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a thread with adult conversation

I heard a funny story about a young teen getting in trouble for visiting improper sites on the internet. The kid wanted to buy a fancy new pen just like his friend's new pen. The friend told him he could order one at "pen island dot com."
Yay, off season!

(Really, no point at all to my post. I just wanted to say that once. Whenever Titlelist does he then immediately locks the threads, and it just sounded damn fun to say).
EverettGriz said:
Yay, off season!

(Really, no point at all to my post. I just wanted to say that once. Whenever Titlelist does he then immediately locks the threads, and it just sounded damn fun to say).
I know, right? I get back from a weekend with my girl, put 4 fingers of rum and a splash of coke in a glass and log on to join in all the fun. Titleist is a god damn kill joy! If you're ban happy, go after some of these North Dakota toads. They are not funny or entertaining.

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