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2018 National Championship

CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
SACCAT66 said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
41GrizFan said:
You never know but yes certainly they look to be the favorites next year.

How in the hell are they doing this?

Linemen. A school I attended in this state kicked a kid off their team who benched over 500 pounds, squated 600 or 700 frequently because he made an ass out of their offensive line in practice and would slap their quarterback around just to let him know he'd kick his ass if he could tackle him. Physical freak and that is what NDSU has for linemen. But, they are like their former quarterback--in the weight room about 4:00 in the morning every day instead of downtown getting their sorry asses in trouble. Then rest for a couple hours and back working out. NDSU f***[*] earns it like the Griz used to.

Did this "Kid" you are talking about also vandalize the basketball locker rooms, and kick the shit out of a Basketball player...before he got a DUI?

Amazing how you only get part of the story, isn't it? The kid got disciplined but the ones from the hometown didn't for some reason just like the one who transferred from the same college the hometown kid initially went to got sent packing. Truth be known, the basketball player let his alligator mouth overload his frogs ass and the DUI was just as freaken bogus as what happened to the highest paid cornerback in the NFL while he was here. The freak of nature athlete had a lard ass coach who could no more show him what he wanted the kid to do than you could. The college president cleaned out that entire athletic department for a reason very few actually know what the hell was being done there.

Now, the purpose of this thread is to pose potential 2018 National Championship contenders. Since you wanted to discuss fractured team "chemistry" let me point out why a "team" goes to hell. That entire defensive team was sick and tired of watching kids play in games and the ones manhandling them in practice were on the sidelines. Just for shits and giggles, name half that teams linemen who can bench 400 pounds, do just 20 225 reps and squat 500 pounds. And you wonder why their quarterbacks have had to run around for their life the last four of five years?

Want to discuss the politics of these two schools? My family roots run very deep in both of these schools. Again, just for shits and giggles, take note of the roots of the head football coach, the head basketball coach, the head women's basketball coach at both institutions. Look at the coaching staffs in both schools. Then, look at the faculty members in both schools. Want to wager a few bucks as to what the enrollment trends are going to be over the next decade?
The politics you mention remind me of the politics in play by the head coach of Billings West.
Spanky said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
SACCAT66 said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Linemen. A school I attended in this state kicked a kid off their team who benched over 500 pounds, squated 600 or 700 frequently because he made an ass out of their offensive line in practice and would slap their quarterback around just to let him know he'd kick his ass if he could tackle him. Physical freak and that is what NDSU has for linemen. But, they are like their former quarterback--in the weight room about 4:00 in the morning every day instead of downtown getting their sorry asses in trouble. Then rest for a couple hours and back working out. NDSU f***[*] earns it like the Griz used to.

Did this "Kid" you are talking about also vandalize the basketball locker rooms, and kick the shit out of a Basketball player...before he got a DUI?

Amazing how you only get part of the story, isn't it? The kid got disciplined but the ones from the hometown didn't for some reason just like the one who transferred from the same college the hometown kid initially went to got sent packing. Truth be known, the basketball player let his alligator mouth overload his frogs ass and the DUI was just as freaken bogus as what happened to the highest paid cornerback in the NFL while he was here. The freak of nature athlete had a lard ass coach who could no more show him what he wanted the kid to do than you could. The college president cleaned out that entire athletic department for a reason very few actually know what the hell was being done there.

Now, the purpose of this thread is to pose potential 2018 National Championship contenders. Since you wanted to discuss fractured team "chemistry" let me point out why a "team" goes to hell. That entire defensive team was sick and tired of watching kids play in games and the ones manhandling them in practice were on the sidelines. Just for shits and giggles, name half that teams linemen who can bench 400 pounds, do just 20 225 reps and squat 500 pounds. And you wonder why their quarterbacks have had to run around for their life the last four of five years?

Want to discuss the politics of these two schools? My family roots run very deep in both of these schools. Again, just for shits and giggles, take note of the roots of the head football coach, the head basketball coach, the head women's basketball coach at both institutions. Look at the coaching staffs in both schools. Then, look at the faculty members in both schools. Want to wager a few bucks as to what the enrollment trends are going to be over the next decade?
The politics you mention remind me of the politics in play by the head coach of Billings West.

Spanky, I'm not informed about the Billings West situation. All I can state is that I'm always going to take the side of the kids. I know punishment in these high schools way too much is given out unfairly to some kids and others are just shrugged off as "kids will be kids."
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Spanky said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
SACCAT66 said:
Did this "Kid" you are talking about also vandalize the basketball locker rooms, and kick the shit out of a Basketball player...before he got a DUI?

Amazing how you only get part of the story, isn't it? The kid got disciplined but the ones from the hometown didn't for some reason just like the one who transferred from the same college the hometown kid initially went to got sent packing. Truth be known, the basketball player let his alligator mouth overload his frogs ass and the DUI was just as freaken bogus as what happened to the highest paid cornerback in the NFL while he was here. The freak of nature athlete had a lard ass coach who could no more show him what he wanted the kid to do than you could. The college president cleaned out that entire athletic department for a reason very few actually know what the hell was being done there.

