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Cole Grossman: The Return

I said it on Twitter, but it bears repeating. Cole coming back after missing last year is like signing an all-American TE out of the portal. What a weapon he is and so glad to have him back.
I didn't realize @AZGrizFan on Twitter was also you. Nice handle. I went through an oddly in depth Johnny Ringo reading phase a few years back. Fascinating dude running around Arizona at the time.
I didn't realize @AZGrizFan on Twitter was also you. Nice handle. I went through an oddly in depth Johnny Ringo reading phase a few years back. Fascinating dude running around Arizona at the time.

Also me. It's an odd enough handle that I've been able to use it virtually everywhere I'm online. Up to and including Pokerstars.net lol.
I said it on Twitter, but it bears repeating. Cole coming back after missing last year is like signing an all-American TE out of the portal. What a weapon he is and so glad to have him back.
Better. There is less of an adjustment period, he knows the playbook, and has rapport with players/coaches. Furthermore, he is acclimated to the weather and culture of MT which sometimes is a turn-off for transfers
I assume you chose that name because it was 3d/Growler's original name, and you wanted to be like him.
Lol. Do you remember me being accused of being him when I first got here, many many years ago? I was so naive, I’m like “It’s not me!!!” THAT’S how long he’s been running his schtick. Unreal. I’ve lost count of how many screen names he’s had at this point.
Targets this year are crazy:

Junior Bergen
Keelan White
Aaron Fontes
Cole Grossman
Xavier Harris
Ryan Simpson
Sawyer Racanelli
Evan Schafer

Give our qb (whoever that ends up being) some time and we’ll be able to get a defense on its heals and throw and run with some effective balance.
Targets this year are crazy:

Junior Bergen
Keelan White
Aaron Fontes
Cole Grossman
Xavier Harris
Ryan Simpson
Sawyer Racanelli
Evan Schafer

Give our qb (whoever that ends up being) some time and we’ll be able to get a defense on its heals and throw and run with some effective balance.
No love for Drew Deck?
Targets this year are crazy:

Junior Bergen
Keelan White
Aaron Fontes
Cole Grossman
Xavier Harris
Ryan Simpson
Sawyer Racanelli
Evan Schafer

Give our qb (whoever that ends up being) some time and we’ll be able to get a defense on its heals and throw and run with some effective balance.
And be able to run out fresh sets almost every other play if we wanted to.
Yes. Absolutely him too. For younger guys, I think Drew Klumph and Ian Finch will make names for themselves in time as well.
This is what makes Griz football so amazing...we can sit here and chat about the future and development of young players. Yes, there are transfer portal needs, but as the young kids are developed, those needs are fluid and change in numbers from year to year. It seems the big boys always have plenty of transfer starter turnover and the "free agency" sucks.
Lol. Do you remember me being accused of being him when I first got here, many many years ago? I was so naive, I’m like “It’s not me!!!” THAT’S how long he’s been running his schtick. Unreal. I’ve lost count of how many screen names he’s had at this point.
Sucking up to Hoops shows just how far you have sunken into the abyss of pedestrianism
Targets are great, but you have to be able to hit them. And just who again might be that guy to hit them?
What makes you think the Griz QB’s can’t? Your argument is baseless. Two of the three have shown they can pass. The young lad out of Helena is no slouch. QB will be just fine. You just have to be negative because you know the Grizzlies offense will be a wrecking ball this coming year. Sorry it hurts your feelers.

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