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Champion Center Pics

HelenaHandBasket said:
Ursa Major said:
bgbigdog said:
Ursa Major said:
Hahahaha!!!! I think I woke up the next morning with a higher BAC level. Last night my Russian mail-order bride couldn't find any Mexican beer in the fridge. I just shrugged, blamed you and quickly changed the subject.

I think mail-ordered Russian Bride is misremembering the actual transaction. My Washington connections have informed me that you've been swept up in the current Mueller investigation because as he put it to the WaPo, "she was actually an Oligarch-ordered Bride." What's he difference you may ask? About 1.5M rubles, $25K & change, a killer cabbage receipe, and a majestic view that can't be obtained simply via the mail.

I don't often listen to Black Sabbath while drinking Dos XX's, but when I do, so do the neighbors. Stay (fill in your own blanks you bastard) my friend.

Does the term "blanket immunity" mean anything to you?

Is that similar to a tube sock full of quarters?

Not quite, but it sounds better than 2 steelies in a sock.
Quick question. How many of you millenials know what a steelie is? I think it's actually spelled "steely", but like others on the board, I've become "that guy."

WTF would I know, I can't even spell Matte.
bgbigdog said:
Quick question. How many of you millenials know what a steelie is? I think it's actually spelled "steely", but like others on the board, I've become "that guy."

WTF would I know, I can't even spell Matte.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
bgbigdog said:
Quick question. How many of you millenials know what a steelie is? I think it's actually spelled "steely", but like others on the board, I've become "that guy."

WTF would I know, I can't even spell Matte.

If you know steely you should also know mig (no dim bulbs, not the Russian fighter jet)... :?:
my set from 1892:

bgbigdog said:
Quick question. How many of you millenials know what a steelie is? I think it's actually spelled "steely", but like others on the board, I've become "that guy."

WTF would I know, I can't even spell Matte.

We were poor, no steelys or aggies.

Just welfare marbles.
this sounds familiar:

Still think we need a dome, its too damn cold out for games in late October and November
bgbigdog said:
Quick question. How many of you millenials know what a steelie is? I think it's actually spelled "steely", but like others on the board, I've become "that guy."

WTF would I know, I can't even spell Matte.

Wow... talk about traveling back in time! I'm not a Millennial, but close. Back in the late 80's we used to scavenge the baseball fields in Boulder in search of steely's , I had a collection of them. The one's we found were just slightly smaller than tennis balls, pitted and rusty... I probably would have never pulled that memory up again in my like if it wasn't for this post! :thumb:
SeattleBobcat said:
bgbigdog said:
Quick question. How many of you millenials know what a steelie is? I think it's actually spelled "steely", but like others on the board, I've become "that guy."

WTF would I know, I can't even spell Matte.

Wow... talk about traveling back in time! I'm not a Millennial, but close. Back in the late 80's we used to scavenge the baseball fields in Boulder in search of steely's , I had a collection of them. The one's we found were just slightly smaller than tennis balls, pitted and rusty... I probably would have never pulled that memory up again in my like if it wasn't for this post! :thumb:

Im young..I dont know what they are or why they were found on baseball fields??
SeattleBobcat said:
bgbigdog said:
Quick question. How many of you millenials know what a steelie is? I think it's actually spelled "steely", but like others on the board, I've become "that guy."

WTF would I know, I can't even spell Matte.

Wow... talk about traveling back in time! I'm not a Millennial, but close. Back in the late 80's we used to scavenge the baseball fields in Boulder in search of steely's , I had a collection of them. The one's we found were just slightly smaller than tennis balls, pitted and rusty... I probably would have never pulled that memory up again in my like if it wasn't for this post! :thumb:

Explains a lot of your later life choices. :thumb:
Montanan said:
bgbigdog said:
Quick question. How many of you millenials know what a steelie is? I think it's actually spelled "steely", but like others on the board, I've become "that guy."

WTF would I know, I can't even spell Matte.


and the badassed of them could be found in rail service yards.

So let me get this straigh...it was a think to go out and look for these special marbles that would be left around service yards from the guys many years back playing marbles on their breaks at work?
BadlandsGrizFan said:
Montanan said:
bgbigdog said:
Quick question. How many of you millenials know what a steelie is? I think it's actually spelled "steely", but like others on the board, I've become "that guy."

WTF would I know, I can't even spell Matte.


and the badassed of them could be found in rail service yards.

So let me get this straigh...it was a think to go out and look for these special marbles that would be left around service yards from the guys many years back playing marbles on their breaks at work?

Nope. Steely's were available there because of the need for replacement bearings on just about anything that turned on a spindle or axle. I am still racking my brain as to how you find ball bearings @ a baseball field. Must have been a real rough group of parents.