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Bobcat Season Preview! Everyone Read!!

bgbigdog said:
I wandered lonely as a Cloud
That floats on high o'er the Gallatin
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden Daffodils
Beside the Lake, on a field of questionable orientation
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a WTF bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Heading back to their cars, after a late fall losing dance.

For oft when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
The collapses of late fall flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of looking forward to next season,
And then my heart with Proukup fills,
And dances with golden "M" Daffodils.

Ron - that was stirring. Wanted to share a short poem from your upcoming collection of poems titled "How We Shatt The Fall.". So looking forward to the second volume, "We Spit The Bit Again.". Best to you and the golden daffodils, always.
Do you have a release date, Dog? It has been rumored for years that Ron was going to do a follow up of the classic, Playing .500 Ball. He will be known as the Harper Lee of FCS coach writers.
DeereWA said:
Seriously pondering what kind of tool has this amount of time on his hands. Talking a little smack to your rival is one thing, taking precious time away from your beloved World of Warcraft must have been a real sacrifice. You sir, are a new breed of loser.

Love how you don't pick on our Eagles too, since we pretty much have you in our back pocket. We own you!

....says the guy who registered on a message board just to point out how someone else is a loser.

:lol: :lol:
MrTitleist said:
DeereWA said:
Seriously pondering what kind of tool has this amount of time on his hands. Talking a little smack to your rival is one thing, taking precious time away from your beloved World of Warcraft must have been a real sacrifice. You sir, are a new breed of loser.

Love how you don't pick on our Eagles too, since we pretty much have you in our back pocket. We own you!

....says yet another cat fan too embarrassed to admit it who registered on a message board just to point out how someone else is a loser.

:lol: :lol:

MrTitleist said:
DeereWA said:
Seriously pondering what kind of tool has this amount of time on his hands. Talking a little smack to your rival is one thing, taking precious time away from your beloved World of Warcraft must have been a real sacrifice. You sir, are a new breed of loser.

Love how you don't pick on our Eagles too, since we pretty much have you in our back pocket. We own you!

....says the guy who registered on a message board just to point out how someone else is a loser.

:lol: :lol:

Ha! :thumb:
Oh I plan on commenting much more, sometimes this delusional fan base gets a little TOO carried away and someone has to set the record straight.

you know they say when a Griz fan gets butt hurt, an angel gets its wings!
DeereWA said:
Oh I plan on commenting much more, sometimes this delusional fan base gets a little TOO carried away and someone has to set the record straight.

you know they say when a Griz fan gets butt hurt, an angel gets its wings!

You know what they say when an EWU fan gets butt hurt....he should never do meth with his brother!
Speaking of butt hurt fans, did you read this yet?

No talk of your beloved Stitt and his "innovative" offense!? Maybe if he won a DII playoff game the rest of the conference might be impressed.
grizindabox said:
DeereWA said:
Oh I plan on commenting much more, sometimes this delusional fan base gets a little TOO carried away and someone has to set the record straight.

you know they say when a Griz fan gets butt hurt, an angel gets its wings!

You know what they say when an EWU fan gets butt hurt....he should never do meth with his brother!

DeereWA said:
Speaking of butt hurt fans, did you read this yet?

No talk of your beloved Stitt and his "innovative" offense!? Maybe if he won a DII playoff game the rest of the conference might be impressed.

How's it going 2506? :shock:
Yet another Cat fan emulating an EWHO fan...wonder who they'll emulate after the fall, which could be any minute?
DeereWA said:
Speaking of butt hurt fans, did you read this yet?

No talk of your beloved Stitt and his "innovative" offense!? Maybe if he won a DII playoff game the rest of the conference might be impressed.
This thread wasn't even about non qualifier EWU and you still get whacked out.
Hey Coach Ron, hypothetically speaking, would you consider a 10-2 season with losses on November 21 and December 5 a successful season? How bout the bobcat fan base, would they consider a 10-2 season with losses on November 21 and December 5 a successful season?

Thanks in advance for any input.
mcg said:
Hey Coach Ron, hypothetically speaking, would you consider a 10-2 season with losses on November 21 and December 5 a successful season? How bout the bobcat fan base, would they consider a 10-2 season with losses on November 21 and December 5 a successful season?

Thanks in advance for any input.
I would be very annoyed as I have been the last few seasons come winter weather. I really think to turn the corner we need to start peaking around that time rather than regressing.

that said, it depends on the two teams we lose to. are the griz going to be very good like many here think? if we lose to a very good griz team and still manage to move on to the playoffs I can handle that. getting blown out like last time you were in town I will not be fine with.

as for losing our first playoff game. did we get a bye and we're hosting? is it a team we should have beaten? many unknowns.

I think most teams in the nation including fbs teams think 10-2 is a pretty good season. but where we are right now as a program, and where we want to be....I would be disappointed if we don't turn the corner and once again fade in November and December.
DeereWA said:
Speaking of butt hurt fans, did you read this yet?

No talk of your beloved Stitt and his "innovative" offense!? Maybe if he won a DII playoff game the rest of the conference might be impressed.

You seem like a neat person.

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