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:lol: :lol: :lol: Well done! A visual might be a crash in the middle of the pack, on the final lap at Talladega.
kemajic said:
This one is already out of ideas. No way to get to 17 pages.

This tread will get to 17 pages, even if I have to through everything I have at it. I will suck it up and work threw all the poles to extract material if need be.
ilovethecats said:
i do love the griz said:
Not knowing that is the kind of thing that'll get some batteries thrown at you around here


Three things you must know when visiting this site:

Clown Car Act Show


I'll laugh every time. I like to consider myself as one who doesn't have an extremely simple mind, but every time I read this, I laugh like a caveman and remove all doubt.
ilovethecats said:
i do love the griz said:
Not knowing that is the kind of thing that'll get some batteries thrown at you around here


Three things you must know when visiting this site:

Clown Car Act Show


Here's two more from some griz fans that are still stuck in the 1990's

"That's some solid work,bro"

"Dont hate the playa.... Hate the game"

Gotta love it 😂😂
Cowboys84 said:
ilovethecats said:

Three things you must know when visiting this site:

Clown Car Act Show


Here's two more from some griz fans that are still stuck in the 1990's

"That's some solid work,bro"

"Dont hate the playa.... Hate the game"

Gotta love it 😂😂

Uh, the phrases ILTC posted didn't come from GRIZ fans, dumbass. And please feel free to show us where ANY GRIZ fan used the phrases you suggest, unless they were giving shit to some asshat poster like you.
EverettGriz said:
Cowboys84 said:
Here's two more from some griz fans that are still stuck in the 1990's

"That's some solid work,bro"

"Dont hate the playa.... Hate the game"

Gotta love it 😂😂

Uh, the phrases ILTC posted didn't come from GRIZ fans, dumbass. And please feel free to show us where ANY GRIZ fan used the phrases you suggest, unless they were giving shit to some asshat poster like you.

I see your asleep at the wheel again.... Better yet, try paying attention..
Cowboys84 said:
ilovethecats said:

Three things you must know when visiting this site:

Clown Car Act Show


Here's two more from some griz fans that are still stuck in the 1990's

"That's some solid work,bro"

"Dont hate the playa.... Hate the game"

Gotta love it 😂😂

Here’s one from a literal idiot Bizon fan who makes fun of Native communities and is obsessed with the Griz: Clown Car Act Show.

Gotta love it.
Cowboys84 said:
EverettGriz said:
Uh, the phrases ILTC posted didn't come from GRIZ fans, dumbass. And please feel free to show us where ANY GRIZ fan used the phrases you suggest, unless they were giving shit to some asshat poster like you.

I see your asleep at the wheel again.... Better yet, try paying attention..

Your band simplee becuze your a moron.

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