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a thread with adult conversation

better than that, swedish food porn, or what comes up when you google 'swedish food porn'.
Glendivegriz said:
I had a bad experience with a girl named Graham so I've always stayed away from her families crackers.

oh gawd i had a girlfriend named.... i'm not going to say it here, you guys have all probably slept with her, at least any of you in missoula. think halloween. she was a fucking nightmare.
Well, I've been leading a pretty mundane existence this summer - hence my lack of posting in this "monumental waste of time" thread. There have been a few highlights though. My neighbor down the road charged me with taking care of his chickens while he was gone for ten days. Pretty easy, just throw some feed and food scraps on the ground in front of the chicken coop every morning and grab the eggs every day. Easy as pie. Yesterday went down and there was nothing but feathers and blood everywhere. Not sure what savage beast would do such a thing but I hope my neighbor learned a valuable lesson...I can't be trusted with living things. In my defense, I did tell him that. Oh well, RIP sweet little chickens.
On a positive note, my firewood supply is coming along like a son of a bitch! I found the motherlode of all motherlodes about 15 miles from the cabin. An endless sea of dead lodgepole just out of sight of the road and therefore safe from the prying eyes of all other (less 'woods savvy') firewooders in the area. What makes it even more special is that it's on forest service ground (and I refuse to get a permit). As I come down off the mountain with yet another massive load of wood, I slow down when I pass the forest service office, honk the horn, and give 'em the 'ol one finger salute. It's usually after hours so I don't think anyone sees me do it, but it makes me giggle like a little japanese school girl nonetheless.
Other than that, your 'ol buddy snap is just taking it easy, cranking beers on the porch, shooting guns whenever he feels like it and eating cheeseburgers like a son of a bitch. How's the summer treating you assholes?
Oh, and I did write that mini novel in paragraphs but it posted as just a massive pile of words. Sorry.
Tonight I'm gonna drink a lot and watch a copy of last year's App State game.

Tomorrow I'm gonna drink a lot and watch a copy of last year's UND game.

Thursday I'm gonna drink a lot and watch...

Well, most of you get it. msu grads, let me know if you need an explanation.
snap said:
Well, I've been leading a pretty mundane existence this summer - hence my lack of posting in this "monumental waste of time" thread. There have been a few highlights though. My neighbor down the road charged me with taking care of his chickens while he was gone for ten days. Pretty easy, just throw some feed and food scraps on the ground in front of the chicken coop every morning and grab the eggs every day. Easy as pie. Yesterday went down and there was nothing but feathers and blood everywhere. Not sure what savage beast would do such a thing but I hope my neighbor learned a valuable lesson...I can't be trusted with living things. In my defense, I did tell him that. Oh well, RIP sweet little chickens.
On a positive note, my firewood supply is coming along like a son of a bitch! I found the motherlode of all motherlodes about 15 miles from the cabin. An endless sea of dead lodgepole just out of sight of the road and therefore safe from the prying eyes of all other (less 'woods savvy') firewooders in the area. What makes it even more special is that it's on forest service ground (and I refuse to get a permit). As I come down off the mountain with yet another massive load of wood, I slow down when I pass the forest service office, honk the horn, and give 'em the 'ol one finger salute. It's usually after hours so I don't think anyone sees me do it, but it makes me giggle like a little japanese school girl nonetheless.
Other than that, your 'ol buddy snap is just taking it easy, cranking beers on the porch, shooting guns whenever he feels like it and eating cheeseburgers like a son of a bitch. How's the summer treating you assholes?

This is a masterpiece! I actually spit bourbon and water out on my desk reading this. You owe me a drink fucker! I don't take kindly to lost liquor. Shovel your ass to the homecoming game and pay up. I'll bring you some Hello Kitty shit from Seattle.
Ursa. I'll be there and you can bet your sweet ass the bourbons on me. Look for the dude with a nice rack of facial hair and a 'restored to mint' 1984 Chrysler K car (maroon body, silver details).
snap said:
Ursa. I'll be there and you can bet your sweet ass the bourbons on me. Look for the dude with a nice rack of facial hair and a 'restored to mint' 1984 Chrysler K car (maroon body, silver details).

Snap, put bail money in your sock! We're both going to jail that night! Not sure for what but it is manifest destiny. EG has promised to cover our bail if it goes beyond a bone and a half. It's the least he could do after I covered for him when he tried that insurance scam of faking his own death in Hawaii.

fish love rock and roll! this is worth the time. at least for you guys. number three is about snap.


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