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2nd scrimmage wrap-up

Well geez, if you go back to the first part of this thread, there is a darn good series of highlights from Rainey. Also, watch for #42 Buss. He is in every play except the last one, when he wasn't on the field.
He's pretty good.
daGrizJ said:
Also, watch for #42 Buss. He is in every play except the last one, when he wasn't on the field.
He's pretty good.

You are hereby nominated for understatement of the year award. Yes, Buss is pretty good. :roll:
As I read through this thread, wise words come to mind. As my friend once said, "You don't have to be a cunt just for the sake of being a cunt." Just to bounce a ball off the wall...

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dupuyer griz said:
As I read through this thread, wise words come to mind. As my friend once said, "You don't have to be a cunt just for the sake of being a cunt." Just to bounce a ball off the wall...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Phillips is such a like-able guy and a good leader. I can see why the team will play hard for him, and coach Stitt likes him personally and as a player. Glad he came to Montana, should provide some excitement in 2017.

Glad he stated that he understands that he has to start protecting the ball, and then did that in this past scrimmage. We can't continue to see this (the many INTs he threw in the Spring Game. here's two of them):

At :45 and 3:40 of this clip (Enlarge it to full screen) http://bit.ly/2xlyguR

I like this comment after this past scrimmage: Phillips -- "We took care of the ball, that's number one. I know for me, I took care of the ball and put it in the right spots. I graded out well last scrimmage, but we turned it over, and that can't happen."
RayWill said:
Fat Bruno said:
WyomingGrizFan said:
RayWill said:
Drinking much these days. Holy rambling....

Oh, that's right. It's not what's being said, it's who's doing the talking. Right Shylock.

So, Ray Will ... what are your interest rates? Btw, the actual attendance was 562 ... I was counted twice by some smart ass.

Three months from twelve; then, let me see; the rate—
This kindness will I show.
Go with me to a notary, seal me there
Your single bond; and in a merry sport,
If you repay me not on such a day,
In such a place, such sum or sums as are
Express'd in the condition, let the forfeit
Be nominated for an equal pound
Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken
In what part of your body pleaseth me.

I hate him for he is a filthy Cat,
But more for that in low simplicity
He lends out money gratis, and brings down
The rate of attendance here with us in Missoula.
If I can catch him once upon the hip,
I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.
He hates our sacred Griz nation, and he rails,
Even there where merchants most do congregate,
On me, my bargains, and my well-won thrift,
Which he calls 'interest.' Cursèd be my tribe
If I forgive him!

I’ll gladly pay in flesh if you accept liposuction for extraction rather than the knife.
mondayamqb said:
Fat. You were counted twice because you took up two seats. You the guy throwing out the twinkies?

Two!? You dishonor me … I take three and not an inch less, but am willing to compensate by giving a lady a perch on each knee.
BWahlberg said:

Wow, Makena Simis bulked up in the offseason! What a beast! I think he perfectly represents what Griz football (and dare I say life) should be all about - be selfless, put the team first, overcome adversity, prepare relentlessly, work hard, and earn your spot. This is probably an unpopular opinion around here, but I think the Griz desperately missed his leadership and athleticism at QB the last two years.

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