with canceling college football over a weak flu, I wont lose any sleep over people choosing to cut their own throats. Telling a user to leave politics out of a post then referring to a politically motivated and planned pandemic is ironically hypocritical, one might say that is the epitome of nonsense.

What lie are you referring to? Politically motivated and planned pandemic? Are you saying the pandemic was politically motivated and it was all planned? Did you read the same post as me because I am seriously scratching my head here?
RTD, you wanted G to do one thing, and do it four times:,,,THINK!
This is a left wing zealot what is incapable of rational thought.
The Wuhan flu was as much a real virus as it was a political virus. But politicians said the of deaths or hospitalizatipns, were caused by the China bred and nurtured virus, but oh, not COPD, CHF, immunosuppression, or even gunshots. This country has been conned from the beginning.

Fill WGS' and f*ck those worthless goddamned masks(and all those who believed, and still believe, they do anything but make your identity safe).
Coach said:
Missoula businesses deserve what they get for buying into the lie.

While I disagree with canceling college football over a weak flu, I wont lose any sleep over people choosing to cut their own throats. Telling a user to leave politics out of a post then referring to a politically motivated and planned pandemic is ironically hypocritical, one might say that is the epitome of nonsense.

Huh? Politically motivated and planned pandemic? Dude, that is crazy talk!
Big G said:
People need to prioritize health and unity over a game. It is silly to spend money playing a game that could be invested in research and help end this global plaque. Stop the madness its poppycock plain and simple.

Our country needs to give President Biden time to fix this, he's gonna do big things. Be patient

Big G, what’s going on with your posts today? Get rid of #37, Griz football is over as we know it, shut down the country and college football, even when cases are plummeting?

I understand there’s been some sad news for Griz nation today, but a beautiful Saturday on Memorial Day weekend seems like an odd day to go off the rails on Griz football. Just unsure where this is all coming from?

Am I the only one that feels like we have a Griz fan that wanted to troll other Griz fans?
RainierGriz said:
Big G said:
People need to prioritize health and unity over a game. It is silly to spend money playing a game that could be invested in research and help end this global plaque. Stop the madness its poppycock plain and simple.

Our country needs to give President Biden time to fix this, he's gonna do big things. Be patient

Big G, what’s going on with your posts today? Get rid of #37, Griz football is over as we know it, shut down the country and college football, even when cases are plummeting?

I understand there’s been some sad news for Griz nation today, but a beautiful Saturday on Labor Day weekend seems like an odd day to go off the rails on Griz football. Just unsure where this is all coming from?

Am I the only one that feels like we have a Griz fan that wanted to troll other Griz fans?
Hmm...isn't it Sunday?
406 Grizzly said:
Coach said:
Missoula businesses deserve what they get for buying into the lie.

While I disagree with canceling college football over a weak flu, I wont lose any sleep over people choosing to cut their own throats. Telling a user to leave politics out of a post then referring to a politically motivated and planned pandemic is ironically hypocritical, one might say that is the epitome of nonsense.

What lie are you referring to? Politically motivated and planned pandemic? Are you saying the pandemic was politically motivated and it was all planned? Did you read the same post as me because I am seriously scratching my head here?
Get your nose out of CNN and find out what's going on in the world.
Coach said:
Missoula businesses deserve what they get for buying into the lie.

While I disagree with canceling college football over a weak flu, I wont lose any sleep over people choosing to cut their own throats. Telling a user to leave politics out of a post then referring to a politically motivated and planned pandemic is ironically hypocritical, one might say that is the epitome of nonsense.

Not looking to get political, just curious how the government mandated restrictions have been in Missoula.

Up north of Seattle, we are still at 50% lockdown. Businesses only allowed 50% occupancy and in-person schooling twice a week. Masks are still required.

The goal is June 30th for lifting of restrictions.
kemajic said:
RainierGriz said:
Big G, what’s going on with your posts today? Get rid of #37, Griz football is over as we know it, shut down the country and college football, even when cases are plummeting?

I understand there’s been some sad news for Griz nation today, but a beautiful Saturday on Menorial Day weekend seems like an odd day to go off the rails on Griz football. Just unsure where this is all coming from?

Am I the only one that feels like we have a Griz fan that wanted to troll other Griz fans?
Hmm...isn't it Sunday?

Thanks for catching that haha... on that note, happy Memorial Day! Thanks to all who have sacrificed and served.
Big G said:
retiredpopo said:
you are a nut job. I agree Biden will do big things unfortunately none of them will help our country...

You lost, quit crying and unite with America. Joe Biden is America, probably the greatest president ever, votes don't lie

Holy shit... :lol: :lol:

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