Now, the purpose of this thread is to pose potential 2018 National Championship contenders. Since you wanted to discuss fractured team "chemistry" let me point out why a "team" goes to hell. That entire defensive team was sick and tired of watching kids play in games and the ones manhandling them in practice were on the sidelines. Just for shits and giggles, name half that teams linemen who can bench 400 pounds, do just 20 225 reps and squat 500 pounds. And you wonder why their quarterbacks have had to run around for their life the last four of five years?

Want to discuss the politics of these two schools? My family roots run very deep in both of these schools. Again, just for shits and giggles, take note of the roots of the head football coach, the head basketball coach, the head women's basketball coach at both institutions. Look at the coaching staffs in both schools. Then, look at the faculty members in both schools. Want to wager a few bucks as to what the enrollment trends are going to be over the next decade?
The politics you mention remind me of the politics in play by the head coach of Billings West.

Spanky, I'm not informed about the Billings West situation. All I can state is that I'm always going to take the side of the kids. I know punishment in these high schools way too much is given out unfairly to some kids and others are just shrugged off as "kids will be kids."
The West coach is an expert at the art of politics and plays his favorites and the sons of the more affluent. Other kids are forced to stand on the sideline the entire game. Billings West has always been knee deep in politics, but this head coach is among the worst.
Spanky said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Spanky said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Amazing how you only get part of the story, isn't it? The kid got disciplined but the ones from the hometown didn't for some reason just like the one who transferred from the same college the hometown kid initially went to got sent packing. Truth be known, the basketball player let his alligator mouth overload his frogs ass and the DUI was just as freaken bogus as what happened to the highest paid cornerback in the NFL while he was here. The freak of nature athlete had a lard ass coach who could no more show him what he wanted the kid to do than you could. The college president cleaned out that entire athletic department for a reason very few actually know what the hell was being done there.

Now, the purpose of this thread is to pose potential 2018 National Championship contenders. Since you wanted to discuss fractured team "chemistry" let me point out why a "team" goes to hell. That entire defensive team was sick and tired of watching kids play in games and the ones manhandling them in practice were on the sidelines. Just for shits and giggles, name half that teams linemen who can bench 400 pounds, do just 20 225 reps and squat 500 pounds. And you wonder why their quarterbacks have had to run around for their life the last four of five years?

Want to discuss the politics of these two schools? My family roots run very deep in both of these schools. Again, just for shits and giggles, take note of the roots of the head football coach, the head basketball coach, the head women's basketball coach at both institutions. Look at the coaching staffs in both schools. Then, look at the faculty members in both schools. Want to wager a few bucks as to what the enrollment trends are going to be over the next decade?
The politics you mention remind me of the politics in play by the head coach of Billings West.

Spanky, I'm not informed about the Billings West situation. All I can state is that I'm always going to take the side of the kids. I know punishment in these high schools way too much is given out unfairly to some kids and others are just shrugged off as "kids will be kids."
The West coach is an expert at the art of politics and plays his favorites and the sons of the more affluent. Other kids are forced to stand on the sideline the entire game. Billings West has always been knee deep in politics, but this head coach is among the worst.

That is the way it was from the time I was a kid in a lot of these schools out here--who is your family? That's too bad.
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Spanky said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Spanky said:
The politics you mention remind me of the politics in play by the head coach of Billings West.

Spanky, I'm not informed about the Billings West situation. All I can state is that I'm always going to take the side of the kids. I know punishment in these high schools way too much is given out unfairly to some kids and others are just shrugged off as "kids will be kids."
The West coach is an expert at the art of politics and plays his favorites and the sons of the more affluent. Other kids are forced to stand on the sideline the entire game. Billings West has always been knee deep in politics, but this head coach is among the worst.

That is the way it was from the time I was a kid in a lot of these schools out here--who is your family? That's too bad.
Grad, yes it is too bad because the kids come first as you stated. A bad experience with a coach or teacher can damage a youth for the rest of his/her life.
Spanky said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Spanky said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Spanky, I'm not informed about the Billings West situation. All I can state is that I'm always going to take the side of the kids. I know punishment in these high schools way too much is given out unfairly to some kids and others are just shrugged off as "kids will be kids."
The West coach is an expert at the art of politics and plays his favorites and the sons of the more affluent. Other kids are forced to stand on the sideline the entire game. Billings West has always been knee deep in politics, but this head coach is among the worst.

That is the way it was from the time I was a kid in a lot of these schools out here--who is your family? That's too bad.
Grad, yes it is too bad because the kids come first as you stated. A bad experience with a coach or teacher can damage a youth for the rest of his/her life.

I know. I appreciate this site where most of the negative crap is directed toward just the coaches and other posters.
I haven't read anything negative sent toward any of the kids still playing for the Griz in any of the threads. It's all sent toward the coaching staff and the administration as it ought to be if you're a fan of your school.

Sometimes a pitiful coach who plays favorites for their own job security can actually help motivate a good athlete just to prove them wrong though. Success is the best revenge. As an extreme example, look at where that Wyoming quarterback gets drafted this spring. Whoever picks him is going to have an extremely motivated, highly prepared and hard working player, barring injury of course.

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