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Cat/Griz County Map of Montana

GrizRick said:
So I went online and found the population of Montana by county, and here's the breakdown of that map:

Griz Counties: 695,924 (69.2%)
Cat Counties: 222,130 (22.1%)
Divided Loyalty Counties: 86,384 (8.6%)
Unknown Loyalty County: 1,056 (0.1%)

Of the 10 most populous counties:
Griz Counties: 8
Cat Counties: 1
Divided Loyalty: 1

Of the 10 least populous counties:
Griz Counties: 2
Cat Counties: 5
Divided Loyalty: 2
Unknown Loyalty: 1

Of the Cat Counties, which have a total population of 222,130, Gallatin County accounts for 92,665 (41.7%).

Take out the counties with divided or unknown loyalty and compare just Griz vs. Cat Counties:
Griz Counties: 75.8%
Cat Counties: 24.2%
Someone has a lot of time on their hands
wbtfg said:
GrizRick said:
So I went online and found the population of Montana by county, and here's the breakdown of that map:

Griz Counties: 695,924 (69.2%)
Cat Counties: 222,130 (22.1%)
Divided Loyalty Counties: 86,384 (8.6%)
Unknown Loyalty County: 1,056 (0.1%)

Of the 10 most populous counties:
Griz Counties: 8
Cat Counties: 1
Divided Loyalty: 1

Of the 10 least populous counties:
Griz Counties: 2
Cat Counties: 5
Divided Loyalty: 2
Unknown Loyalty: 1

Of the Cat Counties, which have a total population of 222,130, Gallatin County accounts for 92,665 (41.7%).

Take out the counties with divided or unknown loyalty and compare just Griz vs. Cat Counties:
Griz Counties: 75.8%
Cat Counties: 24.2%
Someone has a lot of time on their hands

Good thing someone does! :D
Richland County, with the county seat of Sidney, definitely has a bunch of bobcat fans but I would have to strongly say that the Griz far out number the Bobcats, at least judging by the amount of bumper stickers, GSA plates, t-shirts and hats I see supporting the Griz. Plus, all the sports bars (and no Big G doesn't own a sports bars in Sidney) are filled with Griz fans on game day every weekend of the season and nary a bobcat can be found. Even today, on Griz/Cat game day the Griz will far outnumber the bobbies. There are actually 3 pretty good sports bars and all are almost exclusively filled with Griz fans and one of them is operated by a pair of Bobcat fans. On top of all that Richland County has a very active and rowdy GSA Chapter and annually hosts Griz Athletic coaches and administrators. We haven't seen a Bobcat coach out here in more than a decade. Richland County is GRIZ COUNTRY!
I call bullshit on this deal, there are way more Griz fans/gear/license plates/everything than Cat fans in our county...unless they polled 3 ranchers and called it good.

Tainted poll, and it smells taint-like too.
Yellowstone county is divided but made up of more griz than bobcats. Lincoln, Sanders, and Mineral counties are not bobcat country they are Griz.
wbtfg said:
GrizRick said:
So I went online and found the population of Montana by county, and here's the breakdown of that map:

Griz Counties: 695,924 (69.2%)
Cat Counties: 222,130 (22.1%)
Divided Loyalty Counties: 86,384 (8.6%)
Unknown Loyalty County: 1,056 (0.1%)

Of the 10 most populous counties:
Griz Counties: 8
Cat Counties: 1
Divided Loyalty: 1

Of the 10 least populous counties:
Griz Counties: 2
Cat Counties: 5
Divided Loyalty: 2
Unknown Loyalty: 1

Of the Cat Counties, which have a total population of 222,130, Gallatin County accounts for 92,665 (41.7%).

Take out the counties with divided or unknown loyalty and compare just Griz vs. Cat Counties:
Griz Counties: 75.8%
Cat Counties: 24.2%
Someone has a lot of time on their hands

Probably better he had his hands on that than what he normally does :coffee:
Park County Griz Fans....I don't know where the JV supporters hang their heads. I haven't seen to many come out of their holes. Maybe some in Gardiner..They are a fairly mutated lot.
In BC Canada I know we out poll the cats. We have one half dozen vehicles of our own running around up north not that it matters but we never see a cat plate. Ocasional sighting around Washington state on our way north but we own BC and Alberta. If we could get few players to come on down we would be happy as hell.
Maxim said:
Yellowstone county is divided but made up of more griz than bobcats. Lincoln, Sanders, and Mineral counties are not bobcat country they are Griz.

I agree. Northwest Montana is Griz country.
Darryl Dunphy said:
Park County Griz Fans....I don't know where the JV supporters hang their heads. I haven't seen to many come out of their holes. Maybe some in Gardiner..They are a fairly mutated lot.

:lol: Post more.

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