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Cole Grossman: The Return

Targets are great, but you have to be able to hit them. And just who again might be that guy to hit them?
My money is on either Fife, Ah Yat, Huot Sliter or Flowers, or another drop down that might show up before camp.

But, could be someone else. Who knows? But if I were a betting man I’d bet there’ll be someone under center the first time we snap the ball.
What makes you think the Griz QB’s can’t? Your argument is baseless. Two of the three have shown they can pass. The young lad out of Helena is no slouch. QB will be just fine. You just have to be negative because you know the Grizzlies offense will be a wrecking ball this coming year. Sorry it hurts your feelers.
A wrecking ball? Jeeeeez, more hyperbole than a jilted 8th grade girl at a pajama party. The truth is, all of our QBS have very little experience, and that is our most questionable position on the team. And I know that Bobby would agree.
My money is on either Fife, Ah Yat, Huot Sliter or Flowers, or another drop down that might show up before camp.

But, could be someone else. Who knows? But if I were a betting man I’d bet there’ll be someone under center the first time we snap the ball.
Is there anyone else, or is this a "throw 'em against a wall" thingy?
To add to the hype, I hadn't seen this highlight video his dad put out. I almost forgot how smoothly he runs and the length of his stride. If he has had enough time to truly recover, we are looking at heck of a threat to add in with our smaller WRs.

Cole can create separation like no other TE in the seam, stick route, China. They promise him 65 balls a year but the QB has to get it out. Goin to be a fun year to watch.

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