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Candidates, if needed

RobGriz said:
ordigger said:
RobGriz said:
ordigger said:
I was thinking the same thing.
So stop, Mr “I don’t need validation but I’m going to keep seeking it”

And if you think I need validation, then you are even more of a pompous ass then I already know you are. Guys like you are a dime a dozen on the oil patch.
Is the “oil patch” where you learned to be a dick rider?

I wouldn't know, but I hear it happens in your back yard a lot.
ordigger said:
RobGriz said:
ordigger said:
RobGriz said:
So stop, Mr “I don’t need validation but I’m going to keep seeking it”

You're just like the energizer bunny, you keep going and going and going.

Wait, I thought you didn’t need validation? If my opinion means nothing to you, why are you seeking it?

Yep, you're the one that keeps responding.
Sure, princess
ordigger said:
RobGriz said:
ordigger said:
RobGriz said:
So stop, Mr “I don’t need validation but I’m going to keep seeking it”

And if you think I need validation, then you are even more of a pompous ass then I already know you are. Guys like you are a dime a dozen on the oil patch.
Is the “oil patch” where you learned to be a dick rider?

I wouldn't know, but I hear it happens in your back yard a lot.

Nice response. Kind of the internet equivalent to “Neener, neener”.

Well played

In an effort to get this thread back on track, I still think Zak Hill would be a viable option, that is affordable. We still don't know if Stitt is coming back next year, because I'm thinking he will need to swallow his pride a bit. I think in his mind 1 year is probably a slap in the face a bit, but perhaps that is what is needed to get him to recognize the fact he needs to make some changes, and maybe bring in some experience coaches. One thing not mentioned much is the fact that the majority of his staff is young, and inexperienced.

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